Kau Penghisap Darah, Nyamuk yang Ganas

Manyun, terpaku diam, menerawang dipinggir tembok nunggu nyamuk menggiggit kulit. Serangga kecil penghisap darah dengan menebarkan penyakit yang tergolong ganas. Serangga itu bernama nyamuk. Makhluk kecil penyedot darah manusia more


  1. Sarawak long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Kumang. She was very hard-working and use to fish from morning to night. One day, although it was nearly time to go home, she had still caught no fish. She tried once more. When she pulled up her net, she found there was a tiny snake in it. It looked so helpless that she decided to

    Folktale from Borneo take it home with her. She placed it in a jar in the kitchen. Every day she gave it something to eat. As the weeks passed, the tiny snake grew into a large snake. Finally it changed into a dragon. As it was no longer possible to keep it in the jar, Kumang allowed to live in the house.

    At last, they got the fruit and took it home. “I’ve never seen a fruit like this before,” said Danjal. “It’s so soft and pink.”

    He placed it on his bed while Juara and he had dinner. While they were eating their dinner, they heard someone singing a sweet song in the bedroom.
    They crept in. there was a strange golden light coming from the fruit on the bed. “Close your eyes!” said a small timid voice. “And count to twenty.”

    They did as they were told. When they opened their eyes again, the fruit had split into two. And Kumang was sitting on the bed smiling at them.
    “Don’t be afraid!” she said. “Let me tell you what happened.”
    After she had finished, Danbjal said to her, “You are really very lucky. It must have been a terrible nightmare for you. Anyway, now the wicked dargon is dead and won’t cause you any more trouble. But I don’t think you should live alone again. Why don’t you become my wife and live here with me?” After a while, Kumang agreed to me 30

  2. Once upon a time, Batara Guru commanded all the gods and goddesses to contribute their power in order to build a new palace. Anybody who disobeyed this commandment were considered lazy and would lose their arms and legs.
    Hearing the Batara Guru’s commandment, Naga god was very anxious because he didn’t have arms or legs. He might not be able do the job. So he asked advice from Batara Narada who was the younger brother of Batara Guru. Unfortunately Narada was also confused. The Naga god became very upset.
    While the Naga god was crying for his bad luck, three teardrops fell on the ground. Not long after that, those teardrops became three beautiful shining eggs which looked like jewels. Then Batara Narada advised him to offer those shining eggs to Batara Guru.
    With the three eggs in his mouth, the Naga god went to the Batara Guru’s palace. On the way, an eagle asked him a question. Surely Naga god could not answer the question because he was holding the eggs in his mouth. Seeing that, the bird thought that Naga god was arrogant and the bird attacked him.
    Being attacked, one egg fell to earth. Then Naga god was hiding in the bushes but the bird was waiting for him. The bird attacked for the second time and one egg fell again. So Naga god only had one egg in his mouth. He kept moving to Batara Guru’s palace.
    Finally Naga god arrived at the palace. He offered the egg to the Batara Guru. And miraculously the egg hatched became a very beautiful baby girl. Naga god gave the baby girl to the Batara Guru. The baby grew up into a beautiful girl and later known for Dewi Sri.70

  3. One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on them. She just wished the eggs would break out. Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little ducklings appeared. “Peep, peep” the little ducklings cried. “Quack, quack” their mother greeted in return.However the largest egg had not cracked. The mother duck sat on it for several days. Finally, it cracked and a huge ugly duckling waddled out. The mother duck looked at him in surprise. He was so big and very gray. He didn’t look like the others at all. He was like a turkey.

    When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first swimming lesson. The huge grey duckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely as the other ducklings did. “That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome” the mother said proudly. However, the other animals didn’t agree. They hissed and made fun of him day by day. Even his own sisters and brothers were very unkind. “You are very ugly” they quacked. The little poor duckling was very unhappy. “I wish I looked like them” he thought to himself. One day, the ugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter.90

  4. n a narrow, quiet street of old apartment buildings, Tom walked along the pavement, looking at the numbers on the doors, Angela’s house

    There was only one street light and it was difficult to see but finally he found Angela’s address. the building had a large glass door. Tom pushed it but it was locked. There was no bell. He knocked on the door but nothing happened. He knocked again, louder this time, and listened. Silence. “How can be!” he thought. He was impatient now and worried.

    Then he stood back in the middle of the street and looked up. There were five floors and all the windows were black. There was no light anywhere. “Why is this apartement so dark and silence? Tom thought hard.
    In the end Tom just kept standing in that street looking up at the dark and silence building. “Angela” he said quietly to himself, “Angela, where are you now?”100

  5. long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he found that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked down. The farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of this happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.
    One evening, while the farmer was in guard he heard something strange near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising him because there were three star maidens there. When they saw the farmer was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and escape but one of them was left behind.
    The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.
    Time went by they live together and got a beautiful baby boy. They lived happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her. The farmer was alone and heart broken.
    The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they decided to build a bridge of different colors for him to climb to the sky and see his son and wife.125

  6. Naruto was walking alone in the Konoha village, he saw Hinata and waved to her. Fortunately
    Hinata turned around and walked over to him.

    “Hey, Hinata, would you like to take a walk with me?” Naruto asked smilingly but Hinata blushed and looked down, quiet for a second.
    “Hm? What’s wrong?” Naruto ask looking at her.
    “Oh! Um nothing Naruto kun. I… I love to.. walk with with you.” Hinata said shyly.

    Naruto placed his hands behind his head and smiled. Hinata walked by him as the two were silent for a moment. “Hinata, why are you so quiet all the time?” Naruto broke the silent.
    Hinata didnt answer, then hesitated, “….I…. I’ve… always… been… that way.” She said softly.
    “I see. You need to talk more. How am I supposed to know more about you, if you don’t talk. You’re always acting weird around me.” Naruto pointed out.
    Hinata looked at him shyly then looked down looking ashamed. “S…….sorry. I–”
    “Hm?” Naruto replied not opening his mouth.
    “I….. I l–li…..like y.. you!” She said finally committing her feelings. Her face blushed a deep red.

  7. A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and a queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spoiled. One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.

    They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day withoutsuccess, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother.

    Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded herqueries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he

    collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.

    Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He pro¬posed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancee’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sang¬kuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him.When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she had thought impossi¬ble, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.

    The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of furyhe cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming

    the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had felled, now called Bukit Tunggul. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang andDayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.180

  8. Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden a bed of beautiful striped tulips.

    One night she was wakened by the sounds of sweet singing and of babies laughing. She looked out at the window. The sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed, but she could see nothing.

    The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no signs of any one having been there the night before.

    On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. She rose and stole softly through her garden. The moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the flowers were swaying to and fro. The old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each tulip, a little Fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each tulip-cup lay a little Fairy baby laughing and playing.

    The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers.

    The tulips grew daily brighter in color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. They began, too, to bloom all the year round. And every night the little Fairy mothers caressed their babies and rocked them to sleep in the flower-cups.

    The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip-bed was torn up by folks who did not know about the Fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. But the parsley withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden, and from that time nothing would grow there.

    But the good old woman’s grave grew beautiful, for the Fairies sang above it, and kept it green; while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils, and violets, and other lovely flowers of spring.210

  9. Long time ago there lived a married couple. They were very lonely because they did not have children who accompanied them. Every day the couple prayed to god to be given a child. Until one day his wife was pregnant. Her husband was very happy and the days they turned into happiness. One day his wife fell ill. She suffered a strange illness. So many times, her husband treated her but she was still sick. The husband also confused his wife was getting worse. Even she did not want to eat and drink. “You have to eat a lot so that our children healthy!” said her husband. “I cannot eat any food” replied his wife.

    The husband thought that deep in the forest there was a magical flower that can cure all diseases guarded by a witch. Because of his love for his wife, he went to the forest. After arriving in the woods, he crept to take the flowers. When she was picking the flowers that were in the midst of garden, the witch knew. She was furious and wanted to kill him. “Please do not kill me. My pregnant wife was sick. If I did not give this magical flower she and my baby will die “the husband said. Finally the witch let him go, but with one condition when the baby was born, he had to give the baby. Without thinking, her husband agreed.220


  10. frozen movie 3D tells the story of two siblings, Princess Royal Princess elsa and Princess Anna. Princess Elsa was awarded the power of powers, namely the power to freeze anything or to make snow and ice. One day the Princess Anne who is the younger brother of Princess Elsa invites play to make playground snow in the Kingdom. After they were both fun to play, without deliberate force Princess Elsa about her brother thus making Princess Anna unconscious. ELSA very sorry with these events. Until they grow up, Princess Elsa always confine himself because he thought its power will harm people who are nearby.
    Until one day the power of Elsa became very powerful especially when she’s nervous and is close to the man. Finally the Princess Elsa distanced themselves at the top of the mountain to build an empire of ice, and nobody can afford to go there. The village surrounding the Kingdom due to the snowstorms affected the strength of belonging to Princess Elsa.
    The residents are very scared and sad, the Kingdom was once lush and prosperous became deserted, and stormy night snow. As sister princess Anna wanted to persuade her brother in order to return home and return to the Kingdom at a time stopping the snow disaster. Where adventure between Princess Anna accompanied by Kristof (vending ice Youth and his ass).
    On the way they encounter a variety of obstacles, until at last the Princess Anna met Princess Elsa at the tip of the iceberg. With a variety of persuasion is Princess Elsa diajaknya returned to the Kingdom and stop the Blizzard. But Elsa is still not want to because he didn’t want anyone victims due to the strength of its own.
    Another thing happens when the Prince from abroad who have an evil ploy to defame and kill the two princesses of the Kingdom because of the wealth of the Kingdom was tempted. On the pretext of wanting to cure the Princess Anna affected by magic power Princess Elsa, the Prince even left it casually diruangan making princess Anna of the cold and almost dead.
    The Prince was going was betrothed to Princess Anna is in fact also captures princess Elsa and confined in prison. At one point the youth who accompanied Kristof Anna journey to meet Elsa, reappear to help princess Anna who stiff their graves today.
    On the way there the Prince who found to princess Anna had died, then he wants to kill Princess Elsa. But his efforts failed when the Princess Anna ran to stop the Prince who will chop off the head of the elsa from behind, until at one point Princess Anne turned rigid into ice because the magic sword and break the Prince who will kill elsa.
    The end of the story and the impact of 3D movies Frozen against the corporate world
    Long story short Princess Anna who becomes stiff healed back to the power of love. Not from the power of love from Kristof (who had known he loved Princess Anna), but rather the power of love between two sisters, princess Elsa. Finally with the permission of God Princess Anna turned back healed human being intact and peaceful life. While the Prince of evil punished. That’s the story of a short 3D movie Frozen very interesting to watch the kids.
    Just info, our children are never bored to see 3D movie frozen again. Almost every day he’s always watching 3D movies this Frozen while eating. The movie Frozen this has been a season in Indonesia by the children.
    Lessons can be learned from the 3D movie Frozen this is the power of sincere love and compassion can heal all things that can destroy and harm people who they love.

  11. Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo thing. Prime Minister King has named Raden Sidopekso. Prime Minister 's wife has named Sri Tanjung. She is so beautiful and sweet that the king wanted her to be his wife. One day, the King sent the Prime Minister for long missions. While the Prime Minister went, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. But the king failed.

    He was very angry and upset. So, when Sidopekso back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. Prime Minister is very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. She took him to the river bank.

    Before he killed him and threw him into the river, he said that he will be proven innocent, Once Sidopekso kill him, he threw his body into the river dirty. River soon became clean and start spreading the wonderful aroma and very fragrant. Sidopekso said, "... Banyu Wangi... Banyuwangi ". It means ' fragrant water '. Banyuwangi proof of love born of noble and sacred. That's the origin of the town of Banyuwangi.280

  12. Once upon a time... In the afternoon, there was a poor farmer. He lives with his wife, One day, he dug his field and found a very large box. He then store them in their homes. One sunny morning, she dropped apples in the box. Suddenly, the box gets filled with apples. No matter how many apples were taken out, more apples going on inside the box. One day, forming dropping gold coins into the box.

    Simultaneously, Apple began to disappear and the box full of gold coins. Farmer soon became rich. After hearing that his son became wealthy, forming a father visiting couples. His father was not very strong. He could not go out to work again. So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box. His father worked hard, took the gold coins out of the box. When he was told that he was very tired and wanted to rest, the farmer yelled to him, Why are you so lazy Why can not you work harder old man said nothing and continued to work long Suddenly? Man fell into the box, he died.

    As well as gold coins began to disappear and the box is filled with the dead. The former should be pulled out and buried. To do this, farmers have to spend all the money that had been collected earlier. When he had spent all his money, broke the box. The farmer was ugly as before, terrible ending.310

  13. Once upon a time... In a large pine forest in the country Italy, lonely. He always dreamed about having a child. Every day, he went to cut wood for the city people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, that he would give the name of Pinocchio. He made the doll and at night, the puppet come to life! One year of happiness and thriller passed, on Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio: it's my birthday soon, my little boy! I hope you do not forget it! Oh, sure, I'm not! Pinocchio felt awkward.

    He did not think about it. Gepettos birthday comes just three days ahead, and he had not prepared a gift. After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to her as a gift. When the sun rose, Pinocchio was ready to go outside to find the ingredients. The main problem was not even known he was in and the recipe.

    So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met shamans city. Hey, little boy, do you need help for your chocolate cake? Hum You can help me?, Tanya Pinocchio. Sure, I could. Follow me! After walking a few minutes so, Pinocchio saw big, big, big huge candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio was caught by a large enclosure. Mouahahaha! I was finally able to catch you! You are mine, you will work for me! , Said the evil witch.

    Pinocchio was terrified. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran very fast and he managed to escape. At the same time, the evil wizard , summoned all his troops with him, ran after him and he pulled out his wand. Evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake! When he returned home, he told the whole story to his father and they went to find a fairy god . After a long journey, they finally found the fairy god and they had a magic potion for Pinocchio, Pinocchio to treat the poor.350

  14. Once upon a time... In the past era, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. He lived with his mother and two sisters. Mother and sister arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Second step sister, on the other hand, does not work on the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear. One day, two half-brothers received an invitation to the ball that the king 's son would give at the palace.

    They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Finally, the ball came, and away went the sisters. Cinderella could not help crying after they left. Why are crying, Cinderella? The voice asked. He looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, because I wanted to go to the ball Cinderella. Well godmother said, you've been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball. Magic, fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coachman and footman. Her godmother tapped Cinderella's dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.

    Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. Now, Cinderella, she said, you have to go before midnight. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the king 's son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper behind. A few days later, the child king declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Stepsisters try on shoes, but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it.

    In the end, the king's page lets Cinderella try the shoes. He stretched his legs and slipped the shoes on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, he was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. Young kings were glad to see him again. They marry and live happily ever after. End of story Cinderela no longer with his mother and brothers sisters.390

  15. King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sons and one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous!
    Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked to slip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer.
    One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a suitor to compete for Merida’s hand in marriage. Merida was horrified. “I won’t go through with it!” she shouted. To Merida’s dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on her throne for the archery contest to begin. She knew she could handle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could!
    Once the suitors had taken their shots, Merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for her to stop, but Merida didn’t listen. She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She had won! Now she wouldn’t have to marry anyone!410

  16. Long time ago, in a faraway land. King Stevan and his queen wished for a child. Finally a daughter was born and they named her Aurora. To honor the baby princess the king held a great feast. He also invited his good friend king Hubert to the feast. King Hubert had brought his young son Philip. The king agreed that someday Philip and Aurora would be married.

    Among the guest were three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Marryweather. They wished to bless the princess with a give. Waving her wand, Flora said, “ My gift shall be the gift of beauty.” “ And mine.” Said Fauna, “ Shall be the gift of song.”, Marryweather turn was next. But before the Marryweather could speak, the castle door flew opened. It was the evil witch named Maleficent. She was furious because she wasn’t invited to the feast. “ My gift for the child is, before the sunsets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” Then she disappeared.

    But Marryweather still had gift to give, so she said, “ She will not die but she will fall into a deep sleep and when her true love kiss her, the spell shall break and the princess opened her eyes!”. King Stevan feared the witch curse, so the good fairies hatched a plan. They would take Aurora to live with them, deep in the woods, saved from Maleficent. The king and queen agreed with heavy heart.

    To guard their secret, the fairies changed her name to Briar Rose. The years passed quietly, and Briar Rose grew into a beautiful young woman. At last the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, in a mossy glen she danced and sang with her friends, the birds and animals. She told them of her beautiful dream about meeting a tall handsome boy and falling in love.

    A handsome boy came. When he heard Briar Rose singing he jumped from his horse and reached out to take her hand. Briar Rose was startled. “ I do not mean to frighten you, but I feel like we have met before.” Said the youngman. Briar Rose felt very happy. But she didn’t know that he was prince Phillip and Prince Phillip didn’t know that she was Princess Aurora.450

  17. Back at the cottage, Briar Rose told the fairies that she had falling in love. “ Impossible! “ cried the fairies. Then, they told her that she was a royal princess. It was time to return home. Actually the witch Maleficent knew that Aurora was return home. She became an old lady and a spinning wheel suddenly appeared in the tiny room of the castle. Using her evil powers she lured Aurora to high tower in the tiny room. “What is this? May I try?” Aurora asked. The old lady said, “Of course, my pretty little child!” And the princess sat down to spin. But the moment she touched the spindle, she fell to the floor in a deep slumber.

    The hundred years were just ended. The witch captured Phillip and chain him deep on her dungeon. But the good fairies had other plans for him. They melted the prince’s chain. And they armed him with the shield of virtue and the sword of truth. Then they sent him to the palace to awaken the princess.

    When the witch saw Philip escaping she was changed into a Monstrous Dragon to stop him. Prince Phillip threw his sword to sword the witch. Then Maleficent was no more. Then Prince Phillip raced to the tower where his love lay sleeping. Gently he kissed her and Aurora eyes slowly opened. The kings and queens planed for the prince and princess wedding. And they lived happily 480

  18. One day, there was an old woman who lived alone. She was very sad over her fate. The old woman continued to hope and pray that she wanted a child. Then a little fairy heard the old woman’s prayer. She came to the old woman, “Why do you want a child?” asked the elf. The old woman was surprised by the arrival of the fairies. “I would be very happy if I have a small child” replied the old woman. Hearing that answer, the fairy gave her a flower seed. “Plant these seeds in a flower pot!” the fairy Commanded. “Thank you for your kindness!” She replied. After giving her the seed, the fairy left her alone.

    She planted the seed immediately after the fairy left. She always took care of the seed till grow into a beautiful flowering plants. When the flowers bloomed, she saw a little girl in it. The girl was very small even its size almost equal to the size of her thumb. The old lady was very pleased and gave her the name of Thumbelina. Afterwards she made Thumbelina a bed from the shells and dried leaves as a blanket.
    On one night, as she lay in his bed, a big ugly frog came to her. The toad crept through a broken glass of window. “O beautiful girl! Will you be my son’s wife?” said the frog. Then the frog carried the shells along with Thumbelina who was sleeping in it. Then she jumped through the window into the garden.

    Thumbelina was taken by frog to a flower garden. The toad lived with her son even worse than his mother. Her children was shocked to see what her mom brought, “krook Krokk what did you bring mom?”, “I brought a girl to be your wife!” His mother answered. Then her children felt in love with Thumbelina. When Thumbelina woke up, she was surprised she was not at home. “Where I am, who are you?” Thumbelina asked. “You will be my wife korokk Krook!” The frog said. Thumbelina felt very sad and she begged to be released but the frog rejected. When the frog was asleep, she run away to escape. 510

  19. Panda bear is a standout amongst the most jeopardized creatures and on the edge of eradication. Anyway, a group of researchers has been framed around the backwoods in China to help spare the panda bear populace. This report will let you know about the panda bear and why they are imperiled.

    Pandas live in territories with a ton of different creatures yet have couple of foes. They lived in Southeast China. They live in the cool backwoods on the inclines of the dim mountains. There are a considerable measure of bamboo trees to eat.

    Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12 hours a day, around 40-80 kg. Panda nourishment comprises of 99% bamboo yet infrequently they eat different plants or meat furthermore nectar. Honey bee stings would not hurt Panda on the grounds that they have a tough skin. Pandas eat in a sitting position. Panda does not rest like other bear sorts.

    Pandas just have one foe. Their foes are wild puppies. At the point when the wild canines assaulted them. Panda will climb trees to evade battles.

    Panda generation rate is truly low. Female pandas don’t breed until 5 to 7 years. Female pandas can just have up to 3 children at one time. The infant panda are as little as child cat. Children normally leave their mom following 18 months.

    Panda is imperiled in view of a few issues. First and foremost, the reproducing season just happens in the middle of March and May. Second, the panda living space is not sufficiently enormous. The latter is poaching. Some of the time the pandas stuck in the trap which is made for different creatures

    Presently you know the data about panda and why it is imperiled. The pandas ought to be helped and spared or these excellent creature will be terminated.550

  20. Lion lives in prairie, bushes, and open forests of Saharan, Africa. Lion is the second biggest feline on the planet. Its size is marginally littler than tiger. Be that as it may, they are nearly related and have fundamentally the same body. Lion is unique in relation to other enormous felines. They are extremely amiable creatures. They live in gatherings. There are around 30 lions in a gathering comprising of three guys, twelve females, and whatever remains of their kids. The quantity of gathering individuals is dictated by the accessibility of nourishment and water.

    They thunder one another to track their spot. Male and female lions have a capable thunder that can be heard up to 8 km. Male and female lion have an altogether different part in the gathering. Male lions invest their energy to keep their domain and their youngsters. They keep up their limits. While female lions or lioness is the primary seeker bunch. They are littler and more spry than male lions. Anyway, they cooperate in getting their prey.

    They generally chase around evening time. Their prey are gazelle, bison, zebra, rhinos, hippos, wild pig, crocodile, youthful elephants, and giraffe. At the same time, in some cases they likewise eat the littler prey, for example, rodents, flying creatures, rabbits, reptiles, and turtles.

    In the wake of getting their prey, all the lions in the gathering impart their prey. However, there is a pecking request. The male lions take the first claim, trailed by lionesses, and the latter is their kids.580

  21. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing.

    There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species

    Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.

    Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.590

  22. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing.

    There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species

    Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.

    Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.620

  23. Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

    Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families are currently recognized, comprising about 500 genera and about 3,400 species. They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to 6.95 meters (22.8 ft) in length. The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft) long. Snakes are thought to have evolved from either burrowing or aquatic lizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with the earliest known fossils dating to between 143 and 167 Ma ago.The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). The oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus.660

  24. The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. Working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries.

    A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules — the biological “reciprocal” of a mule, from a stallion and jenny as its parents instead, is called a hinny.

    Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia, and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass and another relative, the onager, are endangered. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.680

  25. The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.

    Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.700

  26. Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Two species are traditionally recognised, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species (L. africana and L. cyclotis respectively). Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; other, now extinct, members of the order include deinotheres, gomphotheres, mammoths, and mastodons. Male African elephants are the largest extant terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb). All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants’ large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller ears and convex or level backs720

  27. Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the booted eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a common buzzard (Buteo buteo) or red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g (0.99 lb) and 40 cm (16 in). The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles’ eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male735

  28. The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its leopard-like colouring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The nine subspecies are distinguished by their coat patterns.

    The giraffe’s scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish social hierarchies through “necking”, which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.

  29. Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.

    Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats can not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.

    Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cat770

  30. A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, or cellular telephone) is a very small portable radio telephone.

    The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a "cell site") which connects it to the main phone network. As the mobile phone moves around, if the mobile phone gets too far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another cell to tell the new cell to take over the call. This is called a "hand off," and the call continues with the new cell the phone is connected to. The hand-off is done so well and carefully that the user will usually never even know that the call was transferred to another cell.

    As mobile phones became more popular, they began to cost less money, and more people could afford them. Monthly plans became available for rates as low as US$30 or US$40 a month. Cell phones have become so cheap to own that they have mostly replaced pay phones and phone booths except for urban areas with many people.780

  31. Laptop, often called a notebook, is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use. Although originally there was a distinction between laptops and notebooks, the former being bigger and heavier than the latter, as of 2014, there is often no longer any difference. Laptops are commonly used in a variety of settings, such as at work, in education, and for personal multimedia.

    A laptop combines the components, inputs, outputs and capabilities of a desktop computer, including the display screen, speakers, a keyboard, and pointing devices (such as a touchpad or trackpad) into a single unit. Most 2016-era laptops also have integrated webcams and built-in microphones. The device can be powered either from a rechargeable battery or by mains electricity from an AC adapter. Laptops are diverse devices and specialised kinds, such as rugged notebooks for use in construction or convertible computers, have been optimized for specific uses. The hardware specifications, such as the processor speed and memory capacity significantly vary between different types, makes, and models.


  32. country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated people with distinct political characteristics. Regardless of the physical geography, in the modern internationally accepted legal definition as defined by the League of Nations in 1937 and reaffirmed by the United Nations in 1945, a resident of a country is subject to the independent exercise of legal jurisdiction.

    Sometimes the word countries is used to refer both to sovereign states and to other political entities, while other times it refers only to states. For example, the CIA World Factbook uses the word in its "Country name" field to refer to "a wide variety of dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabited islands, and other entities in addition to the traditional countries or independent states".800

  33. Mouse-deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only members of the infraorder Tragulina. They are found mostly in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa.

    Mouse-deer have primitive features, closer to non-ruminants such as pigs. All species in the family lack of horns, but both sexes have elongated canine teeth. These are especially prominent in males, where they project out on either side of the lower jaw, and are used in fights. Their legs are short and thin, which make them lack in agility, but also helps them maintain a smaller profile to aid in running through the dense foliage of their environments.

    They are solitary or live in pairs. The young are weaned at three months of age, and reach sexual maturity between five and 10 months. Parental care is relatively limited. Although they lack the types of scent glands found in most other ruminants, they do have a chin gland for marking each other as mates or antagonists, and, in the case of the water chevrotain, anal and preputial glands for marking territory. Their territories are relatively small, on the order of 13–24 hectares (32–59 acres), but neighbors generally ignore each other, rather than compete aggressively. 810

  34. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or foreign tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village, Ulubelu sub district, Tanggamus district, Lampung province, Indonesia. The access to this place is quite difficult because Ulu Belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung with its hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive.

    Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the waterfall on the second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100 meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds is like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there. Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an interesting spot for bathing.

    In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees will actually soothe both your eyes.820

  35. Kiluan Bay is a tourist attraction which is located in Kiluan village, Kelumbayan sub district, Tanggamus district, South Lampung. Kiluan Bay is about 80 kilometers from Bandar Lampung city center or three to four hour if you go there by car. This is the place of migration for a bunch of mouth bottles dolphins.

    This bay has stunning natural landscape and coast. The sand beach which is spreading out there is white and gentle. It is quite harmonious with the blue color of the sea. Besides swimming and snorkeling, in this bay you can also see the attractions from a group of dolphins. The attractions of a group of dolphins can usually be seen around 06:00 to 10:00 in the morning. However, to watch the attractions you must first rent a small boat or Jukung.

    By using the small boat or Jukung, you will be brought Into the middle of the see where the dolphins gather. It takes around twenty five minutes from the coast. From close distance, you can see a group of dolphins which swim and even jump on the side of the coming boat as if they welcomed your coming.830

  36. Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One of the best tourist attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This beach is located in the village of Tanjung Setia, West Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to seven hour driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province.

    This beach has not been well known by the citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world surfers this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This beach is exactly laid on the track of large Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves which are quite perfect for surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually lasts from June to August with the height which can reach up to six to seven meters with a 200 meters length.

    In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach also has an ambience which is quite natural with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm tree which grow also adorn this beach. For local people, the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing. Some fish which are often obtained by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so big enough that its weight can reach up to 70 kilograms. By local residents this fish is known by the name of Iwa Tuhuk.840

  37. Flooding is a disaster which commonly happens in large and densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause many victims. Then, do you know the process of how flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation.

    The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface of the earth. Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to the lower place. Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to the surface of the land. Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen in an area that people live because the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people.

    On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by bad habits of humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering that can make water flow clogged. This makes the water deposited in landfills which gradually becomes more common. When water reservoirs can no longer hold water discharge, the water then overflows out theland and cause flooding.855

  38. A full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from the Earth. This occurs when the moon is in opposition to the Sun (when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun; more precisely, when the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees).[1] This means that the hemisphere of the Moon that is facing the Earth (the near side) is almost fully illuminated by the Sun and appears round (while the far side is almost completely unilluminated).
    Lunar eclipses can occur only at full moon, where the Moon’s orbit allows it to pass through the Earth’s shadow. Lunar eclipses do not occur every month because the Moon usually passes above or below the Earth’s shadow (which is mostly restricted to the ecliptic plane). Lunar eclipses can occur only when the full moon occurs near the two nodes of the orbit, either the ascending or descending node. This causes eclipses to only occur about every 6 months, and often 2 weeks before or after a solar eclipse at new moon at the opposite node.
    The time interval between similar lunar phases—the synodic month—averages about 29.53 days. Therefore, in those lunar calendars in which each month begins on the new moon, the full moon falls on either the 14th or 15th of the lunar month. Because calendar months have a whole number of days, lunar months may be either 29 or 30 days long.
    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_moon 900

  39. My First Time In Yogyakarta

    My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last month. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s gradution ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro street.

    In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from Semarang to Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home to recharge our energy. I walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how it is like to be in Yogyakarta. There were too many house, I think, which made the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through.

    On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so many merchant with various of product which they claim to be a traditional product of Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden figurine and T-shirt with the word “Yogyakarta” printed on it, while my sister bought some leather handbag. My mom and dad were busy choosing some merchandise to be brought home when we go back.

    On the third day, we went to Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat to see some historical building in Yogyakarta. We took a lot of picture there. We also took some picture of the building so we can check it again at home. We found some place providing Yogya traditional food around the building and we jumped in right away.

    We spent the rest of our week in Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping Malls such as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

  40. Keluarga saya dan saya pergi ke rumah nenek saya di Yogyakarta bulan lalu. Itu merupakan perjalanan pertama saya ke kota ini. Kami pergi kesana dua hari setelah upacara wisuda kakak saya di Semarang. Kami sampai di Yogyakarta pada malam hari. Kami menghabiskan satu minggu tinggal di rumah nenek saya yang berjarak 5 menit jalan kaki dari jalan Malioboro.

    Pada pagi hari pertama, kami masih terlalu lelah setelah perjalanan panjang dari Semarang ke Yogyakarta. Jadi kami memutuskan untuk tetap di rumah untuk mengisi tenaga kami. Saya berjalan jalan di lingkungan rumah bersama kakak saya untuk merasakan bagaimana rasanya berada di Yogyakarta. Terdapat terlalu banyak rumah, menurut saya, yang membuat jarak antara satu rumah dengan rumah lainnya begitu sempit, bahkan jalanan nya juga kecil hingga hanya sepeda dan sepeda motor yang bisa lewat.

    Pada hari kedua, kami semua pergi ke jalan Malioboro. Kami melihat ada begitu banyak pedagang dengan berbagai macam produk yang mereka akui sebagai produk tradisional dari Yogyakarta. Saya membeli beberapa patung kayu dan kaos oblong dengan tulisan “Yogyakarta” tercetak di atasnya, sementara itu kakak saya membeli beberapa tas tangan kulit. Ibu dan Ayah saya sibuk memilih beberapa barang dagangan untuk dibawa kerumah saat kami pulang.

    Pada hari ketiga, kami pergi ke Taman Sari dan Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat untuk melihat beberapa bangunan bersejarah di Yogyakarta. Kami mengambil banyak poto di sana. Kami juga mengambil beberapa poto dari bangunan itu supaya kami bisa melihatnya lagi di rumah. Kami menemukan beberapa tembat yang menyediakan makanan khas Yogya disekitar bangunan itu dan kami langsung saja masuk kesana.

    Kami menghabiskan sisa minggu kami di Yogyakarta dengan mengunjungi beberapa pusat perbelanjaan seperti Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall dan Ambarrukmo Plaza. Kami menyadari bahwa ternyata Yogyakarta sangat panas pada siang hari, inilah alasannya mengapa kami memutuskan untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di dalam bangunan ber AC seperti ini.

  41. Fishing at The River

    When I was in Junior High School, my father once took me to go fishing with him at the river on Sunday morning. The river lies across our oil palm plantation. We had breakfast first at home and then left early in the morning by motorcycle.

    When we arrived in our plantation, my father parked the motorcycle under the hut. He asked me to collect some dry wood and dry grass or leaves. When I already collected enough wood and dry leaves, my father set a fire in the center of the fireplace. He said that the smoke from the fire would scare some dangerous animal like bear and boar to come closer to the hut and so it would make us safer.

    After cleaning some wild grass around the hut, my father gave me a hoe and asked me to dig some soil to find worms. When I already had enough worm, I brought it to my father and we went straight to the river. We put the worm on the fishing hook as a bait to catch the fish. As a beginner fisher, I cannot apply the worm on the fishing hook well, and it look like it was about to fall of the hook, but my father said that it was okay. I threw the fishing hook into the river and wait for the fish to eat the bait, but nothing happened after a while. When I was about to get bored I saw a big prawn was slowly walking in the water. I placed the fishing hook slowly into the face of the prawn and move it up and down so the worm seemed alive. I never expected it to happen but suddenly the prawn move its hand and grabbed the worm on my fishing hook. I lift it very slowly and the prawn was still there hanging tight on the worm until I placed it on the ground and I caught it right away with my hands. My father was so surprise to see it. Before we went home, we cooked it at the hut and enjoyed it together.

  42. Memancing di Sungai

    Ketika saya masih di tingkat SMP, ayah saya pernah sekali mengajak saya pergi memancing bersamanya di sungai pada hari minggu pagi. Sungai itu terbentang membelah kebun kelapa sawit milik kami. Kami sarapan dulu di rumah dan kemudian berangkat sangat pagi dengan menggunakan sepeda motor.

    Saat kami sampai di kebun kami, ayah saya memarkir motor itu di bawah pondok. Dia memintaku untuk mengumpulkan beberapa kayu kering dan rumput atau daun kering. Ketika saya sudah mengumpulkan kayu dan daun kering yang cukup, ayah saya menyalakan api ditengah tungku. Dia bilang bahwa asap dari api tersebut akan menakuti beberapa hewan berbahaya seperti beruang dan babi hutan untuk mendekat ke pondok sehingga hal itu akan membuat kami lebih aman.

    Setelah membersihkan beberapa rumput liar disekitar pondok, ayah saya memberi saya sebuah cangkul dan meminta saya untuk menggali tanah untuk mencari cacing. Saat saya sudah memiliki jumlah cacing yang cukup, saya membawanya ke ayah saya dan kami langsung pergi ke sungai. Kami memasang cacing di kail sebagai umpan untuk menangkap ikan. Sebagai pemancing pemula, saya tidak bisa memasang cacing pada kail dengan benar, dan terlihat seakan akan itu hampir jatuh dari kail, tapi ayah saya bilang itu tidak apa apa. Saya melempar kail kedalam sungai dan menunggu ikan memakan umpan itu, tapi tidak ada yang terjadi setelah beberapa saat. Ketika saya hampir merasa bosan saya melihat seekor udang besar sedang berjalan pelan pelan di dalam air. Saya menempatkan kail perlahan lahan kedepan wajah udang itu dan menggerakkan nya keatas dan kebawah sehingga cacing nya terlihat hidup. Saya tidak pernah menduga itu akan terjadi tapi tiba tiba udang itu menggerakkan tangannya dan menggenggam cacing yang ada di kail saya. Saya angkat kail itu secara perlahan dan udang itu masih berada disana bergantungan erat pada cacing itu hingga saya meletakkannya di atas tanah dan menangkapnya segera dengan kedua tangan saya. Ayah saya sangat terkejut melihat itu. Sebelum kami pulang ke rumah, kami memasak udang itu di pondok dan menyantapnya bersama.

  43. Bro Time

    After a year working in Australia, I finally managed to come back to my hometown last month. It is in Cimahi, a city located in the west side of Bandung. I spent a week staying here. During this time at home, I learned that my best friend, Richie, had become a successful medic in the government’s hospital in my hometown. So I called him and we decided to have a “Bro Time” at the weekend.

    Richie picked me up at 4 p.m, and he brought me straight to a new waterpark in town which he claimed to be the biggest waterpark in Cimahi. We parked our car in the parking area and walked straight to the entrance gate. There is a ticket counter at the gate and we have to pay Rp.80.000 to get into the waterpark. Richie paid for our ticket, he said it was a treat for me of his first salary as a medic in the hospital. I thanked him.

    We handed over the ticket to the gate keeper and he allowed us to enter. After that went to a counter where we took the key for our locker. In this counter, we need to give them something as the assurance if we want to use the locker, so we gave them our car’s key. They said that we will get the car’s key back when we return the locker key. After that we went to the locker room, where we changed our clothes and get ready to swim. Before we enter the pool, we decided to rent a dual swimming float, the price was Rp.20.000 and I decided to pay it. We brought it to the pool and sat on it. After that we also swim and took some picture together. After playing in the water for about an hour, we were so hungry and we decided to go to the foodcourt. We order two plates of fried noodle and two cup of ice tea. I paid the food as a treat for Richie. After finishing our food and drinks, we went to the locker room to change our clothes and went back home at 6 p.m.

  44. Bro Time

    Setelah satahun bekerja di Australia, saya akhirnya sempat pulang ke kampung halaman saya bulan kemarin. Kampung saya ada di Cimahi, sebuah kota yang terletak di sebelah barat kota Bandung. Saya menghabiskan waktu satu minggu di sini. Selama saya di rumah ini, saya baru tau bahwa teman baik saya, Richie, telah menjadi seorang tenaga medis yang sukses di rumah sakit pemerintah di kampung saya. Jadi saya menelpon nya dan kami memutuskan untuk mengadakan “Bro Time” di akhir pekan.

    Richie menjemput saya jam 4 sore, dan dia langsung membawa saya ke sebuah waterpark baru di kota ini yang dia yakini sebagai waterpark terbesar di Cimahi. Kami memarkirkan mobil kami di tempat parkir dan kemudian berjalan kearah gerbang masuk. Terdepat sebuah loket tiket di gerbang masuk dan kami harus membayar Rp.80.000 untuk masuk ke waterpark itu. Richie membayar tiket kami, dia bilang bahwa itu adalah traktiran untuk saya dari gaji pertamanya sebagai petugas medis di rumah sakit. Saya berterimakasih kepadanya.

    Kami menyerahkan tiket itu ke penjaga gerbang dan dia mempersilahkan kami untuk masuk. Setelah itu kami pergi ke loket dimana kami mengambil kunci loker kami. Di loket ini kami harus memberi mereka sesuatu sebagai jaminan jika kami ingin menggunakan loker itu, jadi kami memberikan kepada mereka kunci mobil kami. Mereka bilang bahwa kami akan mendapatkan kunci mobil kami kembali saat kami mengembalikan kunci loker. Setelah itu kami pergi ke ruang loker, dimana kami berganti pakaian dan bersiap untuk berenang. Sebelum kami memasuki kolam, kami memutuskan untuk menyewa sebuah pelampung yang bisa digunakan oleh dua orang, harganya Rp.20.000 dan saya memutuskan untuk membayar itu. Kami membawa pelampung itu ke kolam dan duduk di atasnya. Setelah itu kami juga berenang dan mengambil beberapa gambar bersama. Setelah main di air selama sekitar satu jam, kami merasa sangat lapar dan kami memutuskan untuk pergi ke kantin. Kami memesan dua piring mie goreng dan dua gelas es teh. Saya membayar makanan itu sebagai traktiran untuk Richie. Setelah menyelesaikan makanan dan minuman kami, kami pergi ke ruang loker untuk berganti pakaian dan pulang kerumah pada jam 6 sore.

  45. Traveling Abroad

    My first overseas trip was when I went to Thailand with my father. At that moment I was still in Junior High School level and it was a school day off. My father took this trip because he needed a data for his research about the legendary bird “Garuda”, which turned out to be a legend too in Thailand. We spent only 1 day in Thailand, but I already experience a lot of new things.

    When we first landed at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, we got a taxi and asked the driver to take us to the nearest hotel. He drove us to Windsor Suites Hotel located on Sukhumvit Road. We went straight to the receptionist and booked a room for tonight and tomorrow. The receptionist gave us a card that we can use as a key to unlock our room. We went to our room and took a quick shower, change our clothes and then went down to the lobby again.

    From the lobby, we went out to the street. My father order a ride to a local driver. It looked like a becak motor but a lot bigger and the people called it “tuk-tuk”. My father asked the driver to take us to Chatuchak Market and find us a restaurant that served Halal food for Moslem. Then we arrived at a small restaurant which turned out to be owned by Indonesian. The owner was very nice, he gave us a free meal when we were about to left his restaurant. He said that it was for our breakfast, just in case we couldn’t find any Halal food at the hotel. My father thanked him and ask to exchange their phone number. Before we went back to the hotel, my father took me around the Chatuchak Market. I saw so many toys that I have never seen before in Indonesia. My father bought me one of those toys, it was rubber chicken. It was so funny, because when we squeeze it, it will make sound just like rooster. After that we went back to the hotel and go to bed.

    In the morning, we enjoy free breakfast at the hotel. We had a lot of Halal food to choose. I took a couple glass of free milk for myself. After that my father order an Uber and ask the driver to take us to three archaeological sites in Thailand which were Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ban Non Wat village, and the temple of Prasat Ta Muen Thom. When we arrived on each destination, my father started collecting the data. While my father was working, I walked around the historical site and took a lot of picture of myself. We finished the job at 5 p.m, and we still have enough time to head back to the hotel, took a quick shower and drove right away to the airport. We went back to Indonesia that night at 9 p.m. My father and I were exhausted but I was so happy.

  46. Jalan Jalan Ke Luar Negeri

    Perjalanan ke luar negeri pertamaku adalah ketika aku pergi ke Thailand bersama ayahku. Pada saat itu aku masih di tingkat sekolah menengah dan itu adalah hari libur sekolah. Ayahku melakukan perjalanan ini karena dia membutuhkan data untuk penelitiannya tentang burung legenda “Garuda”, yang ternyata juga merupakan sebuah legenda di Thailand. Kami hanya menghabiskan satu hari di Thailand, tapi aku sudah mengalami banyak hal baru.

    Ketika kami pertama kali mendarat di bandara Suvarnabhumi di Bangkok, kami mencari taksi dan meminta supir nya untuk mengantar kami ke hotel yang terdekat. Dia mengantar kami ke Windsor Suites Hotel yang terletak di Sukhumvit Road. Kami langsung menuju ke resepsionis dan memesan satu kamar untuk malam ini dan besok. Resepsionis itu memberikan kami sebuah kartu yang bisa kami gunakan sebagai kunci untuk membuka kamar kami. Kami pergi ke kamar kami dan mandi kilat, mengganti pakaian kami dan kemudian turun lagi ke lobi.

    Dari lobi, kami berjalan keluar ke arah jalanan. Ayahku memesan kendaraan pada pengemudi lokal. Kendaraan itu terlihat seperti becak motor tapi jauh lebih besar dan orang orang menyebutnya “Tuk-Tuk”. Ayahku meminta pengemudi itu untuk mengantar kami ke pasar Chatuchak dan mencarikan kami sebuah restoran yang menyajikan makanan halal untuk orang Islam. Kemudian kami sampai di sebuah restoran kecil yang ternyata dimiliki oleh orang Indonesia. Pemiliknya sangat baik, dia memberikan kami makanan gratis saat kami akan meninggalkan restorannya. Dia bilang bahwa itu untuk sarapan kami seandainya saja kami tidak bisa menemukan makanan Halal di Hotel. Ayah saya berterimakasih kepadanya dan mengajak nya untuk bertukar nomer telepon. Sebelum kami kembali ke hotel, ayahku mengajak aku berkeliling pasar Chatuchak. Aku melihat begitu banyak mainan yang belum pernah lihat sebelumnya di Indonesia. Ayahku membelikan aku salah satu dari mainan mainan itu, itu adalah ayam karet. Itu sangatlah lucu, karena ketika kita meremasnya, itu akan menghasilkan suara seperti suara ayam jantan. Setelah itu kami kembali ke hotel dan tidur.

    Pada pagi harinya, kami menikmati sarapan gratis di hotel itu. Kami punya banyak pilihan makanan Halal. Aku mengambil beberapa gelas susu gratis untuk diriku sendiri. Setelah itu ayahku memesan Uber dan meminta sopirnya untuk mengantar kami ke tiga situs arkeologi di Thailand yaitu Ayutthaya Historical Park, desa Ban Non Wat, dan the temple of Prasat Ta Muen Thom. Ketika kami sampai di masing masing tujuan, ayahku mulai mengumpulkan data. Disaat ayahku sedang bekerja, aku berjalan mengelilingi situs bersejarah itu dan mengambil banyak poto diriku sendiri. Kami menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu pada jam 5 sore, dan kami masih memiliki cukup waktu untuk kembali ke hotel, mandi kilat dan berangkat menuju bandara. Kami kembali ke Indonesia malam itu pada jam 9 malam. Ayahku dan aku sangat kelelahan tapi aku sangat gembira.

  47. Lazy Day

    Last weekend I spent all day laying on my bed. It was just like the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, “today I don’t feel like doing anything” hehe. But sometimes doing nothing was just something that we needed the most, especially after a long and super exhausted week at the office.

    It was Sunday and I woke up at 9 a.m in the morning. I looked around me and I saw a new comic book that I just bought yesterday laying next to my Macbook. I try to dragged it closer to me by using my foot, and then I pick it with my hand. I unwrapped the comic and start reading it. When I just reached the middle of the story, I felt thirsty so I got up of my super comfortable bed and walk out the room. I walked down the stairs right to the kitchen.

    I opened the fridge and I found a bottle full of chill orange juice. I opened the bottle and pour the orange juice into a glass. When I checked my fridge, I saw that I still have a leftover Pizza from yesterday, so I decided to reheat it in my microwave. So I sat in the kitchen for a while waiting the Pizza to be ready. When the timer of the microwave is off, I pick the Pizza up and put it on my plate. I took my orange juice and my Pizza and brought them back into my lair. I enjoy the Pizza and the orange juice and continue reading my comic book. After that I decided to watch my favorite K-drama on my Macbook, so I set my portable laptop desk on my bed. This way, I can watch my favorite show without having to leave my super cozy bed.

  48. Hari Malas

    Akhir pekan yang lalu saya menghabiskan sepanjang hari berbaring di kasur saya. Itu seperti lagu Lazy Song dari Bruno Mars, “today I don’t feel like doing anything” hehe. Tapi terkadang tidak melakukan apapun adalah sesuatu yang paling kita butuhkan, khususnya setelah minggu yang panjang dan sangat melelahkan di kantor.

    Itu adalah hari Minggu dan saya bangun jam 9 di pagi hari. Saya melihat kesekitar saya dan saya melihat sebuah buku komik baru yang baru saja saya beli kemarin tergeletak di sebelah Macbook saya. Saya mencoba menyeret nya kedekat saya dengan menggunakan kaki saya, dan kemudian mengambilnya dengan tangan saya. Saya buka komik itu dan mulai membaca nya. Ketika saya baru sampai ditengah cerita, saya merasa haus jadi saya bangun dari tempat tidur saya yang sangat nyaman itu dan berjalan keluar dari kamar. Saya berjalan menuruni tangga langsung menuju ke dapur.

    Saya membuka kulkas dan menemukan sebotol penuh jus jeruk dingin. Saya buka botol itu dan menuangkan jus kedalam gelas. Saat saya memeriksa lagi kulkas saya, saya melihat bahwa saya masih mempunyai sisa Pizza dari kemarin, jadi saya memutuskan untuk menghangatkan ulang Pizza itu di microwave. Akhirnya saya duduk di dapur sebentar sambil menunggu Pizza nya siap. Saat timer microwave itu sudah mati, saya angkat Pizza itu dan meletakkannya di atas piring saya. Saya ambil jus jeruk dan Pizza itu dan membawanya kembali ke sarang. Saya makan Pizza dan jus jeruk itu dan melanjutkan membaca komik. Setelah itu saya memutuskan untuk menonton K-drama kesukaan saya di Macbook saya, jadi saya memasang meja laptop portable di atas kasur. Dengan begini, saya bisa menonton acara kesukaan saya tanpa harus meninggalkan tempat tidur saya yang sangat nyaman ini.

  49. Borobudur Temple

    Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.
    Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
    After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.
    Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to change their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

  50. Candi Borobudur

    Candi Borobudur merupakan salah satu resor wisata terindah di Indonesia. Terletak di Jawa Tengah. Candi Borobudur adalah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia yang perlu dilestarikan keadaannya. Orang-orang di seluruh dunia tahu bahwa Borobudur adalah salah satu karya seni terbesar yang pernah dikenal sejak dulu.
    Candi Borobudur dibangun oleh Dinasti Syailendra selama abad kedelapan. Diperlukan lebih dari dua juta batu sungai. Ini adalah kuil terbesar di dunia.
    Setelah melakukan beberapa restorasi, Borobudur dikunjungi oleh lebih banyak wisatawan, baik wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Kebanyakan dari mereka mengagumi Candi Borobudur karena keindahannya, keanggunan dan kisah relief di dindingnya.
    Wisatawan domestik biasanya pergi ke sana dengan menggunakan bus atau mobil pribadi, sementara turis asing suka mengikuti biro perjalanan karena mereka tidak perlu memikirkan transportasi, akomodasi, dan jadwal perjalanan. Ada beberapa penukaran uang di sekitar lokasi. Itu membuat mereka lebih mudah untuk mengubah uang mereka. Tapi beberapa dari mereka suka membawa kartu kredit dan cek.

  51. The Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year.
    Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.
    The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.
    The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.

  52. Menara Eiffel

    Menara Eiffel adalah menara besi yang terletak di Champ de Mars di Paris. Dibangun pada tahun 1889, telah menjadi ikon global Prancis dan salah satu monumen yang paling dikenal di dunia. Menara ini merupakan bangunan tertinggi di Paris dan merupakan monumen berbayar yang paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia; jutaan orang menaikinya setiap tahun.
    Dinamai sama dengan nama perancangnya, insinyur Gustave Eiffel, menara ini dibangun sebagai pintu masuk ke Pameran 1889 di Dunia. Menara ini berdiri setinggi 324 meter (1.063 kaki), tingginya sama dengan bangunan 81 lantai. Setelah selesai, ia melampaui Monumen Washington untuk mengambil alih struktur tertinggi buatan manusia di dunia, sebuah judul yang dipegangnya selama 41 tahun, sampai Gedung Chrysler di New York City dibangun pada tahun 1930; Namun, karena penambahan antena pada tahun 1957, menara ini sekarang lebih tinggi dari pada Chrysler Building. Tidak termasuk antena siaran, ini adalah struktur tertinggi kedua di Prancis setelah Jembatan Millau 2004.
    Menara ini memiliki tiga tingkat untuk pengunjung. Tiket dapat dibeli untuk naik, dengan tangga atau lift, ke tingkat pertama dan kedua. Jalan kaki ke tingkat pertama adalah lebih dari 300 langkah, seperti juga jalan kaki dari yang pertama sampai tingkat kedua. Tingkat ketiga dan tertinggi hanya bisa diakses dengan lift. Baik tingkat pertama dan kedua menampilkan restoran.
    Menara ini telah menjadi simbol paling menonjol dari Paris dan Prancis, seringkali digunakan untuk pembuatan syuting film.

  53. Monas National Monument

    The National Monument, or "Monas" as it is popularly called, is one of the monuments built during the Sukarno era of fierce nationalism. The top of the National Monument (Monas) is Freedom Square. It stands for the people's determination to achieve freedom and the crowning of their efforts in the Proclamation of Independence in August 1945. The 137-meter tall marble obelisk is topped with a flame coated with 35 kg of gold. The base houses a historical museum and a hall for meditations. The monument is open to the public and upon request the lift can carry visitors to the top, which offers a bird's eye view on the city and the sea.
    Go early to beat the crowds and the haze. It is easy for the less physically able as lifts take visitors to the top. The diorama exhibition in the basement gives such a distorted view of Indonesian history.
    This imposing obelisk is Jakarta's most famous landmark. Construction started in 1961 under President Soekarno but was not completed until 1975, under President Soeharto. The monument houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for independence through a series of dioramas, whereas the Hall of Contemplation displays the original Declaration of Independence document and a recording of the speech.

  54. dence document and a recording of the speech.

    Terjemahan :

    Monumen Nasional Monas

    Monumen Nasional, atau yang populer disebut "Monas", adalah salah satu monumen yang dibangun pada era Sukarno. Bagian atas Monumen Nasional (Monas) adalah Kotak Kebebasan. Itu melambangkan tekad rakyat untuk mencapai kebebasan dan penobatan atas usaha mereka dalam Proklamasi Kemerdekaan pada Agustus 1945. Bangunan marmer setinggi 137 meter itu dilapisi dengan nyala api yang dilapisi dengan 35 kg emas. Lantai bawah merupakan museum bersejarah dan aula untuk meditasi. Monumen ini terbuka untuk umum dan lift bisa membawa pengunjung ke puncak, yang menawarkan pemandangan kota dan laut.
    Pergilah lebih pagi supaya tidak terlalu ramai dan tidak ada kabut asap. Monas juga sangat ramah bagi orang-orang yang berkebutuhan khusus. Pameran diorama di ruang bawah tanah memberikan penjelasan tentang sejarah Indonesia.
    Konstruksi dimulai pada tahun 1961 di bawah Presiden Soekarno namun tidak selesai sampai tahun 1975, di bawah Presiden Soeharto. Monumen tersebut memajang beberapa museum. The Freedom Hall menggambarkan perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia melalui serangkaian diorama, sedangkan Aula Kontemplasi menampilkan dokumen Deklarasi Kemerdekaan yang asli dan rekaman pidato tersebut.

  55. Way Kambas National Park

    Way Kambas National Park is a national park for elephant sanctuary located in Lampung precisely in the Labuhan Ratu sub district, East Lampung, Indonesia. Way Kambas National Park, established in 1985, is the first school for elephant in Indonesia. In the beginning of its establishment, Way Kambas National Park was named the Elephant Training Center / Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG), but the last few years this name was changed into Elephant Conservation Center / Pusat Konservasi Gajah (PKG), which is expected to become a center for elephant conservation in taming, training, breeding and conserving elephants. Until now, this PKG has trained for about 300 elephants which have been deployed to all over the country.
    In Way Kambas National Park, there are some endangered animals such as Sumatran Rhinos, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Mentok Rimba, and Buaya sepit. There are also so some plants which are mostly found there such as Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, and Pandan. On the marshy coasts of Way Kambas National Park is often found various species of birds, such as, Lesser Adjutant, Pheasant Blue, Kuau Raja, Pependang Timur, and some other birds.

  56. Taman Nasional Way Kambas

    Taman Nasional Way Kambas adalah taman nasional untuk perlindungan gajah yang terletak di daerah Lampung tepatnya di Kecamatan Labuhan Ratu, Lampung Timur, Indonesia. Taman Nasional Way Kambas yang berdiri pada tahun 1985 merupakan sekolah gajah pertama di Indonesia. Pada awal berdirinya, Taman Nasional Way Kambas ini bernama Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG) namun beberapa tahun terakhir ini namanya berubah menjadi Pusat Konservasi Gajah (PKG) yang diharapkan mampu menjadi pusat konservasi gajah dalam penjinakan, pelatihan, perkembangbiakan dan konservasi gajah. Hingga Saat ini PKG ini telah melatih sekitar 300 ekor gajah yang sudah disebar ke seluruh penjuru Tanah Air.
    Di Taman Nasional Way Kambas ini terdapat hewan yang hampir punah di antaranya Badak sumatera, Gajah Sumatera, Harimau sumatera, Mentok Rimba, dan Buaya sepit. Ada juga beberapa tanaman yang banyak diketemukan di sana seperti Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, dan Pandan. Di bagian pesisir Taman Nasional Way Kambas yang berawa juga sering ditemukan berbagai jenis burung antara lain Bangau Tongtong, Sempidan Biru, Kuau raja, Burung Pependang Timur, dan beberapa burung lainnya.

  57. Pink Beach

    Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the beaches in Komodo island, East Nusa Tenggara. The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. The pink color of its beach is a mixture of white sand beach colors mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a red body shell.
    At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms. No fewer than 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of coral, and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so much marine life, this place is a proper spot for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers

  58. Pink Beach

    Pink Beach atau Pantai Merah Muda adalah salah satu pantai yang ada di Pulau Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pantai ini disebut Pink Beach dikarenakan pasir pantainya yang berwarna pink.Warna pink dari pantainya merupakan campuran dari warna pantai pasir putih yang bercampur dengan serpihan karang, cangkang kerang, serta kalsium karbonat dari invertebrata laut yang berukuran sangat kecil, dan juga Foraminifera, Amuba Mikroskopis yang memiliki cangkang tubuh berwarna merah.
    Di Pink Beach ini terdapat begitu banyak biota laut. Tak kurang dari 1000 spesies ikan, 260 spesies terumbu karang, dan 70 spesies sponge dapat Anda temui di sini. Karena memiliki biota laut yang begitu banyak, tempat ini sangat cocok dijadikan tempat snorkeling maupun menyelam bagi para pecinta olah raga laut.

  59. Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a war, Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Prabu Baka’s daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang.
    Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, the princess hated him because he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to refuse the marriage proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if he could build a thousand temples before the dawn.

    Being helped by the genies, Bondowoso built the temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang wanted to fail him. She asked all women in the village to hit the rice. The rooster crowed signing that morning was coming. All genies left the project until 999 temples because they tought morning came afterward.

    Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He was very angry so he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples.
    740. Lunas pak heri

  60. 1030
    THESIS : A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of breakfast, especially for students.

    ARGUMENT 1 :The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast.

    ARGUMENT 2 :Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do well in your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the entire previous night without food.

    ARGUMENT 3: The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day.

    RECOMMENDATION : You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start your day.


  61. 1050
    How to Make Meatballs


    1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
    1 teaspoon of white pepper
    300 grams of tapioca-flour
    2 teaspoons of salt
    4-8 cloves of garlic
    1 red onion
    2 eggs
    These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs, just meatball. The soup is made separately.

    Mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
    Next, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
    Then, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
    After that, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
    Next step, roll the mixture into small meatballs.
    Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface, they are ready to serve.

  62. 1070
    Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman ( About Friend )

    His name is kevin anggara, kevin anggara is my classmate, he has tall body, he is 170 cm, he has straight black hair, he has oval face, he has small eyes, he has sharp nose, he has thick lips, he dark brown skin, he has thin body, he always wears black shirt, he is kind, he is smart, he is helpful, he is generous, and he is dilligent.
    Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Suatu Tempat (About Place)

    The Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.

  63. 1120
    Romeo and Juliet

    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

    Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.

    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.

    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.

  64. 1140
    Unfortunately, The Friar’s letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

  65. 1180

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.

    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale’s stomach when he awoke. He couldn’t find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale’s stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

  66. 1220
    The Lion and The Mouse

    When he was awakened by a tiny Mouse running across his body, a mighty Lion was sleeping in his lair. The lion then grabbed the frightened mouse with his huge paws and opened his mouth to swallow him directly. “Please, King,” begged the Mouse, “Spare me this time and of course I will never forget your kindness. Someday I may be able to repay you. “The Lion thought that it was such an amusing idea that he let the poor creature go.

    Sometimes later the Lion was caught in a net laid by some hunters. Despite his great strength, the Lion could not break free. Soon the forest echoed with angry load roars.

    The Little Mouse heard the Lion and ran to see what was wrong. As soon as he succeeded to make the Lion free “There!” said the Mouse proudly, ” You laughed at me when I promised to repay your kindness, but now you know that even a tiny Mouse can help a mighty Lion.”

  67. 1250
    The Legend of Surabaya

    A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired.

    Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. They fought again.

    They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

  68. 1280
    The Story of Toba Lake
    Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

    One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; “Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

    Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

    Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

  69. 1320

    Malin Kundang

    A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.

    Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.

    One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.

    Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.

    An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well-dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again, but in that time, she was full of both sadness and angriness.

    Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.

    In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

  70. 1380
    Snow White

    One day, there was a queen sitting near a very beautiful window while tailoring and seeing the snow. Accidentally, her finger was pierced by a sewing needle so that three drops of blood dripped out. The drops of blood fell down on the snow. The red color of the blood which was stuck in the white of the snow looked very pretty. Suddenly the queen thought “If only i had a child whose skin were as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood”.

    As the time went by, finally a queen gave birth of a very pretty princess whose skin was as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood. The queen grew up as a very pretty and kind-hearted girl. She was called Snow White. However, when Snow White was about teenager, the queen died because of an illness. After the queen’s death, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

    Everyday the queen stood in front of her magic mirror while asking “Who is the most beautiful woman in the land?” and the mirror always answered, “You are the most beautiful one of all.” The new queen asked the same question everyday and the mirror always answered the same thing. But one day the mirror answered that the queen was so beautiful but Snow White was much more beautiful than the queen. It made the queen so angry that she gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.

    The Huntsman had such a kind heart that he couldn’t do the deed. He told her to run away. In her fleeing into the woods, she found a place in which seven dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange. Snow White entered the little house and found it very untidy. Then, she started to clean up the entire house. In the upstairs she found seven little beds. She was so exhausted that she stretched out on one of the beds. Not long after that, she was asleep on the bed.

    When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them. She lived there together happily.

    Unfortunately, The Queen discovered the place where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She then took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.

    Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy at that time. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

  71. 1420
    Timun Emas

    Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.

    She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

    When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.

    ‘Timun, take these things’

    ‘What are these things?’

    ‘These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’

  72. 1470
    Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

    Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

    But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

    Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

  73. 1490

    Last week I went to the theatre. It was the only theatre at my town.

    I had 1 free ticket to watch a movie.

    I had no idea about the movie I would like to watch and I did not know the schedule of that theatre. So that, I just wanted to come and see if there was any good movie.


    I parked my motorcycle at the parking area and I walked slowly at the hall of the theatre.

    I took my ticket on my wallet and go to the information section to ask about how to use the ticket that day.

    Unfortunately, I missed it. The ticket was already expired 2 days before.


    I went home and I was very disappointed about that.

  74. 1510

    Three days ago, I went to the traditional market to buy some fruits and vegetables.

    In that market, I saw an accident, there was a thief beaten by a lot of people. It was so terrible. I didn’t want to take closer and see.

    A few minutes later, police came and took him.


    I asked to the fruit seller what had happened actually and she said that the thief tried to steal someone’s wallet but he was unlucky.

    Someone saw him and shouted loudly and suddenly some people roughed him up hardly.


    It was a pity event and I hoped it would never happen again.

  75. 1530Orientation

    Two days ago I went to the Merapi Mountain. It was the first time I climbed the mountain. I did it with some of my friends.

    We start climbing at 8 p.m. It was so dark and we only used flashlight to get the way.

    I felt no worry because all of my friends were professional climber. I just followed their instruction.


    We climbed slowly and enjoy the night there.

    After 7 hours walking in the dark, we could reach the top of the mountain. It was at 3 a.m. early in the morning.

    We were not alone. There were a lot of people who reached that top before us.

    We waited the sun rises by cooking some food and making some hot drink to get back our energy. We sang some songs together, shared stories and got acquainted with people there.

    After seeing the sun raised, we had to go back home. Getting down the mountain was not as hard as the climbing process because we only spent a few energy and time even we had to be more careful to do this process.

    However, it was great experience i had ever done so far.


    After all, that was my great experience I had ever have.

  76. 1570
    Flooding is a disaster which commonly happens in large and densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause many victims. Then, do you know the process of how flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation.

    The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface of the earth. Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to the lower place. Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to the surface of the land. Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen in an area that people live because the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people.

    On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by bad habits of humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering that can make water flow clogged. This makes the water deposited in landfills which gradually becomes more common. When water reservoirs can no longer hold water discharge, the water then overflows out theland and cause flooding.
    As we know now, global warming which is happening right now has a very big impact on natural conditions, animals and humans. Well, do you know how global warming which has a particularly serious impact on life happens? To know the process of how this phenomenon occurs, see the following explanation.

    The process starts when sunlight shines the earth where most of the heat is absorbed by the earth and a half of it is reflected back onto the air (atmosphere). Sunshine returning to the air is trapped by gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor, and so on. This event is known as the greenhouse effect.

    Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere makes ozone layer get thinner and makes the sunlight which shines the Earth become hotter. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight which is reflected back onto space is reflected back into the earth. This phenomenon causes the earth continuously getting hotter. This condition is known as global warming.

  77. 1600
    Once upon a time, an old widow wanted a daughter to live with her in the village. Knowing her wish, a huge giant visited her house. He gave her a cucumber seed. He told the old widow that there will be a a baby inside the cucumber. The giant promised to come back for the baby once she turned sixteen.

    The old widow planted the seed in her yard. By the next morning, a cucumber grew. She cut it open and found a baby girl inside. The old widow was so happy and named the baby Timun Mas. Day by day, Timun Mas grew into a beautiful lady. The widow remembered what the giant had warned her. So when Timun Mas turned sixteen, the widow told her to run into the jungle with a bag of salt. “You must not let the giant catch you,” the widow cried out as Timun Mas ran into the jungle.

    The giant came and asked the widow for Timun Mas. The widow refused to tell him and so he went into the jungle. He angrily called out for Timun Mas. Timun Mas heard his voice and ran away from him. The giant chased her. Timun Mas threw the salt that the widow had given her. It turned the jungle into a muddy field. The muddy field swallowed the giant and he was never seen again. Finally, Timun Mas returned home and lived happily ever after with the old widow.
    Once two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures. Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

  78. 1640

    Landslide is a geological process that happen because of the movement of rock mass or soil such as the fall of rocks or clumps of soil which detached from the main section of the mountain or hill. Landslide usually happen in the mountainous areas.

    Mostly landslides happen because of earthquake that moves the underground plate which caused the element or the subsurface plate displaced, so it is causing fraction and landslide. High rainfall during the rainy season will also caused landslide. Long duration of the rain will occur the water evaporation on the ground surface in large amounts. The evaporation will make pore or soil cavity, then there would be cracks on the ground. When rain falls, the rain will infiltrate the cracks. Then, the water will accumulated at the bottom of the slope and caused lateral movement which occur landslide.

    Landslide often caused a lot of disadvantages. Landslide can make people lose their house, lands, and properties because buried by the landslide. The worst is the loss of life because they can’t run from the landslide. So, to prevent landslide to happen, start to care about our environtment. We can start by planting tree and do reforestation. Plus, do not throw trash carelessly to keep our environment clean. So, we would prevent flood and landslide during the rainy season.

  79. 1680

    Cats or also known as the house cats have become one of the most popular humans companion since their domestication 9.500 years ago by the ancient Egypt. Most of them are furry. The common size of a cat is 25 cm in length and about 5 kg in weight. They are carnivorous mammal who love to hunt mouse, birds or lizard. Read more..

    Rabbits are furry herbivorous mammals who have four legs, long ears, short tail and a divided upper lip. They can only be found in several parts of the world and most of them live in underground burrows. The common size of a rabbit is 20 to 50 cm with the average body weight of 2 kg. They spend most of their time sleeping in their dens for about 8 hours a day. Most of them can live up to 3 years in the wild. Read more..

    Chicken is omnivorous animal and also the most popular domesticated fowl in the world. The female chicken is called “hen” and the male chicken is called “roosters”. Their meat and eggs are both a good source of food for humans. They can be found in any region in the world. Some people keep it as a pet, but most of them are kept as a livestock. Read more..

    Dogs are omnivorous mammal. They are the descendant of wolves and also the first mammal ever to be domesticated. There are hundreds species of dogs in the world and each of them have their own unique characteristic starting from the size and weight when they are adult, color of the fur, shape of the head and also shape of the ear. Nowadays they are the most popular pet in the world. Read more..

    Bears are wild animals. Some of them are carnivore, but there are some species that also consume plants and fruits. There are only eight species of bears remaining in the world and each of them can reach a different maximum body size when they are adult. They can swim, climb a tree and run well. Most of them can live up to 20 years. Read more..

  80. 1720
    6.Common House Gecko

    Common House Gecko is a reptile originated from Southeast Asia. The name “House Gecko” is given to them because they mostly be seen sticking on the wall or on the ceiling of a house or another buildings. They have four legs and one long tail that they can lose when they are in danger. They can live up to five years and reach the size of 75 to 150 mm when they are adult. Read more..

    Camels are desert animal that can only be found in certain places such as The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. There are only three species of camels left in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Their legs are very long that they can reach the average height of 1,85 m when they are standing. Read more..

    Dinosaur is ancient animals that consist of avian dinosaurs (birds form) and non-avian dinosaurs (all other dinosaurs). It is believed that they were first appeared 230 million years ago. They are already extinct, but we can still learn about them through their fossils. Some of them are herbivore and the rest are carnivore. Read more..

    Elephants are four-legged herbivorous mammals with a very huge body. A full grown elephant can reach 3.3 meters in height and 6.4 meters in length, with the total body weight of 12.000 kilograms. They have a very long nose called “the trunk”. It can be used to breathe, to grasp object (food, flowers, etc), to suck and pour water, and also to do hand shake with humans. They can live up to 60 to 70 years. Read more..

    Tiger is carnivorous mammal and they are considered to be the largest cat in the world. They are one of endangered animals in the world with the global population of 3,062 to 3,948 individuals only. They have a very unique dark vertical stripes pattern on their skin. Most tigers can live up to 20 years or more. Read more..

    Hamsters are omnivorous mammals who eat seeds, fruits, root, vegetables and also some small animals such as insect and grasshopper. They are from the family of Cricetidae and their subfamily is Cricetinae. They are colorblind and they can only see something in a close distance. They have an elongated cheek pouches which allow them to carry some foods in their cheek. Read more..

    Giraffe is one of endemic animal of Africa and also the tallest animal in the world. They can reach the height of 5 to 6 m (male) and 4,6 m (female). Their skin pattern is almost similar to leopard’s skin. The difference is that it has wider spot and the color is brown instead of black as on leopard’s skin. The shape of its head is similar to camel with two nostril in front of it and located right above its mouth. Read more..

    Mouse-deer is a herbivorous mammals. They consume leaves, fruits, grass, and plants. They are from the family Tragulidae. They slightly look like a deer but the shape of the head resemble a rat’s head. In english they also known as Chevrotains, and in Indonesia some people call it Pelanduk. A full grown mouse-deer is as big as a rabbit. Read more..

  81. 1750

    Cockroaches are omnivorous insects of the order Blattodea who have six legs. They have been considered to be a pests by humans for a long time. They have more than 4.000 species in the world. They can survive in a various type of extreme environment. They can also survive for weeks by only consuming water. They can fly in a short range by using their foldable wings. Read more..

    Spiders are eight-legged arthropods. They are carnivorous animal and they can also be a cannibal. There are more than 45.000 species of spiders in the world and they inhabited every continent except Antarctica. Some species of spiders have venomous bite which make them dangerous. Spiders can produce sticky web by using a gland called “the spinneret” in their body. They use the web as a nest and also as a trap for the prey. Read more..

    Lion is the second-largest cat after the tiger. They are from the Felidae family and they are one of endangered carnivorous mammal. They live in a group and this group usually consists of 15 members. They have a muscular body with the maximum weight of 250 kg (male) and 185 kg (female). They have round ears, broad head, short neck, and a long tail. Read more..

    The term “Monkey” refers to any kind of primate that is not prosimia or ape. There are 260 species of monkeys in the world. They have two ears on each side of the head, forward-facing eyes, two hands, two legs and a prehensile tail. Their body is fully covered by hair. Some color of the hair are: brown, white, yellow, gray and black. They are omnivorous, so they eat almost anything. Read more..

    Orangutan is a species of great apes who have 96.4 % DNA similarities to human. They are native animal of Indonesia and Malaysia. They have two legs and two hands with four long fingers and a thumb on it. It gives them the ability to perform some activities like humans. They can reach the maximum body height of 1,5 m with the body weight around 50 to 100 kg when they are adult. Read more..

    Penguin is a bird that cannot fly. They can swim well. They spend half of their time in the oceans and the other half on the land. There are 16 species of Penguin in the world and each species have different body size. The largest Penguin can reach the size of 1,1 m with the weight of 35 kg or more. Their head is similar to the head of a bird with a beak in front of it and eyes on each side of the head. Read more..

  82. 1790

    Rhinoceros or Rhino is an endangered herbivorous mammals with one or two horns located right above its nose. They have a large and muscular body with four short legs. Their head is big and their neck is short. An adult Rhino can reach the height of 1,8 m with approximate weight of 2.300 kg. Read more..

    Snake is a legless carnivorous reptile with a very flexible body. There are 3.600 species of snakes in the world and all of them have different size and color. Some of them are venomous. The smallest snake can grow to the size of 10,4 cm and the largest snakes can reach the size of 12 m long. Their tongue is called the forked tongue and it is split into two. Read more..

    Caterpillar is the larval stage of butterflies and moths. They belong to the order Lepidoptera. Their boneless body is very soft and they can fold it into any shape. They have a cylindrical body with the size ranged from 1 mm to 14 cm. There are five pairs of legs on it. Some of them can use camouflage to hide themselves from the eye of the predator. Read more..

    Wolf is the ancestor of the domestic dog. They are carnivorous mammal. Their scientific name is Canis lupus. They have two layers fur, the top layers is dirt resistant and the second layer is water resistant. Some color of the fur are: white, gray, black, red and brown. An adult wolf can reach the size of 1,4 to 1,8 m from nose to tail with the body weight of 23 to 50 kg. Read more..

    Zebras are herbivorous mammal with typical black and white stripes skin pattern who belong to the Equidae Family (horse family). This stripes is as unique as human fingerprint and it is different from one zebra to the other. There are three species of them in the world. An adult zebra can reach the length of 2,6 m and height 1,3 m with the body weight of 350 kg. Read more..

    Panda is a species of bear originated from Central China. The color of the fur on their body are white and black, it is the most distinguishable things from them. They are omnivorous animal who consume bamboo and other grasses, wild tubers, rodents, birds, eggs, honey, fish, oranges and banana occassionally. They can grow to the size of 1,9 m long from nose to tail with the body weight of 160 kg. They can live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity. Read more..

    Seals are semiaquatic marine mammals. They can stay in the water and also on the land. There are 33 species of seals in the world. Each of them will grow into different size and weight. The smallest seals can grow up to the size of 1 m and weight 45 kg, while the largest seal can have the maximum size of 5 m and weight 3.200 kg. They are carnivorous and their main diets are fish and marine invertebrates. They have two pairs of flippers that help them to swim in the water and to walk on the land. Read more..

  83. 2030

    Crocodiles are prehistoric reptiles who tend to live in a freshwater habitats. They are carnivorous and they consume fish, birds, other reptiles and mammals as their main diet. They have a rugged and thick skin. Their body is long and they have four legs on it. They also have a very long tail. The total length from their head to their tail is around 5 to 6 m. Read more..

    Dolphins are carnivorous marine mammals. There are more than 40 species of them in the world. Their main diet are fish and squid. They have pectoral fins located on the left and right side of their body. They also have a dorsal fin located on top of their body. They breathe through a blowhole located on top of their head. Read more..

    Frog is tailles amphibian with exceptional skill in jumping. There are more than 4.700 species of frogs in the world. They are one of animals that undergo a metamorphosis process in their life to become the adult version of themselves. They have a smooth and colorful skin that can be used as a respiratory organ. Read more..

    Whales are the largest marine mammals. They are from the order Cetacea. Their body is similar to the body of a dolphin with a dorsal fin, tail and a blowhole. The main diet is varied among the species of whales, some of them are: microscopic plankton, fish, squid and other marine mammals. They have a layer of fat beneath their skin called as “blubber” which function as energy reservoir and insulation that keep their body warm. Read more..
    31.Koi Fish

    Koi fish is a species of carp fish with large and colorful scales. They are originated from Eastern Asia. Usually they have more than two color on their body such as white scales with black and orange spots or white scales with black and red spots. They can grow up to the size of 80 cm with the maximum weight of 14 kg. It is recorded that they can live up to 20 years. Mostly, they are kept by humans in an outdoor ponds to beautify the garden. Read more..

    Fish are aquatic animals that contains a lot of good nutrient for humans body. They belong to the group of vertebrates. There are more than 30.000 species of fish in the world. They breathe by using a special organs known as “gills”. They consume various of food such as plants, worms, and sometimes another fish with smaller body. Read more..

  84. 2050

    Seahorse is a type of fish that swim upright with a head that resemble the head of a horse. There are 54 species of them in the world. Some of them can grow up to the size of 35,5 cm. They have bony armour around the body. They are the slowest-moving fish in the world with the maximum speed of 1,5 m per hour. Read more..

    Octopus is a carnivorous invertebrate who has soft body and eight flexible arms. They belong to the order Octopoda and class Cephalopoda. They inhabited various regions of the ocean from the shallow water to the deep sea. They have a rounded body and bulging eyes on it. The largest species can grow to the size of 4,3 m with the weight of 15 kg. Their life span is around 3 to 5 years. Read more..

    Jellyfish are marine invertebrates who have gelatinous body with the shape of an umbrella or a bell. There are around 200 species of jellyfish and most of them have roam the ocean for about 500 million years. They have some long, stinging and venomous tentacles on their body. They do not have brain or eyes. Read more..

    Owls are nocturnal carnivorous birds who love to hunt by night. Their head is round and large with forward-facing eyes and ear holes. Their head can turn 180 degree around. Their beak is similar to hawk’s beak. Their special feathers allow them to fly undetected. The largest owl can grow to the size of 71 cm and weight of 4,2 kg. Read more..

  85. 210037.Birds Of Paradise

    The birds of paradise are a group of colorful birds of the family Paradisaeidae and order Passeriformes. Their beak can be blue, yellow, black and gray. The fur around their beak is either black or green. The color of the fur on their head to their back are also varied, it can be black, brown, blue or yellow. There are 42 species of them and they can be found in the tropical rainforests in Eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Eastern Australia. Read more..

    Dragonfly is a carnivorous flying insect that belong to the order of Odonata. They start their live as an aquatic larva and live in freshwater for several years. Their body consist of head, thorax and abdomen. They have two pairs of transparent wings and three pairs of legs. Their wings cannot be folded and the hindwings are bigger than the forewings. Read more..

    Eagle is the apex predators in the avian world with keen eyesight and powerful talons from the family of Accipitridae. There are around 60 species of eagle in the world. They love to hunt rat, squirrel, rabbits, chicken, fish, snake and sheep as their main diet. They have a large hooked beaks that they use to rip flesh of their prey. Read more..

    Butterflies are the adult version of caterpillars that belong to the order Lepidoptera. They are one of few animals that undergo a metamorphosis process in their live to became adult. There are around 18.500 species of butterfly in the world. Their body is divided into three sections, they are: the head, thorax, and abdomen. They have four wings and six legs. Read more..
    41.Honey Bee

    The name “Honey bee” refers to some species of bees who can produce honey and beeswax. There are seven species of honey bee in the world. In a colony of a honey bee, there are three castes of bee. They are: The Queen, Workers and Drones. Each of them has their own function in the colony. The largest species of bee can grow up to the size of 39 millimetres while the smallest species of bee can only reach the size of 2 millimetres. Read more..

    Pigeon, also known as “Doves” are birds of the family Columbidae. The word “Doves” refer to the white version of the birds while the rest are called as “Pigeons”. Their average body size is 75 cm with 2 kg body weight. They exhibit various colors such as reddish, brown, gray, white and black. They have been domesticated and used in various occasion such as delivering letter, magic performance and many more since 10.000 years ago. Read more..

    Mosquitoes are known to be a bloodsucking insect although some of them are not like that. They are from the family of Culicidae. About 2.700 species of mosquitoes are spread around the world. They require blood from other animal to fulfill the nutrient need during the eggs producing process. Their actual food are nectar and plant juices. They are able to produce up to 200 eggs during their 56 days of live. Read more..

    Bats are flying mammal from the order of Chiroptera. They produce ultrasonic sound to guide them when they are flying. There are around 1.200 species of bats in the world and most of them live in a cave. They consume various kinds of diet such as nectar, pollen, fruit, insects and vertebrates. Their body can grow up to the size of 32 cm and they can live up to 30 years in the wild. Read more..

  86. 2130

    Fireflies or also known as Lightning Bugs are flying insects of the family Lampyridae. They have a unique ability to emit bioluminescence light by using an organ located on their abdomen. About 2.000 species of fireflies exist in this world and they inhabited tropical regions. They are known to be nocturnal animals. Read more..

    Worms are legless animal that can be divided into several phyla. A lot of them are considered to be parasite and live inside the body of a host. The host can be other animal such as cow, pig, etc. or it can also be human. The size of the body range from microscopic to 58 m. Some worms such as earthworms live in underground burrows. Read more..

    Sheep is the word that we use to address all species of genus Ovis. They are four-legged mammal with thick pelts known as “wool” that can be harvested regularly as resource in fabric production. Most of them are kept by humans as livestock and only a few of them are raised as pet. Some of their color are: White, dark brown and spotted. Read more..

    Goats are herbivorous mammal of the family Bovidae. They are the close relatives of sheep. The population of goats around the world is more than 900 millions. They can grow up to the size of 1,4 m long with the height of 58 cm. Their body can weight as much as 120 kg. They have two horns on their head. Read more..
    49.Betta Fish

    Betta fish are aggressive and colorful freshwater fish of the family Osphronemidae. They are also known as The Siamese Fighting Fish as they are native to Mekong River that lies across Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Their body is small with the maximum size of 6,5 cm. They feed on zooplankton, larvae, mosquito and bloodworms. Read more..

  87. 2180

    Rayfish are carnivorous fish who have a large and flat body. They are also known as Ray or Stingray. There are more than 600 species of Rayfish in the world. Some of them live in freshwater but most of them live in the ocean. Their body is very elastic and their skeleton is made of a tough and elastic material called as cartilage. Most of them have venomous stingers on their tail. Read more..

    Crickets are six-legged omnivorous insect with a unique ability to chirp by rubbing their hind wings. They are form the family Gryllidae with more than 900 species in the world. Their greatest population can be found in tropical area. Their body can grow up to the size of 5 cm. They have four walking legs and two jumping legs. Read more..

    Flies are flying insects with more than 150.000 species in the world. They have small body with the size of 1 cm. Their body is divided into three tagma. Each tagma consists of several body parts. They are considered to be an agile flyer but they can only maintain the flight speed for a short time. Read more..

    Hedgehogs are four-legged omnivorous mammal characterized by spines that grow around their body. They are from the family Erinaceidae and there are 17 species of them in the world. Their appearance is similar to Porcupine, but they are not related. They consume bird eggs, berries, frogs, grass roots, insects, melons and mushrooms as their diet. Their maximum weight is about 1 kg with the body size around 20 cm. Read more..

    Deer are four-legged ruminant mammal characterized by branched and long antlers on their head. They have a slim body and long legs. They are from the family Cervidae and there are around 34 species of them in the world. Some of them can grow up to the size of 2,6 m with the body weight of 800 kg. Each species show different color of the coat, some of them are: brown with white spots, reddish brown, gray and dark brown. Read more..

    Cows are herbivorous mammal of the family Bovidae. Their scientific name is Bos taurus. They are raised by humans as a livestock to fulfill the need of the people on their meat and milk. They have a large body with the size of 1,3 m in height and 2,6 m in length. Their average body weight can reach 1.100 kg. Most of them have two horns on their head but there are also a species of hornless cow in the world. Read more..

    Platypus is a semiaquatic mammal of the family Omithorhynchidae. Their scientific name is Omithorhynchus anatinus. They can be found in Australia. They are carnivorous animal who feed on worms, insect larva and freshwater shrimp. Their beak looks like duck’s beak but a lot larger and without lower parts. Their body is similar to the body of a beaver. Read more..

  88. 2220

    2 cloves of Garlic
    2 onions cut into small pieces
    1 table spoon of vegetable oil
    a plate of rice
    some salt
    Steps how to make it
    First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
    Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
    Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.
    Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 menit.
    Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
    Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.
    Two eggs
    Chilli (if you like spicy)
    Vegetable oil
    Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chilli
    Second, break the egg into a bowl
    Third, put the garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into the bowl
    Then, mix them gradually
    The next step, heat a frying pan
    After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
    Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate
    Finally, omellete is ready to serve
    What you need:
    An empty plastic bottle of water
    A sharp cutter
    A piece of white of colorful paper
    Some glue
    Some paint
    Wash the plastic bottle and make sure it has been clean when you use it
    Cut the bottle into two halves
    Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper
    If you use white paper, use a paint to color it
    Now, your pencil box is ready to use

  89. 2250
    Read the direction
    Put the card into the slot
    Dial your personal identification number (PIN)
    When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking”
    Enter the amount of money that you want to withdraw
    When your money appears, take it
    When the machine asks if you have finished, press “yes”
    Take out the receipt
    Take your card
    First, get some yeast and a pan
    Second, Turn on your bread machine
    Third, put flour, yeast into bread machine
    Fourth,take out in 30 minutes to an hour
    Fifth, smash tomatoes, put it in pizza
    Sixth, open cheese bag sprinkle on sauce
    Seventh, put topping of your choice on the pizza
    Then, cook in oven 30 minutes to an hour
    After that, open an oven and take out pizza, caution! Pan os hot!
    Finally, cut pizza into slices and it is ready to serve

  90. 2280
    one spoon of coffee powder
    2 spoons of sugar
    hot water
    a cup
    a spoon
    Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, a spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
    Put 2 spoons of sugar and a spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
    Pour some hot water into the cup.
    Stir it gradually and the hot coffee is ready to drink
    An egg
    Instant noodle
    Vegetable oil
    First, Slice onions, garlics, chilli, and cabbage
    Second, heat pan and put vegetable oil in it
    Third, fry the onions and garlics untill yellowish
    Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling
    Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it
    After that, add noodle, stir slowly for three minutes
    While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a bowl
    Next, take the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain it
    Put the cooked noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix well
    Finally, the special fried rice is ready to serve
    Two slices of bread
    Cheddar cheese
    Tomato sauce
    Lettuce leaves
    STEPS :

    Firstly, place a slice of bread on the plate.
    Second, put the tomato sauce.
    Then, add salad, slice tomatoes, cheddar cheese, mayonnaise, tomato sauce on it.
    Next, add lettuce leave
    After that, put a slice of bread on the top to cover them
    Finally, serve it!

  91. 2310
    500 gr bananas
    2 cups thick coconut milk
    90 gr brown sugar
    pinch of salt
    2 cups water

    STEPS :

    First, Peel the bananas and cut them into small circle.
    Second, Boil in 2 glass of water for 10 minutes
    Third, In other saucepan, simmer the coconut milk with a pinch of salt and the brown sugar, stir and be careful that the coconut milk doesn't quite come to the boil.
    After that, when the sugar is dissolved, put in the bananas and continue to simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes, until bananas are cooked.
    Finally, it can be served in hot.

    How To Make Mango Juice
    Some ice pack
    A spoon of sugar
    A mango
    A half glass of water
    First, peel the mango and wash it cleanly
    Second, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the blender
    After that, put the sugar, the water, and ice
    The next step, turn on the blender and wait about 15 seconds
    Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and it is ready to drink.
    Paint maker
    The Procedure to make a Pencil box

    Find a box.
    Peel off any labels.
    Cut new labels from clean sheets of construction paper. Glue them on your box using a glue stick.
    Use decorative papers, stickers, paint markers, or hand-drawn drawn designs to embellish your box.
    Fill the box and you’re done!

  92. 2330How to Make Orange Juice
    SERVINGS 4-5
    3 cups orange juice
    Plain juicer
    Ice Cubes
    Blend all ingredients with ice for 1 minute on high.
    1. Soften the orange. Tightly squeeze or roll the oranges firmly with the palm of your hand across the counter or table to soften them up.
    2. Slice the orange in half and remove the seeds.
    3. Grip the one of the orange halves tightly and squeeze it by hand, using a plain juicer to coax all the juice out and pour the moisture into the glasses.
    4. Scrape the orange with a spoon and add the pulp directly to the juice. Add some pinch of sugar for more flavors.
    5 Drink up! Enjoy a crisp, cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice!

  93. 2350
    How to Make Brownies
    3 tablespoons butter or 3 tablespoons margarine
    3 tablespoons cocoa
    1 tablespoon light corn syrup
    1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla
    1 cup powdered sugar
    1 -2 teaspoon milk
    First, beat butter, cocoa, corn syrup, and vanilla until blended in a small mixer bowl.
    Then, add powdered sugar and milk and beat until spreading consistency.
    Next, pour the mixture into the baking tray.
    Insert the tray on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
    Remove the brownies from the oven and let them cool.
    Cut the brownies into bite-size chunks.
    Finally, serve it.

  94. 2380
    How to Make Fried Banana
    6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 egg, beaten
    1⁄4 cup milk
    1 pinch salt
    4 medium bananas (the firmer they are, the better)
    peanut oil (for frying)
    1. Fist, mix together the flour, sugar, egg, milk and salt to make a smooth, paste-like batter.
    2. Leave to rest for one hour.
    3. Then, peel the bananas and slice each one in half lengthwise, then across into chunks about three inches long.
    4. Dip the banana pieces into the batter and shallow fry in hot oil for a few minutes or until golden brown all over.
    5. Next drain quickly on a wire rack or paper towel, and serve warm.
    6. If you like, serve them with real maple syrup, powdered sugar, or honey, for extra sweetness.

  95. 2400
    Rice Cooker Fried Rice
    2 cups rice
    2 cups beef stock
    1 tablespoon oil (flavoured infused oil works very well)
    250 g bacon (cut into strips)
    1 onion (sliced)
    1 teaspoon minced garlic
    1 cup frozen mixed vegetables (corn kernels and peas will do)
    2 tablespoons soy sauce
    1. First, turn Rice Cooker onto cook.
    2. Add oil, bacon, onion and garlic to Rice Cooker.
    3. Then, stir frequently until onion is soft.
    4. Add rice to Rice Cooker and coat in oil.
    5. Add frozen vegetable and beef stock and mix well.
    6. Place lid on Rice Cooker and let it do its thing.
    7. When finished mix in Soy Sauce and stir.
    8. Finally, serve it.

  96. 2430
    How to Make Ice Cream
    For 4 servings
    1. 3/4 cup white sugar
    2. 1 cup heavy whipping cream
    3. 2 1/4 cups milk
    4. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1. Stir sugar, cream, and milk into a saucepan over low heat until sugar has dissolved.
    2. Transfer cream mixture to a large measuring cup and stir in vanilla extract and chill mix thoroughly for 2 hours.
    3. Pour cold ice cream mix into an ice cream maker, turn on the machine, and churn 20 to 25 minutes.
    4. When it is softly frozen, serve immediately or place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the ice cream and place in freezer to ripen, 2 to 3 hours.
    Simple Iced Tea
    1. 3-4 black tea bags
    2. Sugar to taste
    3. Ice cubes
    4. Water
    5. Mint (optional)
    6. A slice of lemon
    1. Bring 2 cups (480 ml) of water to a rapid boil in a small pan or a pot.
    2. Turn off the heat.
    3. Add 3-5 bags of black tea or a special tea blend made specifically for iced tea.
    4. Leave the teabags in the hot water for 5 minutes.
    5. Pour the tea into a pitcher. Wait 5-10 minutes until cool down.
    6. Pour 2 cups (480 ml) of cold water into the tea and stir the mixture for best results.
    7. Refrigerate the mixture until it's chilled. This should take 2-3 hours.
    8. Serve the tea. Pour the tea into a glass filled with ice cubes. Squeeze a slice of lemon into the tea and add a sprig of mint to the top. If you'd like to add sugar, start by stirring in half a teaspoon and add more to taste.

  97. 2450
    How to Make Sandwich
    INGREDIENTS (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)
    1. 8 to 10 slices of brown or white sandwich bread / or 1 sandwich loaf cut into slices
    2. 1 medium tomato, thinly sliced
    3. 1 medium size cucumber, thinly sliced
    4. freshly crushed black pepper or pepper powder as required
    5. cumin powder as required, (optional)
    6. butter as required, salted or unsalted
    7. salt (optional)
    1. First of all, finely slice the cucumber and tomatoes. Keep aside.
    2. After that, trim the edges of the bread if you want and apply butter evenly on the breads.
    3. Next, apply a slightly thick layer of butter on the bread.
    4. Then, arrange slices of tomato and cucumber on the buttered bread.
    5. Sprinkle two to three pinches of pepper powder, cumin powder, and salt on the slices.
    6. If you are making these sandwiches to take during travel, avoid salt. As the tomatoes and cucumber will release water because of the presence of salt, the sandwiches will become soggy and moist.
    7. Cover with another slice of buttered bread.
    8. Finally, serve tomato cucumber sandwiches with potato wafers and tomato sauce. If you store it for tiffin box during a travel, then wrap the sandwiches in a cling film or aluminium foil.

  98. 2480
    How to Make Sushi
    Fish, shellfish or other topping
    2 types of veggies (cucumbers and carrots)
    2 cups of Sushi rice
    Unsalted dried seaweed known as Nori (layer sheets prepared for making sushi)
    A bamboo mat
    Two tablespoons of rice wine vinegar
    A pinch of Sugar and Salt
    Optional condiments:
    Pickled ginger
    Soy sauce
    First, cook about 2 cups of sushi rice in a rice cooker.
    Then wash the cucumbers and carrots and then cut them into long skinny strips.
    Cut the crab into little strips and make them pretty even in length.
    Check on your rice. Once it's ready, take it out and put it in a dish.
    Take a bowl and pour in about two tablespoons of rice wine vinegar. Add in a pinch of sugar and salt and stir until it dissolves.
    Pour the mixture onto the rice and mix thoroughly by "slicing" the rice.
    Place the seaweed layer on a bamboo mat and then spread rice onto the seaweed.
    Roll the bamboo into a long roll by first folding the bottom third in then roll it up.
    Cut down the middle of the roll, take each half and place them parallel to each other.
    Finally, serve and enjoy!

  99. 2530
    “Legend of Talaga Warna”
    Long, long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king. People called their king His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. No wonder if that country was prosperous. There’s no hunger in this kingdom.

    It was a very happy condition. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn’t got any children. It made the royal couple very, very sad. Some old men and women who was respected by Prabu suggested the king to adopt a child. But Prabu and the queen didn’t agree. “No, thank you. But for us, our own daughter or son is better than adopted children.”

    The queen was very sad. She often cried. That was why Prabu decided to go. He went to the jungle. There he prayed to God. Everyday he begged for a child. His dream came true. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt happy. They sent many presents to the palace to express their happiness.

    Nine months later a princess was born. People sent their presents again as a gift to a little princess. This baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.

    Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave what ever she wanted. It made Princess a very spoiled girl. When her wish couldn’t be realized, she became very angry. She even said bad things often. A true princess wouldn’t do that. Even though the princess behaved badly, her parents loved her, so did the people in that kingdom.

    Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. No girls could compare with her. In a few days, Princess would be 17 years old. So, people of that kingdom went to palace. They brought many presents for her. Their presents gift were very beautiful. Prabu collected the presents. There were really many presents. Then Prabu stored them in a building. Some times he could take them to give to his people.

    Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then she brought them to the goldsmith. “Please make a beautiful necklace for my daughter,” said Prabu. “My pleasure, Your Majesty,” the goldsmith replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world because he loved his princess.
    The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and queen appeared, people welcomed them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their beloved people.

    Cheers were louder and louder when the princess appeared with her fabulous pretty face. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A lady gave him a small and glamorous pillow. A wonderful necklace was on it. Prabu took that necklace. “My beloved daughter, today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people in this country. They love you so much. They presented it for you to express their happiness, because you have growing to a woman. Please, wear this necklace,” said Prabu.

    Princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. “I don’t want to accept it! It’s ugly!” shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor

    Everybody couldn’t say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do that cruel thing. Nobody spoke. In their silence people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying too. Then everybody was crying.

    Then there was a miracle. Earth was crying. Suddenly, from the under ground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. The palace was getting full. Soon the place became a big lake. The lake sank all of the kingdom.

    Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small lake now. People called the lake “Talaga Warna”. It is mean “Lake of Colour”. It’s located in Puncak, West Java. On a bright day, the lake is full of colour. So beautiful and amazing. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colours are from the princess’s necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.

    Sumber Talaga Warna

  100. 2580
    The Legend of Pamboang
    A long time ago, three men came to Majene, West Sulawesi. They wanted to open a new place. Those three men were brothers. They were I Lauase, I Lauwella, and I Labuqang.

    They arrived in the beach. It was empty. No humans lived there. So the three brothers divided jobs among them.

    I Lauase worked in the land. He wanted to open new fields for plantation. I Lauwella and I Labuqang worked on the beach. I Lauwella cleaned the beach from the seaweeds and I Labuqang covered the hole made by the crabs.

    They worked hard everyday. And finally they succeeded. I Lauase had fields with so many trees, fruits and vegetables. I Lauwella and I Labuqang already cleaned the beach from the seaweeds and the covered the holes.

    One by one people came to their place. And slowly it became a new village. The three brothers were the leaders of the village. They thought they had to find a name for their village.

    “I have an idea. Let’s name it Pallayarang Tallu,” said I Lauase.

    “What does it mean,” asked I Lauwella.

    “Well, Pallayarang means ship pole and Tallu means three,” explained I Lauase.

    They all agreed. Since then they named the village as Pallayarang Tallu. More and more people came to Pallayarang Tallu. The village was growing into a small town.

    The name Pallayarang Tallu was so famous. One man was interested to know more about the new town. His name was Puatta Di Karena. He was from Passokkorang kingdom. He went to Pallayarang Tallu with many people.

    They were refugees. Their kingdom was attacked by their enemy. They came to Pallayarang Tallu to ask for help. The leader, Puatta Di Karena came to I Lauase’s house.

    “Our kingdom is attacked. Can you help us?” asked Puatta Di Karena.

    “I’m not the only leader here. I have to discuss with my brothers,” answered I Lauase.

    Later, the three brothers held a meeting. After that they met Puatta Di Karena to tell him about their decision.

    “We cannot help you. We don’t have enough soldiers yet. You can see that Pallayarang Tallu is a new town. There are not so many people live here,” explained I Lauase.

    “But we really need your help. Pallayarang Tallu is the nearest town from our kingdom. Besides that, the three of you are very strong men. You can build this town. It means you have great power. I’m sure we can win if you help us,” said Puatta Di Karena.

    He continued, “If you help us, I will give you tambo.” Tambo means fee or money.

    The three brothers then discussed. They needed more money. And the tambo could be used to build Pallayarang Tallu.

    “When will you give us the tambo?” asked I Lauase.

    “Next week,” answered Puatta Di Karena.

    Then the people of Pallayarang Tallu helped them. They won! However Puatta Di Karena did not show up yet. He disappeared. Nobody knew where he was. The people of Pallayarang Tallu always talked abou the tambo.

    Slowly the word tambo changed into tamboang, then changed into pamboang. Since then the people changed the name Pallayarang Tallu into Pamboang. Pamboang is an area in Majene, West Sulawesi.***

  101. 2630
    The Legend of Singaraja

    SRI Sagening was the king of Klungkung Kingdom, Bali. He had a lot of wives. His last wife was Ni Luh Pasek. She was the most beautiful wife and that made the other wives were jealous. They often told bad things to the king. Sadly, the king was influenced and he finally asked Ni Luh Pasek to leave the palace. Ni Luh Pasek was very sad, but she had no other choice. She became very sad when she knew that she was pregnant! Ni Luh Pasek arrived at a village. An old man felt very sorry with her condition. His name was Jelantik Bogol. He was a holy man and had supernatural power. He married Ni Luh Pasek. And when the baby was born, Jelantik Bogol named him I Gusti Gede. He loved I gusti Gede just like his own son.

    I Gusti Gede grew as a strong man. He also mastered a lot of skills such as martial arts and supernatural power. His step father taught him the skills. One day his step father asked him to go to a jungle in Den Hill. It was the place Ni Luh Pasek was born. Jelantik Bogol asked him to go there to get more supernatural power. Before he left, his step father gave him two weapons, a spear and a keris, it’s a traditional wavy double-bladed dagger. I Gusti Gede did it. He went to the Den Hill and meditated. While he was meditating, a spirit of the jungle came to him. The spirit spoke to him.

    “You will be a great king. Go to Panumbang beach, help the people there.”

    I Gusti Gede continued his journey. When he arrived at Panombangan Beach, there was an incident. There was a ship from Bugis sinking at the beach. The people had tried to help, but they did not succeed.

    I Gusti Gede wanted to help. He asked the people to stay away from the ship. He prayed and took out hos weapons. Suddenly, two big spirits came out of the spear and the keris.

    I Gusti Gede asked the spirits to pull the sinking ships back to sea. The people could not see the spirits. They only saw I Gusti Gede moving his hands. The spirits slowly pulled the ship. In just a minute, a ship just back in the sea. The owner was very happy. He gave some of his wealth to I Gusti Gede. People were amazed with his power. they named him as I Gusti Panji Sakti.

    I Gusti Panji Sakti went back to Den Hill. He started to build a village. People came one by one. I Gusti panji Sakti protected them from bad people. Slowly the village became a kingdom. I Gusti Panji Sakti became the king and he named the kingdom as Sukasada.

    sukasada became a big kigdom, I Gusti Panji Sakti planned to make another kingdom. He opened up a new area. It was full of buleleng trees. Therefore he named the kingdom as Buleleng Kingdom.

    He also build a great palace. People named it Singaraja. Singa means lion and Raja means king. With his power I Gusti Panji Sakti was like a lion. He always protected his people from bad people. While he became a king, Buleleng Kingdom was safe and prosperous. ***

  102. 2660
    The Legend of Moopoo Bird”

    A long time a go in Minahasa lived an old man with his grandson. The grandson’s name was Nondo. The old man loved Nondo very much.

    He was a nice and diligent boy. When his grandfather went to the jungle to collect some fire woods, Nondo stayed at home. He always did the household chores.

    Nondo always wanted to join his grandfather to the jungle. However, his grandfather did not allow him. Nondo was limped. He could not walk well.

    His grandfather always went to jungle in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. In the evening, just before bedtime, the grandfather always told Nondo anything that happened in
    the jungle.

    Nondo really enjoyed listening about the animals in the jungle. Nondo always dreamed of going to the jungle and seeing the animals.

    On one morning, Nondo could not hold his feeling anymore. He begged to his grandfather.
    He really wanted to go to the jungle and see the animals.

    “Please, Grandpa. Let me join you. Just this time, please,” Nondo begged. The old man did not want to disappoint his beloved grandson.

    After thinking deeply, he then said, “You can join me this time. But you have to be near me, okay? I will bring the woods, so I cannot see you all the time.”

    Nondo was so happy. He promised to his grandfather that he would always be near him. Nondo could not wait to see the animals.

    Then, they left the house. And finally they arrived at the jungle. At fi rst, Nondo was able to walk near his grandfather.

    However soon, the distance was getting farther. Every time Nondo saw an animal, he always stopped for a moment. He was really amazed. The grandfather always reminded Nondo not to stop walking. Sadly, Nondo was so happy looking at the animals. He ignored his grandfather’s warning.

    Soon, Nondo was lost in the jungle. He was separated from his grandfather.

    “Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you? Grandpa, don’t leave me here,” Nondo screamed
    Slowly, darkness covers the forest. Nondo was really scared. The sounds of the animals really frightened him. He kept on calling his grandfather.

    Meanwhile, the grandfather just realized that his grandson was lost. He looked for Nondo and called out his name. But still he could not find Nondo.

    The grandfather was really sad. He regretted to let Nondo join him. The grandfather decided to go back home. He hoped Nondo would already arrive at home. Unfortunately, Nondo did not come home yet.

    In the morning, the grandfather went to the jungle again. He wanted to fi nd Nondo. And when he arrived in the jungle, he saw a bird.

    The bird made a strange sound. It said, “Moo poo… Moo po…”

    The grandfather was really curious. He never heard a bird make a sound like that. He looked at the bird carefully, and again the bird said, “Moo poo…”

    Then he felt very strange. He felt that the bird said, “Opoku… Opoku…” It means “My grandpa… My grandpa…” Being really curious, he approached the bird. He was very surprised because the bird was limped.

    The grandfather cried. He remembered his grandson. He was sure that his grandson had changed into a bird. Since then, people named the bird as Moopoo bird. It can be found in
    Minahasa, North Sulawesi. ***

  103. 2700
    The Legend of Ruai Bird

    ONCE upon a time, there was a kingdom in West Kalimantan. The King had seven daughters. The queen had passed away. The king did not want to remarry.

    The seven daughters were beautiful. However, the youngest daughter was the most beautiful. She was also the kindest. She often helped other people. Her sisters were very much different. They were lazy. They also had bad attitude. They were cruel to people.

    The king knew about his daughters behaviors. He often advises his older daughter to behaviors. He often advises his older daughters to behave like the youngest daughter. Sadly, they never listened to the king’s advice. They hated their youngest sister because the king often praised her good behavior.

    The older daughters often did terrible things to the youngest daughter. They often hit her. She was very sad. She often cried. She could not tell it to her father because her older sisters always intimidated her. They would hit her even harder if she told their father.

    One day, the king asked all her daughters to meet him.

    “I’m going to the neighboring kingdom. I’ll go for several months. While I’m gone, my youngest daughter will rule the kingdom. Do you understand?” asked the king.

    “Yes, we do, Father, “said all the daughters.

    The older daughters were angry. They very upset about their youngest sister was asked to rule the kingdom.

    After the king left, they planned something bad. They wanted to get rid of their youngest sister. They pretended to be nice to her. The youngest daughter was happy. Finally, her older sisters were nice to her.

    The older sisters asked her to go fishing. They asked to go to Gua Batu or a stone cave. There was a river flowing inside the cave. And there were a lot of fish in that river.

    The youngest daughter was so happy when they finally arrived at the cave. She did not know that her sisters were going to do something bad to her.

    “Hurry up, let’s go inside the cave. You can find a lot of fish inside the cave,” said the oldest daughter.

    The youngest was so eager. As she went inside the cave, she did not know that her sisters stayed outside the cave. They kept on asking her to go inside the cave.

    She kept on walking until she was lost! She was calling out all her sisters, but they did not respond. She then understood that her sisters did not want her to rule the kingdom anymore.
    She was very sad. She cried. Suddenly an old man came. He was a holy man. He was meditating in the cave. She changed her tears into eggs.

    “Don’t worry, I can help you. You can go back to the kingdom but you have to change into a bird. I name you Ruai Bird. After that, Brood these eggs. After they hatch, the birds will accompany you,” said the old man.

    She agreed. Slowly she changed into a beautiful bird. And after all the eggs were hatched, they went back to the kingdom. They all stayed at the tree near the kingdom. They all saw how the king punished the older sisters.***

  104. 2740
    Princess Tandampalik

    KING of Luwu had a very beautiful daughter. Her name was Princess Tandampalik. She was very beautiful. Any man who saw her would fall in love with her. Everybody knew about her beauty, including King of Bone. Bone was a kingdom that was far away from Luwu Kingdom.

    Then, King of Bone paid a visit to Luwu in order to propose Princess Tandampalik to be her daughter in-law. His son, Prince of Bone, was still single. King of Luwu actually did not want to accept the proposal. According to the culture, he could not have a son-in-law who lived very far from him. Otherwise, he would suffer from terrible diseases. But, he knew if he refused it, kingdom of Bone would attack Luwu.

    Many of his people would suffer. After that, King of Bone came to Luwu and talked about the marriage proposal. King of Luwu said he needed time to decide. King of Bone understood and went home.

    Suddenly, a bad thing happened. Princess Tandampalik was ill. She got skin rash. The kingdom healer said the disease could infect others. The king then decided to put the princess in a safe place. It was on a remote island named Wajo Island.

    The princess was not alone. Some soldiers accompanied her. The princess was sad. But she knew if she stayed in the kingdom, many people would be infected. So she was not angry with her father for making her stay in a remote island.

    Several days after Princess Tandampalik lived in Wajo Island, a cow came to her. The cow was different from other cows. The skin was albino. The cow licked Princess Tandampalik’s skin. Amazingly, the disease was cured. Her skin was smooth again. Her beauty was back!

    In the meantime, Prince of Bone was sailing in the sea. He landed on Wajo Island. He was so surprised to see a very beautiful girl lived in such a remote island.

    “Wow, maybe she is an angel,” he thought.

    “Who are you, beautiful girl? Do you live here?” asked Prince of Bone.

    Princess Tandampalik then explained everything. Prince of Bone had heard about her before. He was so happy that he finally met her. He immediately brought Princess Tandampalik and the soldiers back to Luwu Kingdom. The King of Luwu was so happy that her daughter was cured. Not long after that, the King held a wedding party for her daughter and Prince of Bone. ***

  105. 2780
    “Nyi Roro Kidul”

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge which mean The beautiful sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter he always unhappy because he always expected to have a son. The King decided to merry Dewi Mutiara, and he had a son from her. He was very happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future so she must make sure for it. Dewi mutiara came to the king and asked him to send away his daughter. Of course, the king did not agree. “It is ridiculous, I will not allow any body doing such cruel thing to my daughter”, said King Munding Wangi. When she heard the answer, Dewi mutiara smiled and said a sweet thing until the king has not anger anymore. However, she kept her bad intention deep in her heart.

    In the morning before the sun raised, Dewi Mutiara sent her maid to call a black magician. She wanted the black magician to curse Kadita, her step daughter. ” I want her beautiful body full with scabies and itch. If you succeeded I will reward you with the present you never thought before”. The black magician did the queen order, in the night Kadita body has been full with scabies and itch. When She waked up , she found her body was smell stinky and have a ulcer all over her body. The beautiful princess cried and did not know what to do.

    When The King heard he was very sad, he invited many physician to cure her daughter illness. Day by the day nobody could cure her daughter. He realized that her daughter illness it was not a ordinary illness someone must send a curse or magic spell. His problem became more difficult when the Queen Dewi Mutiara forced him to send away her daughter. “Your daughter will bring a bad luck to whole country, said Dewi Mutiara. The king did not want her daughter become a bad rumour in whole country. Finally he must agree to send her only daughter to leave the country.

    The poor princess went alone, she didn’t know to where she should go. She almost could not cry anymore. She had a nobble heart. She did not have any bad feeling with her step mother, instead she always asked the God to accompany her passed her suffer.

    Almost seven day and seven night she has walked until she came to south ocean. She looked at the ocean. It was so clean and clear, unlike other ocean which have a blue or green colour. She jumped onto the water and swim. Suddenly when the south ocean water touched her skin there was a miracle happened. Her ulcer has gone and there was no sign that she has ever had a scabies or itch. Even more she became more beautiful than before. Not only that she has a power to command whole of the south ocean. Now she became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean who lived forever.

    This is the most spectacular legend until now in the modern life even when you read this story, many people from Indonesia or from other country has admitted that they have met the beautiful fairy queen wear a traditional dress of Java. One of the famous beach hotel has made a suit room specially for her.

  106. 2820
    Origin of Kota Bumi Lampung

    In the past, in North Lampung region, there lived a king named Tutur Jimat ruling justly and wisely. Tutur Jimat was one of the descendants of the Queen Darah Putih. Because of his age, he intended to hand over the power to his eldest son named Paniakan Dalem. After receiving the mandate as his father’s successor, Paniakan Dalem ruled kingdom justly and wisely. People lived peacefully, quetly, and prosperously.

    Shortly after that, Paniakan Dalem married and endowed a son named Muhammad. The more prosperous the kingdom was, the more descendants of Quen Darah Putih were there. Paniakan Dalem started thinking about a way in order that royal descendants can always remember their ancestors.
    Until one day, the Prince came to. He said, “Dad, I want to ask, who “Kuto Bumi” is ?” The King replied, “Kuto Bumi” is our ancestor. She was a queen who ruled this area in the past. We are all his descendants. From whom did you hear that name?”

    “Here, Dad, when I was hunting and came to a village. People there introduced themselves and said that they are the descendants of “Kuto Bumi”. Why do not we call it the area with Kuto Bumi, Father? Thus, all people from this area can always remember their ancestors” said Muhammad. Paniakan Dalem was so delighted to hear what his son has said. He agreed to change the name of the area into “Kuto Bumi”.
    As the time went by, the name “Kuto Bumi” becomes “Kotabumi” which is now the capital city of North Lampung.

  107. 2850
    The Origin of The Name “Singapore”

    A hundred years ago there lived a king named Nila Utama, King of Srivijaya. One day, the king went sailing accompanied by his loyal bodyguards. Along the way, the hurricane came. The guards begged the king to cancel his plan. “Sir, it is dangerous if we continue the journey with this condition. It’s better if we stop first to a safer place. If I am not mistaken, there is a place nearby here named Tumasik Island. “What if we stay there while waiting for a safer condition?” Said the captain of the ship. The king approved this opinion. Their boat was docked to Tumasik Island shortly afterwards.

    Arriving on the island, King and several bodyguards left the ship and looked around the island. When they’re looking around, suddenly an animal which was not far from them flashed. The king was surprised and fascinated. The beast was so huge, looked dashing, and was golden in color.” What creature was that?” Asked the King to his guards. “If i am not mistaken, people call it “Singa”, your majesty,” one of his bodyguards replied. “What?” Asked the King to clarify. “Singa” replied the guard.

    The king then asked more explanation about the animal. Attentively, The King listened to all explanations from his bodyguard about the animal. “Then, we give the name of this place “Singapore”.”Meaning: The City of Lion which is derived from malay “Singa” (lion) and “Pura / Pore” (City)”. Since that time the town was named Singapore.

    Asal Nama Singapura
    Ratusan tahun yang lalu hiduplah seorang raja bernama Nila Utama, Raja Sriwijaya. Pada suatu hari, Raja pergi berlayar ditemani pengawal-pengawal setianya. Di tengah perjalanan, angin topan datang. Para pengawal memohon agar raja membatalkan niatnya. “Tuan, sungguh berbahaya jika kita meneruskan perjalanan dengan kondisi seperti ini. Lebih baik jika kita singgah dulu ke tempat yang lebih aman. Kalau hamba tak keliru, ada tempat terdekat dari sini yang bernama Pulau Tumasik. Bagaimana jika singgah di sana sembari menunggu kondisi yang lebih aman?” kata kapten kapal. Raja menyetujui pendapat tersebut. Perahu mereka pun merapat ke Pulau Tumasik tak lama setelah itu.
    Sesampainya di pulau tersebut, Raja dan beberapa pengawalnya meninggalkan kapal dan berkeliling melihat-lihat pulau tersebut. Saat mereka sedang melihat-lihat sekeliling, tiba-tiba seekor binatang berkelebat tak jauh dari tempat mereka. Raja terkejut dan terpukau. Binatang itu sanagat besar, tampak gagah, dan berwarna keemasan. “Mahluk apakah itu?” tanya sang Raja kepada para pengawalnya. “Kalau hamba tak salah, orang-orang menyebutnya singa, Yang Mulia,” jawab salah seorang pengawalnya. “Apa?” tanya sang Raja memperjelas. “Singa” jawab pengawal tadi.
    Raja lalu meminta penjelasan lebih banyak tentang biantang tersebut. Dengan penuh perhatian, Raja mendengarkan semua penjelasan pengawalnya tentang binatang itu. “Kalau begitu, kita beri nama tempat ini Singapura. Artinya: Kota Singa yang diperoh dari bahasa melayu “Singa” dan “Pura”. Sejak saat itulah kota itu bernama Singapura.

    oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh narrative text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat contoh narrative text sebagai sebuah text yang wajib dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Apabila sobat masih ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi yang lain silahkan klik Menu-menu yang ada diatas. Tentang storytelling juga akan kita bahas di sini. Terimakasih, British Course pamit dulu ya, see you next time.

  108. 2870
    Flock of Doves

    Once upon a time, there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king. They had flown a long distance and were very tired. The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. So all the doves landed and began to eat.

    Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped. They saw a hunter approaching carrying. The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out, but to no avail. The king had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them.

    Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them, but they were flying high over hills and valleys. They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who could help them. He was a faithful friend of the dove king.

    The mouse agreed saying that he would set the king free first. The king insisted that he first free his subjects and the king last. The mouse understood the king’s feelings and complied with his wishes. He began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were freed including the dove king.

  109. 2900
    The Fox and the Grapes

    One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

    Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

    Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.
    King of The Jungle
    One day a tiger saw a fox walking alone. Then, he intended to attack the fox. When Tiger jumped on Fox, Fox shout out, “How dare you attack the king of the jungle?” Tiger looked at him in amazement. “Nonsense! You are not King!” “Certainly I am,” replied the Fox. “All the animals run from me in terror! If you want proof, come with me.” Fox went into the forest with tiger in heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the deer saw Tiger behind the Fox and ran in all direction. They came to a group of monkey, the monkey saw the tiger behind fox and they fled. Fox looked to tiger and said, “Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the first sight of me?” “I am surprised, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me attacking you, Great King.” Tiger bowed low with great ceremony, he let the fox go

  110. 2920
    One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big black snake sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mousedeer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. “Please don’t eat me now,” said the mousedeer. “I have something important to do.”

    “Look,” said the mousedeer. “That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away in the forest.” The tiger looked at the snake and said, “That is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” He asked the mousedeer.

    “Oh all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter until the tiger couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and ran away into the forest.

  111. 2940
    “Golden Eggs”

    Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
    One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
    Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
    A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
    Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
    Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
    Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.

  112. 2980
    The Lion and the Mouse

    One day a lion was resting in the forest. He was sleeping and leaning his body under a tree. Then a mouse ran toward the lion without seeing him asleep in front of him. He was bumping the lion’s face so hard that made him awake.

    The lion woke up and mad at him, “Woaahhh, how dare you disturb my sleep?” Then the lion caught the mouse. “I’m sorry my king! I accidentally hit you! “He said. “I will eat you because you have wakened me up!” cried the lion.

    “Please! Do not eat me my king; I will reply your kindness someday if you let me go! “Beg the mouse. Hearing what was said by the mouse, the lion laugh out loud, “HHaaaa you will repay my kindness? How can a little creature like you can help me!” He said. Then He looked at the mouse who was frightened. “Well since you’ve made me laugh, I’ll let you go. Moreover, you cannot make me satisfied “said the Lion while releasing the mouse.

    After he let him go, the mouse ran and said, “I will not forget your kindness. Thank you “. Then he was back into the forest. One day the lion was caught by hunter’s trap. He was trapped in a net installed by hunter. The lion was struggling trying to escape from the net. But all of his efforts were useless because the net was too strong. Then he was screaming for help “Please, save me!” the lion cried.

    The mouse that was foraging in the forest heard lion’ screams. “That is lion. Seemed he is in trouble now. I have to help him “said the mouse. Soon afterward he went to lion. When he got there, he saw a lion that had trapped helpless in hunter’s nets. “Hey, do not be afraid, I’ll help you escape from this bondage” said the mouse. “What? You want to save me? Don’t be kidding “said the lion. Then the mouse was climbing to the top of the net and began biting rope nets one by one with his sharp teeth. The lion, who initially did not believe, surprised to see what he did.

    After a while the ropes broken and the lion could get out of the entanglement nets, “Thank you! My little friend, you have freed me. I do not think you can do it “said the lion. “You are welcome my friend. I had promised to repay your kindness someday so I did it “replied the mouse. After that they were always together and became good friends in the forest.

  113. 3000

    A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and fled to the forest. As he was wandering about there he came upon a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. At first he turned to flee, but finding that the Lion did not pursue him, he turned back and went up to him. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and was causing all the pain. He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. Then the Lion took Androcles to his cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live.

    But shortly afterwards both Androcles and the Lion were captured, and the slave was sentenced to be thrown to the Lion, after the latter had been kept without food for several days. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the Lion was let loose from his den, and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim. But as soon as he came near to Androcles he recognised his friend, and fawned upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog.
    The Emperor, surprised at this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon the slave was pardoned and freed, and the Lion let loose to his native forest.

    Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.


  114. 35 baris .How to Make a Glass of Coffee
    Cara Membuat Kopi dalam bahasa Inggris
    Sumer gambar : http://weknowyourdreams.com/images/coffee/coffee-06.jpg

    Materials :


    Steps :

    boil the water First
    Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
    Next, pour the hot water into a glass
    Then, stir it gently
    Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

    Terjemahan atau arti Bahasa Indonesianya
    Cara Membuat Kopi
    Alat dan bahan


    Langkah-langkah :

    rebus air dahulu
    yang kedua, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua sendok gelas. Masukkan ke dalam gelas
    Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas
    Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
    akhirnya, kopimu siap untuk diminum


  115. 35 baris How to Make a Glass of Coffee
    Cara Membuat Kopi dalam bahasa Inggris
    Sumer gambar : http://weknowyourdreams.com/images/coffee/coffee-06.jpg

    Materials :


    Steps :

    boil the water First
    Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
    Next, pour the hot water into a glass
    Then, stir it gently
    Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

    Terjemahan atau arti Bahasa Indonesianya
    Cara Membuat Kopi
    Alat dan bahan


    Langkah-langkah :

    rebus air dahulu
    yang kedua, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua sendok gelas. Masukkan ke dalam gelas
    Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas
    Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
    akhirnya, kopimu siap untuk diminum


  116. 60
    How To Make Fried Rice

    Prosedur teks cara membuat nasi goreng dalam bahasa inggris
    Sumber gambar : http://www.123rf.com/photo_30521767_healthy-homemade-fried-rice-with-carrots-and-peas.html


    3 cups cooked white rice
    2 sprays cooking spray
    1 cups uncooked carrots, shredded
    1/2 cups frozen green peas, thawed
    2 large eggs, lightly beaten
    1 cups uncooked scallions, sliced, divided
    1/4 cups low sodium soy sauce, or to taste


    Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; warm pan over medium-high heat. Add eggs; tilt pan so that eggs cover bottom.
    When eggs start to set, break them up into pieces with a heat-proof spatula. Cook until eggs are cooked through, about one minute more; remove eggs from skillet and set aside.
    Off heat, recoat same skillet with cooking spray; set over medium-high heat. Add carrots and all but 2 tablespoons scallions; sauté until carrots are crisp-tender, about 3 or 4 minutes.
    Stir in cooked rice, peas and soy sauce; cook until heated through, stirring once or twice, about 1 minute. Gently stir in cooked egg and remaining scallions; heat through. Yields about 3/4 cup per serving


  117. 75
    How To Use Camera
    Prosedur teks cara menggunakan kamera dalam bahasa inggris
    sumber gambar : https://thoroughlyreviewed.com/electronics/digital-slr-camera-review/

    You need :

    A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
    The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)

    Steps :

    handle the camera and turn on it
    center the object in the LCD and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view
    when you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.
    Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
    After that, press shutter all the way down.


  118. 130
    How to make Warm tea
    Prosedur teks cara membuat satu cangkir teh (a cup of tea) dalam bahasa inggris


    Warm Water.
    Tea Bags


    Boil a kettle of water
    take the glass and pour warm water into it.
    Put the tea bags in glass with warm water.
    Dowse and pull the tea bags
    add the sugar to the glass
    Stir the water slowly to make the water, the sugar, and the tea mixed.
    The hot tea is ready to be enjoyed

    5. Contoh Procedure text sederhana cara membuat sandwich (Procedure text how to make sandwich)
    How to Make Sandwich
    Prosedur teks cara membuat sandwich dalam bahasa inggris


    Sliced Bread
    Sliced Cheese
    Sliced Ham


    Butter Knife
    Cutting Board

    1. Prepare all the ingredients and tools
    2. Lay 2 slices of bread onto the cutting board.
    3. Butter the side of one piece of bread that is facing up, using the butter knife.
    4. spread a small amount of mayonnaise on one side of the other slice of bread.
    5. With the plain sides of the slices of bread facing down, place 1-3 leaves of lettuce onto the buttered slice of bread.
    6. Take 2-5 slices of ham and place on the same slice of bread the lettuce is on.
    7. slice the tomato so each slice is about ¾ of a centimetre each. Cut as many slices as you would like for your sandwich.
    8. Apply mustard onto either slices of bread and spread the mustard onto the slice of bread with just the mayonnaise on it.
    9. Place 2-6 slices of cheese onto one of the two slices of bread.
    10. Take the bread slice with the mayonnaise and place mayonnaise side down onto the other slice with the other ingredients on it.
    11. Enjoy your sandwich


  119. 190 How To Make Ice Cream (Vanila Ice Cream)
    Prosedur teks cara membuat es krim dalam bahasa inggris

    2/3 cup sugar
    1,5 cups heavy cream
    4 large egg yolks
    1 vanilla bean (split and scraped of seeds), or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1,5 cups whole milk


    Medium saucepan
    Instant-read thermometer
    Measuring cups and spoons
    Mixing bowl
    Ice cream machine


    1. Chill the ice cream bowl, if needed: If your ice cream machine has a bowl that needs to be frozen before churning, put it in the freezer the night before you plan to make ice cream.

    2. Prepare an ice bath: Fill a large bowl with some water and ice cubes . Place another, smaller bowl on top of the water, and place a strainer inside. Keep this close by while you make the ice cream base.

    3. Whisk the sugar and yolks until pale lemon-yellow colored: If you haven’t already done so, separate the yolks from the eggs. Combine the sugar and the yolks in a medium mixing bowl. Whisk until combined.

    4. Warm the milk on the stovetop: Pour the milk into a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. Add the vanilla bean (pod and seeds) or vanilla extract. Bring the milk to a simmer, then remove from heat.

    5. Temper the egg-sugar mixture with 1 cup of hot milk: Scoop out about 1 cup of hot milk (no need to be exact). Slowly pour it into the egg-sugar mixture while whisking. This warms the eggs and prevents them from curdling in the next step.

    6. Pour the tempered egg-sugar mixture into the milk: Slowly pour the tempered egg-sugar mixture into the saucepan with the remaining milk.

    7. Cook the ice cream base until thickened: Return the saucepan to the stove and place over low heat. Stir the mixture slowly, but constantly, scraping the bottom and sides of the pot. Keep cooking until the base has thickened enough to coat the back of the spatula and registers 170°F with an instant-read thermometer.

    8. Strain the ice cream base into the bowl of the ice water bath. Straining will remove the vanilla pod and any bits of egg that may have accidentally curdled.

    9. Stir the heavy cream into the ice cream base.

    10. Chill completely: Leave the ice cream base over the ice water bath, stirring occasionally, until it’s completely chilled. This will take about twenty minutes. Alternatively, cover the bowl with the base and chill in the fridge for three hours or overnight.

    11. Churn the ice cream base: Transfer the ice cream base to the bowl of your ice cream machine. Churn until the base has thickened to a consistency somewhere between a very thick milkshake and soft-serve ice cream. In most ice cream makers, this takes about twenty minutes — check the instructions for your particular machine.

    12. Freeze the ice cream until solid: Transfer the thickened ice cream to a freezer container. Press a piece of wax paper against the surface of the ice cream to prevent ice crystals from forming and freeze until solid, at least four hours. The ice cream will keep in the freezer for about two weeks before becoming icy.
    Notes : You can change vanilla with the other flavour like strawberry, chocolate, coffee and the others


  120. 210 How To make Fried Banana
    cara membuat pisang goreng dalam bahasa inggris
    sumber gambar : http://www.internetdict.com/id/answers/how-to-make-fried-bananas.html


    750 grams banana
    200 grams whole wheat flour
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
    2 tablespoon palm sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    450 ml water
    125 grams rice flour


    Cut bananas into square small pieces about 1 centimeter
    Mix all flour + turmeric powder+ salt + palm sugar + water and stir until mixture
    Add banana into flour dough
    Using a table spoon make spoonfull balls and drop them into the saucepan
    Fry for about 4 minutes or until lightly brown and repeat until all done

    Notes : You can change rice flour with wheat flour If you don’t have rice flour


  121. 235 How to Make Milk Tea
    prosedur teks Cara membuat teh susu dalam bahasa Inggris
    Sumer gambar : https://www.goldenmoontea.com/blogs/tea/106695879-hong-kong-milk-tea-revisited


    1 cup water
    1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves
    3/4 cup milk
    Sweetener of your choice


    Small strainer
    Large tea mug
    Small pot
    Tea infuser


    Bring 1 cup of water to boil in a small pot.
    Put 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves in a tea diffuser, snap the diffuser shut and put the diffuser in the boiling water.
    Brew the tea for 2-5 minutes
    Remove the tea diffuser.
    Add 3/4 cup of milk to the tea.
    Return the tea to a boil and remove it immediately to prevent scalding the milk.
    Hold a small strainer over a large mug and strain the tea into the mug.
    Add the sweetener


  122. 255How To use Rice Cooker
    Prossedur teks Cara menggunakan rice cooker dalam bahasa inggris
    sumber gambar : http://www.bestricecookerreviews.org/how-to-use-a-rice-cooker-step-by-step-instructions.html

    You need :

    Rice cooker

    Directions :

    Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices.
    Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the overfill line.
    Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminum foil.
    Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer, which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain from lifting the lid to check on it.
    When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound.

  123. 275 How to Make Pancake
    Prosedur teks cara membuat pancake dalam bahasa Inggris
    Sumer gambar : http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/simply-perfect-pancakes-recipe


    1 egg
    1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
    1 1/4 cup milk
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    3 tablespoons baking powder
    3 tablespoons butter, melted
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teaspoon real vanilla extract


    Use a large bowl and mix together the baking powder, flour, salt and sugar
    Add egg, milk, butter and vanilla extract to the bowl and whisk well with the dry ingredients. until become nice smooth batter
    Heat skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add batter at about 1/4 cup at a time.
    Once bubbles appear in the pancake and the sides are golden brown, flip over with a large spatula for another minute or so until golden brown.
    Your Pancake is ready to be served


  124. 290 How To Make Lemon Tea

    Prosedur teks cara membuat teh lemon dalam bahassa inggris (Procedure text how to make lemon tea)
    Sumber gambar : http://www.opensnap.com/en/klangvalley/p-nandos-chow-kit-western-variety-burgers-sandwiches-ice-lemon-tea-without-ice-cube-p201929357


    1 tablespoon Tea Powder·
    1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
    2 tablespoons Sugar or as needed
    2 cups Water


    Boil the water
    Add the tea powder and let it simmer for about 1,5 minutes
    Turn off the flame and add the lemon juice and sugar to it and stir it well until the sugar dissolves completely.
    Strain the tea use the strainer
    Pour the tea into the glass

    Notes : You can add the ice cube if you want to make iced lemon tea

  125. 310 How To Make pudding (Chocolate pudding)

    Procedure teks cara membuat puding dalam bahasa inggris (Procedure text how to make pudding)
    Sumber gambar : http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/16989/upside+down+pear+syrup+and+ginger+pudding


    2 eggs
    2 cups of milk
    1 oz. corn starch
    2 oz. butter
    4 oz. sugar
    1/2 teaspoon chocolate

    1. Mix 1/2 cup of milk with the corn starch in a bowl and set aside.
    2. Put the remaining milk, sugar, chocolate, and butter in a pot
    and bring to a boil.
    3. Pour about 1/4 cup of the warm mixture into the bowl with the corn starch and milk to temper it and pour slowly that mixture into the hot mixture on the stove stirring constantly with a wisk until thick and starts to boil. Pour into a bowl , let cool off, cover and refrigerate for about 3 hours.
    4. Your pudding is ready to be served

    Notes : if you want to make pudding with the others flavour like vanilla pudding, strawberry pudding,etc. you can change chocolate with the flavour that you like


  126. 325 How To Make Orange juice
    Procedure text example how to make orange juice (contoh prosedur teks cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris)
    sumber gambar : http://www.orangejuicer-review.com/


    ice cubes


    First, Rinse the oranges
    Second, Peel the oranges and slice them
    third, Place the sliced oranges into the blender or grinder
    next, add sugar and ice cubes.
    next, Grind or blend until they become smooth.
    then, Sieve the juice over a mesh strainer. Collect the juice in a vessel.
    last, Pour the collected orange juice into tall glasses and Serve it


  127. 350 How To Make Orange juice
    Procedure text example how to make orange juice (contoh prosedur teks cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris)
    sumber gambar : http://www.orangejuicer-review.com/


    ice cubes


    First, Rinse the oranges
    Second, Peel the oranges and slice them
    third, Place the sliced oranges into the blender or grinder
    next, add sugar and ice cubes.
    next, Grind or blend until they become smooth.
    then, Sieve the juice over a mesh strainer. Collect the juice in a vessel.
    last, Pour the collected orange juice into tall glasses and Serve it


  128. 375 How to use handphone
    Procedure text Cara mengunakan handphone (HP) dalam baha inggris
    sumber gambar : http://koranhandphone.com/smartphone-android-quad-core-600-ribuan-kingzone-s2/

    If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

    press the “power” button.
    search the name of the person that you want to call in contact list or press the number you want to call
    press the call button (green button)
    wait until the other accept your call
    start the conversation.
    press the “Call Off” button to end the conversation (red button)

    Jika kamu ingin menelepon seseorang, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

    tekan tombol “power”.
    cari nama orang yang ingin anda telepon pada daftar kontak atau tekan nomor yang anda ingin telepon
    tekan tombol panggil (tombol hijau)
    tunggu hingga yang lain menerima panggilan anda
    mulai obrolan
    tekan tombol “Call Off” untuk mengakhiri percakapan (tombol merah)


  129. 390 How to make iced tea

    Procedure text how to make iced tea (prosedur teks cara membuat es teh)
    sumber gambar : http://www.tokomesin.com/peluang-bisnis-es-teh-dan-analisa-usahanya.html

    Ingredients :

    tea bag or tea leaves
    ice cubes

    Instructions :

    Boil the water
    pour the water into the glass
    Steep tea
    Strain the tea if you used loose leaves, or remove the tea bags.
    Add sugar
    add the ice cubes
    Serve and enjoy.


  130. 420 How To Make Fried Chicken
    Prosedur text cara membuat ayam goreng dalam bahasa inggris (Procedure text how to make fried chcken)
    Sumber gambar : http://resepme.com/resep-ayam-goreng-tepung/resep-ayam-goreng-tepung/


    1 ½ cups Flour
    1 whole cut-up Chicken
    3 teaspoons Salt
    1 ½ to 2 cups Canola Oil (depending on the skillet size)
    1 tablespoon Ground Black Pepper


    Rinse the pieces of chicken and put them on a large plate.
    Sprinkle the pepper and salt on each side of the chicken. Add the flour to a shallow bowl and dredge a piece of the chicken in flour. coat the chicken in flour on all sides. Set aside for some minutes.
    Heat a large skillet on medium heat and add the oil. Sprinkle a tiny bit of the flour in the oil and if it sizzles add the pieces of flour-coated chicken to the oil.
    Continue to dredge as many pieces of chicken in the flour that will fit in the skillet. Depending on the size of your skillet
    Using a cooking or carving fork, turn the chicken regularly as it turns a golden color. Try to poke the fork into the outside edges of the skin when turning the chicken rather than in the middle of the meat (so the juices don’t run out). When turning the chicken, a cooking fork tends to keep the crispy skin looking nicer than when using tongs.
    Keep an eye on the chicken to see if it’s turning a dark brown color (rather than a golden color) or cooking too quickly. If so, turn the heat down just a bit. Lay a small cooling rack over a large plate and set aside for a moment.
    Continue to let the chicken cook until all sides are a medium to dark golden color. As the pieces of chicken are done cooking, remove them from the skillet and lay them on top of the cooling rack.
    Your fried chicken is ready to be served


  131. 435 How to Make Pie (Strawberry Pie)
    Procedure text cara membuat pie dalam bahsa inggris
    sumber gambar : http://www.best-ever-easy-recipes.com/strawberry-pie-recipe.html

    Ingredients :

    250 ml whipped cream
    100 gr butter
    300 gr oreo

    Steps :

    Crush the oreo into fine crumbs. You can use your hands or a food processor
    Melt the butter. Mix it with the oreo
    Press the crumbs evenly on the bottom and sides of a pie pan. Leave the pan in the fridge for about 10 minutes.
    While waiting for the pie crust to set, make the filling. Heat the whipped cream and coking chocolate.
    Pour the mixture inti the pie crust
    Decorate the pie with sliced strawberry. Leave it in the fridge for three hours


  132. 455How To Operate TV
    Procedure teks cara menggunakan tv dalam bahasa inggris (procedure text how to operate tv)
    sumber gambar : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/01/tv-digital-devices_n_3691196.html

    Instructions :

    plug the cable television into electricity
    After that, press the power button to turn on the television
    Wait untill the televison show the picture
    Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote.
    Set the volume use the remote or button volume
    Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button

  133. 485 Recount Text
    My Holiday Was Fantastic

    Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places.
    I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.
    Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.
    After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing.
    The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

    Recount Text
    My First Experience to Ride Motorcycle

    One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was ” Honda 75″. I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride ” Honda 75 “. Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.
    He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. ” Yes, I can “.
    One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I must passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.
    After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father’s permission to ride motorcycle.

  134. 525 Recount Text
    My Holiday
    Last week I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at my friend’s house in Probolinggo, East Java. The house has a big garden with colorful flowers and a small pool.
    In the morning, my friend and I saw Mount Batok. The scenery was very beautiful. We rode on horseback. It was scary, but it was fun. Then, we went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful scanery there. After that, we took a rest and had lunch under a big tree. Before we got home, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We went home in the afternoon.
    We were very tired. However, I think it was really fun to have a holiday like this. I hope my next holiday will be more intersting.

    Recount Text
    Travel on the Plane for the First Time
    When I was young, I did not really like traveling. I preferred playing games on the computer. I never traveled abroad on the plane until 1998. At that time, I was 21 years old.
    My first trip was a 4-day trip to Taipei. Before I came to the airport, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. I remembered I was so excited when the plane took off. I really enjoyed my trip at the time.
    After that trip, I like traveling. I also traveled to Korea, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, an Austria.


    Recount Text
    Visiting Bali
    There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud. On the day of the tour, he was ready.
    My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
    The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a cente for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.

  135. 565 Recount Text
    R.A. Kartini
    Every april 21 people in indonesia commemorate the kartini day. It is beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows who kartini is. she is our national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea.
    Kartini was born in 1879 april 21 in mayong jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in mayong. her mother, Ma Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children in november 12 1903 she married adipati djoyodiningrat, the head of rembang regency. According to javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. then she moved to rembang.
    In september 13 1904 she gave a birth to her son. his name was singgih. but after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on september 17 1904 on her 25 years old.
    Now kartini has gone. but her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. nowadays indonesian women progress is influenced by kartini’s spirit stated on collection of letter habis gelap terbitlah terang from the dusk to the dawn.


    Recount Text
    Vacation to London

    Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London. They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours.
    On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
    On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
    The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
    The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

  136. 605 Recount Text
    Pangandaran Beach
    The tour to Pangandaran Beach started on holiday last semester. We decided to go to Pangandaran Beach by our motorbike. That was very interesting tour. Riding a motorbike from my hometown, Cirebon, to Pangandaran Beach with my best friends made me feel exited.
    The tour to Pangandaran Beach began at 09.00 a.m. in the morning and it took 5 hours riding to Pangandaran Beach. There were so many story that my friends and I got when we were in the tour such as there was my friend who got lost, ran out of fuel in the middle of jungle, and so forth. But it was interesting, because it was the first moment that I ever had in touring.
    We arrived at Pangandaran Beach at 02.00 p.m. and we stright to move to the beach. At beach we just lied down there to stretch our muscle because of 5 hours riding. We also had a lunch there by eating some foods that we brought from Cirebon. That was very nice moment when we shared our own food to others.
    After we had enough rest, we began to explore Pangandaran Beach. Started by exploring the beach, and the sea using rented boat. Then we went to dive by renting some diving equipment. We could see many coral there. We just had 2 hours to enjoy Pangandaran Beach because we had to come back to Cirebon.
    We came back to Cirebon at 04.00 p.m. It was imposible to ride in the night, so we just decided to stay over in our friend house in Ciamis and we started to come back in the morning. That was very nice experience that I and my friends ever had. We would never forget that moment.

    Recount Text
    My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

    Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
    Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fi ne wearing.
    The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
    On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

  137. 645 Recount Text
    My First Experience To Be An Alone Backpacker

    I like to go out to find a new place.
    When I was in second semester, I went to Bekasi alone to visit my friend. I built my strenght to go there without knowing anything.
    Firstly, I went to Terboyo to find Sinar Jaya bus to Bekasi. Unfortunately, there was no Sinar Jaya bus. A man in a locket told me to go to someone who could bring me to Bekasi. I felt so happy bacause my planning would be happen. I just payed money and got the bus. Everything was gonna be alright until the bus came to Tegal.
    In Tegal bus station, a man in the bus asked me go out from the bus because that bus would bus come to Bandung.,not Jakarta ones. I felt so confused because there were so many strange men around me. After they talked for several hours, i was brought to a new one. I tried to adapt in that bus. People around me said that was true bus to Bekasi. I could not guess what I felt. The bus walked so fast until in Cikampek. When the bus was in Cikampek subway, someone told me that the bus did not pass Cikarang, so when I wanted to go tehre, I had to take off in Lippo.
    Fortunately, a man told me that he had the same destination with me. I felt so happy. I could not imagine if there was not that man.

    Recount Text
    A Study Tour To Bali

    I was in senior high school when at the first time I went to Bali Island. I went there with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. My teacher, me class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 8 a.m.

    The journey from Pati to Bali took a day. I was so exhausted because I had to sit along the journey. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at the Sanur Beach. It was still morning, I saw a sun rise which was so beautiful. Then we were drove to the hotel to take a rest and had meals. After that, we went to the Nusa Dua Beach. There were so many activities to do there. We could play parasailing, banana boat, and so on. But I chose to go to a little island which had a lot of reptile there. There were snake, turtles, etc. The scenery was so beautiful because I was in the middle of the sea! Next, we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). There were two statues which were so big. They were Wisnu and his bird, called Garuda. I was interested in its relief on the rock but, actually, I did not know the story on it. At last, we went to the Sosro Company. We learned a lot of things there from the first step till the end of making a tea. After that, we went back to Pati.

    After a very long journey, through the land and the sea, I learned something about nature and human products. Although it took a lot of my energy, I felt so happy because I spent all of my time with my friends.

  138. 680 Recount Text
    My Busy Holiday

    On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that was the holy day for Hindhu people . I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.

    First like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother, of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was the way I kept for hours to talk with them. After that, unpredictable my neighbor visited me. She asked my help finishing her homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before. Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

    I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship with my homework.


    Recount Text
    My Vacation With My Beloved Sister And Boyfriend

    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.

    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

  139. 720 Recount Text
    My Busy Day

    Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home.

    First, at the morning, I did my presentation’s assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at 12.30.

    After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.

    Those activities made my day busy.

    Recount Text
    My Unfortunates

    Last weekend was my luckiest day ever. Many good things were coming toward me.

    When the morning broke in Sunday morning, I woke up and planned to jog around the neighborhood. So I changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my sleepy face. As I stepped in the bathroom, I landed my foot on a soap in the floor and feel down. A perfect morning hi for me. Next, I began my jogging and saw my gorgeous neighbor, jogging to. I though it was a good fortune to omit the gap between us. So I jogged to him and say hello. But, how poor of me, it was not him. It just someone I never met before who looked like to him. I was going home with people laugh at me along side of the street.

    When I got home, the breakfast already settled and I immediately spooned a big portion of rice and ate. After I have done my breakfast my mother came up and said that the meal have not ready yet and she said that I may have a stomachache if I ate it. It was proven, I had a stomachache for the next three days.

    I past my weekend lie down on me bed and be served as a queen. That was not really bad, wasn’t it.

    Recount Text
    A Page from A Girl’s Diary

    Tuesday, September 30th, 2008
    It was takbiran night. It was also my birthday, and nothing happened. Or I had thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong.

    That night, I was watching television with my family when I heard someone lit fireworks in my front yard. I peeped trough my window glass but could see nothing. It was very dark outside. Then I thought it had to be my cousins who lit the fireworks. Then I plopped down on my sofa again and tried to concentrate on the television since my mind raced with disappointment that no one gave something special on my birthday. I shrugged, it was almost the end of the day and I became pessimist. Five minutes later my mobile beeped. It was a text from my friend asking me to come out. Wondering what was going on, I grabbed my jacket and hurried to the front door. I was surprised to see her bring a bag full of firework and fire drills. Next I was surprised to see my other friend come out from the darkness. She brought a beautiful birthday cake on her hands. Oh my God! I shrieked. Then they gave the cake to me who was too stunned to say anything. I realized I was blushing furiously because my whole family was watching. Not to mention my neighbors too!

    A plain day, or I thought it was before, turned out to be one of the greatest moment in my life. I didn’t even know how to describe what I felt. Happy was the simplest word.

  140. 735 Recount Text
    A Beautiful Day at Jogja

    Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. We visited many places.

    First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Second, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunc, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a beautiful day. we really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again.

    Demikian 15 contoh recount text sederhana yang saya share pagi ini. Semoga menambah pemahaman kita tentang bagaimana recount text itu. Oke selamat beraktivitas.

  141. 755 My Holiday
    Last week I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at my friend’s house in Probolinggo, East Java. The house has a big garden with colorful flowers and a small pool.
    In the morning, my friend and I saw Mount Batok. The scenery was very beautiful. We rode on horseback. It was scary, but it was fun. Then, we went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful scanery there. After that, we took a rest and had lunch under a big tree. Before we got home, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We went home in the afternoon.
    We were very tired. However, I think it was really fun to have a holiday like this. I hope my next holiday will be more intersting.

    Minggu lalu saya pergi ke Gunung Bromo. Saya tinggal di rumah teman saya di Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Rumah itu memiliki taman besar dengan bunga berwarna-warni dan kolam kecil.
    Pagi harinya, teman saya dan saya melihat Gunung Batok. Pemandangannya sangat indah. Kami menunggang kuda. Itu menakutkan, tapi menyenangkan. Kemudian, kami melihat lebih dekat ke gunung. Kami memotret pemindaian indah di sana. Setelah itu, kami beristirahat dan makan siang di bawah pohon besar. Sebelum sampai di rumah, kami pergi ke kebun binatang Wonokromo. Kami pulang pada sore hari.
    Kami sangat lelah. Namun, saya pikir sangat menyenangkan memiliki liburan seperti ini. Saya harap liburan saya selanjutnya akan lebih menrik.

  142. 785 Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

    After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

    Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

    When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

    Liburan di Pantai Pasir Kencana
    ditulis oleh Muhammad Fadhil Immas

    Minggu lalu, teman saya dan saya bosan setelah tiga minggu liburan, jadi kami naik sepeda ke Pantai Pasir Kencana, yang hanya berjarak lima kilometer dari tempat saya tinggal. Ketika kami tiba di pantai, kami terkejut melihat hampir tidak ada orang di sana.

    Setelah berenang cepat di lautan, yang sangat dingin, kami menyadari satu alasan mengapa tidak banyak orang di sana. Itu juga cukup berangin. Setelah kami membeli beberapa hot chips di toko takeaway di dekatnya, kami mengendarai sepeda motor kami ke pantai untuk sementara, di bagian pasir yang keras dan lembap. Kami memiliki angin di belakang kami dan, sebelum kami menyadarinya, kami berada beberapa mil menyusuri pantai.

    Sebelum kami melakukan perjalanan jauh ke belakang, kami memutuskan untuk mendayung kaki kami di air untuk sementara waktu, dan kemudian duduk untuk beristirahat. Sementara kami duduk di pantai, hanya mengobrol, tiba-tiba kami sadar bahwa sepanjang perjalanan pulang, kami akan mengendarai angin kencang.

    Ketika akhirnya kami berhasil kembali ke rumah, kami berdua benar-benar kelelahan! Tapi kami belajar beberapa pelajaran bagus hari itu.

  143. 815 Holiday in Ungaran Mountain

    Last week I and my friends had to go to Ungaran Mountain for the requirement of school program. EGP was one of school activity which is focused on activity that related with nature.

    On this occasion we tried to climbed Ungaran Mountain together. Before we going to the mountain, firstly we met in B3 park to checked the participant and the logistic. We had to checked it because of safety. We always paid attention with safety, because the place that we came was dangerous place.

    After checking all of thing, we went to the mountain together. We tried to go on foot, because it was one of the physical train. We saw many beautiful sceneries on all day long. There is tea garden, waterfall, beautiful farm, etc.

    Finally we got to the mountain, it was very amazing. Over there we saw a hidden waterfall and we took arrest. We were exhausted but we didn’t felt that because we enjoyed it and that was a very fantastic trip.

    Liburan di Gunung Ungaran

    Minggu lalu saya dan teman-teman saya harus pergi ke Gunung Ungaran untuk keperluan program sekolah. EGP merupakan salah satu kegiatan sekolah yang difokuskan pada aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan alam.

    Pada kesempatan ini kami mencoba mendaki Gunung Ungaran bersama. Sebelum kita pergi ke gunung, pertama kita bertemu di taman B3 untuk memeriksa peserta dan logistik. Kami harus memeriksanya karena aman. Kami selalu memperhatikan dengan aman, karena tempat kami datang adalah tempat yang berbahaya.

    Setelah memeriksa semuanya, kami pergi ke gunung bersama-sama. Kami mencoba berjalan kaki, karena itu adalah salah satu kereta fisik. Kami melihat banyak pemandangan indah sepanjang hari. Ada kebun teh, air terjun, pertanian indah, dll.

    Akhirnya kita sampai di gunung, sangat menakjubkan. Di sana kami melihat air terjun yang tersembunyi dan kami menangkapnya. Kami kelelahan tapi kami tidak merasakannya karena kami menikmatinya dan itu adalah perjalanan yang sangat fantastis.


  144. 860 Go Camping

    Some years ago, my friends and I climbed the mountain which was not far from our home. We gathered in Diko’s home to prepare the food, utensil, tent and others. After all the climber members had gathered , we decided to start to go there at 5 p.m.

    Along the ascent, we told about funny story, sang and sometimes stopped our weakness. Around 6 , we stopped to give change everyone to do the maghrib pray. At 7 We continued climbing until 9 night. Finally we got the top of the mountain, we prepared to set the tent, for girl prepared the dinner. After finishing all, we went bed.

    Next day, we woke up earlier at 4 a.m, it meant to see the sun rise, we were so amazed to see it directly through the mountain. While enjoying the sun rise view, the girls prepared the breakfast and the boys made the out bond games for us. Around 8, we finished having breakfast and continued having games. There were moving stone game, blowing the balloon and “bakiak”. I followed all the games, it was so fun.

    The time showed 1 p.m, it was time to us to go back from the mountain. We tidied all and walk down the mountain. We felt so happy after climbing the mountain. Many experiences we got there, friendship and what a wonderful world. I hope can get there again next time although I will never know….

    Terjemahannya :

    Pergi Berkemah

    Beberapa tahun yang lalu, teman-temanku dan aku mendaki gunung yang tidak jauh dari rumah kami. Kami berkumpul di rumah Diko untuk menyiapkan makanan, perkakas, tenda dan lain-lain. Setelah semua anggota pendaki telah berkumpul, kami memutuskan untuk memulai untuk pergi ke sana pada pukul 17:00

    Sepanjang jalan pendakian, kami diberitahu tentang cerita lucu, bernyanyi dan kadang-kadang berhenti karena lemas. Sekitar pukul 6, kami berhenti untuk memberikan perubahan setiap orang untuk melakukan sholat maghrib. Pada pukul 7 Kami melanjutkan mendaki sampai pukul 9 malam. Akhirnya kami mencapai puncak gunung, kita siap untuk mengatur tenda, untuk para gadis mempersiapkan makan malam. Setelah menyelesaikan semua, kami pergi tidur.

    Hari berikutnya, kami bangun lebih awal pada pukul 4 pagi, itu berarti untuk melihat matahari terbit, kami sangat kagum melihat langsung melalui gunung. Sambil menikmati pemandangan matahari naik, gadis-gadis menyiapkan sarapan dan anak-anak membuat game obligasi bagi kita. Sekitar pukul 8, kami selesai makan pagi dan terus memiliki permainan. Ada permainan batu bergerak, meniup balon dan “bakiak”. Saya mengikuti semua game, itu sangat menyenangkan.

    Waktu menunjukkan 1 siang, sudah waktunya untuk kita untuk kembali dari gunung. Kami merapikan semua dan berjalan menuruni gunung. Kami merasa sangat senang setelah mendaki gunung. Banyak pengalaman kami tiba di sana, persahabatan dan betapa indahnya dunia. Saya berharap bisa sampai di sana lagi lain kali meskipun aku tidak akan pernah tahu ….

  145. 900 My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja

    Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
    Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fi ne wearing.
    The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
    On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there. The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.

    Pemakaman Kakekku di Toraja

    Bulan lalu saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke Toraja untuk menghadiri pemakaman kakek. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya pergi ke upacara semacam itu. Kami berkumpul di sana dengan kerabat kami dalam upacara tersebut.
    Secara keseluruhan, upacara tersebut cukup rumit. Butuh waktu sekitar satu minggu. Beberapa hari sebelum upacara dilakukan, jasad kakek disimpan di dalam rangkaian rumah yang disusun dengan deretan melingkar di sekitar lapangan terbuka yang disebut tongkonan. Jenazahnya mengenakan pakaian yang bagus.
    Pemakaman dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pertama, kita menyembelih babi dan kerbau, lalu memindahkan mayat itu ke utara. Dalam upacara ini kami mengenakan pakaian hitam. Setelah itu, jenazah itu ditempatkan di peti mati kayu cendana. Kemudian, dibawa keluar rumah dan ditempatkan pada platform terbuka di bawah lumbung. Sementara itu, pamanku, adikku, dan aku menyiapkan boneka kayu dan sebuah menara pemakaman yang disebut lakian. Tahap selanjutnya dari upacara diadakan di tempat ini. Peti mati itu terbawa dari rumah dan ditempatkan di lakian. Di siang hari, ada juga kerbau yang cocok. Mereka adalah pertandingan besar. Di malam hari, kami sedang berpesta, nyanyian, dan menari.
    Pada hari terakhir, peti mati sang kakek diturunkan dari menara pemakaman dan dibawa ke kuburan keluarga di sisi gunung. Hal itu diikuti oleh teriakan dan kegembiraan yang luar biasa dari keluarga dan tamu. Akhirnya, kami memasang boneka kayu di balkon tinggi tempat boneka-boneka lain yang mewakili anggota seluruh keluarga sudah ada di sana. Upacara pemakaman membuat keluarga saya dan saya lelah. Namun, kami bersyukur karena berjalan mulus.

  146. 915 My Adolescence

    I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.

    It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.

    Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.

    That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.

    Masa Puber Saya

    Saya memiliki masa remaja saya saat berusia tiga belas tahun.

    Ini dimulai dengan jerawat yang muncul di wajahku. Itu sangat menyebalkan. Ini menurunkan harga diri saya dan saya merasa malu untuk keluar dari rumah dan bermain dengan teman-teman.

    Untungnya, ibuku memberi saya obat yang bagus. Dalam tiga minggu, acnes mulai lenyap meski ada beberapa bintik hitam di wajahku.

    Itu adalah pengalaman buruk saya dengan masa remaja, meski masih banyak pengalaman bagus.

  147. 935 BEING LATE
    ditulis oleh Era Meiswarawati

    Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.
    When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.
    She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.
    Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

    ditulis oleh Era Meiswarawati

    Pagi hari yang lalu, Dinar, teman sekamarku terbangun telat dan dia harus pergi ke kampus.
    Bila ingin membawa motornya, sebenarnya dia tidak bisa memindahkannya karena ada beberapa sepeda motor yang memblokade motornya.
    Dia mencoba menggerakkan semua motornya, sehingga motornya bisa bergerak dari garasi. Tapi dia tidak bisa melakukannya.
    Lalu, dia menelepon Adel yang memiliki sepeda motor yang membloknya. Setelah itu, temannya yang punya motor itu membantunya. Akhirnya, dia bisa menggerakkan motornya dan mengendarainya untuk pergi ke kampus.

  148. 960 Came Late to school

    Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00 am in the night. Because that I woke up late.
    I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day I did not do that.
    I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late.
    It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

    Came Late to school

    Rabu yang lalu, saya datang terlambat ke sekolah saya karena saya bermain playstation sampai jam 2 pagi di malam hari. Karena saya terbangun telat.
    Saya bangun sekitar jam 6.30 pagi dan kelas akan dimulai pukul 07.00. Aku berlari ke kamar mandi untuk mandi. Biasanya saya sarapan setelah mandi, tapi pada hari itu saya tidak melakukan itu.
    Saya selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan moyorcycle saya. Tapi pada hari itu, saya lupa dimana saya meletakkan kuncinya. Jadi, saya pergi ke sekolah dengan kendaraan umum. Itu membuat saya butuh waktu lebih lama. Saya tiba di sekolah jam 7.15 pagi, saya berlari ke kelas saya tapi saya melihat guru saya berdiri di depan kelas untuk mengajar. Saya masuk ke kelas saya dan tentu saja guru saya marah kepada saya karena saya terlambat datang.
    Itu adalah pengalaman buruk saya dan saya berharap saya tidak akan melakukannya lagi.

  149. 985 Very Tired Day

    Last tuesday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from my senior high school to my home. I had no time to take a rest.

    First, at the morning, I went jogging. After that I went to school to study until 3.00 pm. fom my school , I went to sanggarian sport hall to practice badminton until 8.00 pm. I practiced hard because that I felt very tired. After that, I went home. But when I would sleep, I remembered there was some homeworks that I had to do. I did my homeworks untill 11.40 pm. And finally I could take a rest in my bed.

    Those activities made my day busy and I felt very tired.

    Hari yang sangat lelah

    Selarut terakhir adalah hari yang sibuk bagiku. Saya menghabiskan waktuku untuk melakukan banyak kegiatan dari SMA ke rumahku. Aku tidak punya waktu untuk beristirahat.

    Pertama, pada pagi hari, saya pergi joging. Setelah itu saya pergi ke sekolah untuk belajar sampai pukul 18.00. Bagi sekolah saya, saya pergi ke sanggar sanggarian untuk berlatih bulutangkis sampai jam 8 malam. Saya berlatih keras karena saya merasa sangat lelah. Setelah itu, saya pulang ke rumah. Tapi ketika saya tidur, saya ingat ada beberapa pekerjaan rumah yang harus saya lakukan. Saya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya sampai pukul 11.40 WIB. Dan akhirnya aku bisa beristirahat di tempat tidurku.

    Kegiatan tersebut membuat hari saya sibuk dan saya merasa sangat lelah.

  150. 1005 Very Tired Day

    Last tuesday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from my senior high school to my home. I had no time to take a rest.

    First, at the morning, I went jogging. After that I went to school to study until 3.00 pm. fom my school , I went to sanggarian sport hall to practice badminton until 8.00 pm. I practiced hard because that I felt very tired. After that, I went home. But when I would sleep, I remembered there was some homeworks that I had to do. I did my homeworks untill 11.40 pm. And finally I could take a rest in my bed.

    Those activities made my day busy and I felt very tired.

    Hari yang sangat lelah

    Selarut terakhir adalah hari yang sibuk bagiku. Saya menghabiskan waktuku untuk melakukan banyak kegiatan dari SMA ke rumahku. Aku tidak punya waktu untuk beristirahat.

    Pertama, pada pagi hari, saya pergi joging. Setelah itu saya pergi ke sekolah untuk belajar sampai pukul 18.00. Bagi sekolah saya, saya pergi ke sanggar sanggarian untuk berlatih bulutangkis sampai jam 8 malam. Saya berlatih keras karena saya merasa sangat lelah. Setelah itu, saya pulang ke rumah. Tapi ketika saya tidur, saya ingat ada beberapa pekerjaan rumah yang harus saya lakukan. Saya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya sampai pukul 11.40 WIB. Dan akhirnya aku bisa beristirahat di tempat tidurku.

    Kegiatan tersebut membuat hari saya sibuk dan saya merasa sangat lelah.

  151. 1030 A Beautiful Day at Jakarta

    Last month, my familIy went to Jakarta. We visited many places there.

    First, we visited Ragunan Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as lion, birds collection, butterfly collections, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Second, we visited Ancol Beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There werw many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

    For me, that was a good moment because I could spend my time with my family. We really enjoyed it.

    A Beautiful Day at Jakarta

    Bulan lalu, keluarga saya pergi ke Jakarta. Kami mengunjungi banyak tempat di sana.

    Pertama, kami mengunjungi Kebun Binatang Ragunan. Kami melihat banyak jenis hewan di sana seperti singa, koleksi burung, koleksi kupu-kupu, dan lain-lain. Kami melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang itu. Kedua, kami mengunjungi Pantai Ancol. Matahari bersinar terang dan pemandangannya sangat indah disana. Kami merasakan angin bertiup ke arah kami. Kami juga melihat banyak orang di pantai itu. Ada banyak burung terbang di langit. Selain itu, ada banyak penjual yang menjual berbagai macam cinderamata. Lalu, kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran. Begitu kami selesai makan siang kami, kami memutuskan untuk pulang.

    Bagi saya, itu adalah saat yang tepat karena saya bisa menghabiskan waktuku bersama keluarga. Kami sangat menikmatinya.

  152. 1065 A Trip to Tanjung Setia Beach

    Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I decided to spend our holiday at Tanjung Setia beach, which located around 234 kilometers from Bandarlampung.

    When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see the beautiful view of the beach. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold and windy, we realized that there were not many people there. We thought that it happened because it was too windy there during that time but we finally realized that it was Christmas holiday so almost all of tourists who are used to spending their time there went back to their country.

    After spending few times swimming in the beach, we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, and we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. The next day we visited Labuan Jukung beach. There, we were amazed to see the high wave owned by this beach. Because it was so high that no body was brave enough to surf on it that time.

    The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing beach Lampung province has.

    Analisa :
    Orientation : Paragraf pertama, (Last year, at the end of the year, my wife and I …)
    Events : Paragraf kedua dan ketiga.
    Reorientation : Paragraf keempat (terakhir)

    Perjalanan Liburan ke Pantai Tanjung Setia

    Tahun lalu, pada akhir tahun, saya dan istri saya memutuskan untuk menghabiskan liburan kami di pantai Tanjung Setia, yang terletak sekitar 234 kilometer dari Bandarlampung.

    Ketika kami tiba di pantai, kami terkejut melihat pemandangan indah pantai tersebut. Setelah menceburkan diri sejenak di pantai, yang benar-benar dingin dan berangin pada waktu itu, kami menyadari bahwa tidak ada banyak orang di sana. Kami berpikir bahwa itu terjadi karena angina terlalu besar pada waktu itu tapi kami akhirnya menyadari bahwa hari itu adalah hari libur Natal sehingga hampir semua wisatawan yang terbiasa untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana kembali ke negara mereka.

    Setelah menghabiskan beberapa waktu berenang di pantai, kami kemudian membeli beberapa keripik hangat(yang baru saja digoreng) di toko di dekat pantai itu, dan kami kemudian bersepeda di pantai untuk beberapa saat, di pasir yang basah itu. Keesokan harinya kami mengunjungi pantai Labuan Jukung. Di sana, kami terkagum-kagum melihat ombak tinggi yang dimiliki oleh pantai ini. Karena begitu tingginya sehingga tidak ada yang cukup berani untuk berselancar di atasnya saat itu.

    Pada hari ketiga ada, kami memutuskan untuk pulang ketika kami akhirnya sampai kembali ke rumah, kami berdua benar-benar lelah karena perjalanan itu tapi kami sangat senang melakukan liburan di pantai yang menakjubkan yang dimiliki provinsi Lampung tersebut.

  153. 1105 My Vacation With My Beloved Sister And Boyfriend

    One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.

    The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

    On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 o’clock and we were absolutely exhausted.

    That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister and my boyfriend.

    My Vacation With My Beloved Sister and Boyfriend

    Suatu hari, kakak perempuan saya berkata kepada saya bahwa dia benar-benar ingin pergi ke pantai. Jadi saya berjanji kepadanya bahwa keesokan harinya kita akan pergi ke pantai Maron di Semarang.

    Keesokan harinya, kami menyiapkan banyak hal di pagi hari. Kami membawa beberapa makanan dan minuman, seperti nasi goreng, wafer coklat, keripik kentang, air dan jus jeruk. Sebelum pergi ke pantai, saya bertanya pada pacar saya, Kiki, untuk bergabung dengan kami pergi ke pantai. Dia setuju untuk bergabung dan dia datang ke rumah saya. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke pantai. Kami pergi ke sana dengan sepeda motor. Butuh waktu 25 menit untuk sampai kesana. Lalu, kami membeli tiket di gerbang masuk. Sebelum berenang, kami mengganti pakaian kami terlebih dahulu. Kami berenang lebih dari satu jam. Kami merasa sangat lelah sehingga kami memutuskan untuk makan makanan yang kami bawa. Selanjutnya, pacarku dan aku menciptakan istana pasir yang sangat besar, sementara kakakku terus berenang. Setelah itu, kami memutuskan untuk pulang karena hari mulai gelap.

    Dalam perjalanan pulang, kami masih merasa lapar. Jadi kami berhenti di restoran Jawa untuk makan sesuatu. Aku memesan gudeg, sementara pacarku dan adikku memesan nasi rames. Setelah selesai makan, kami membayar tagihan kami. Lalu, kami pulang ke rumah. Kami sampai di rumah jam 6 pagi dan kami benar-benar kelelahan.

    Itu adalah hari yang sangat melelahkan, tapi saya merasa sangat bahagia karena bisa berlibur dengan adik perempuan dan pacar saya.

  154. 1150 Contoh Recount Text – Vacation to London

    Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London.

    They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.

    On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.

    The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.

    The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

    Generic Structure of Recount text about Vacation
    1. Orientation : Clearly from the text above. the participant is Mr. Richard’s family
    2. Series of events: Mr. Richard’s family went to travel agent then they were waiting for boarding on plane. The text continued how he arrive in Heathrow airport. After that we can see that Mr. Richard’s family stayed in a four-star hotel
    3. Reorientation: A note from the participant. Mr. Richard’s family were happy while spending vacation in London

    Terjemahan Contoh Recount Text – Vacation to London

    Keluarga Richard sedang berlibur. Mereka adalah Tuan dan Nyonya Richard dengan dua putra laki-laki. Mereka pergi ke London. Mereka melihat agen perjalanan mereka dan memesan tiket mereka. Mereka pergi ke Kedutaan Besar Inggris untuk mendapatkan visa masuk ke Inggris. Mereka telah memesan empat belas hari tur. Ini termasuk perjalanan dan akomodasi. Mereka juga termasuk tur keliling London.

    Mereka naik pesawat Boeing yang besar. Penerbangannya hampir empat belas jam. Di pesawat, awak kabin sangat ramah. Mereka memberi mereka koran dan majalah untuk dibaca. Mereka memberi mereka makanan dan minuman. Ada sebuah film untuk hiburan mereka. Mereka memiliki penerbangan yang sangat menyenangkan. Mereka tidur sebagian.

    Setibanya di Bandara Heathrow, mereka harus pergi ke Bea dan Imigrasi. Petugas itu menyenangkan. Mereka memeriksa dokumen itu dengan saksama namun sopan santun mereka sangat sopan. Richard dan keluarganya mengumpulkan tas mereka dan pergi ke London Welcome Desk. Mereka mengatur transfer ke hotel.

    Hotel ini merupakan hotel bintang empat yang terkenal. Kamar memiliki pemandangan taman yang sempurna. Kamar memiliki kamar mandi dan toilet sendiri. Alih-alih kunci kamar, mereka memasukkan kartu kunci untuk membuka pintu. Di lantai tiga, ada restoran yang menyajikan makanan Asia dan Eropa. Mereka memiliki berbagai makanan.

    Dua minggu di London berlalu cepat. Pada akhir 14 hari, mereka cukup lelah namun mereka merasa sangat bahagia.

  155. 1175 Contoh Recount Text Pendek – Journey to Istanbul

    It was early morning, on sunny spring day in April, Heathrow Airport London was very busy. I was sitting reading a news paper in the Departure Lounge of Terminal One.
    I was nervous when I would fly. I looked at my watch impatiently. Then I I heard the announcement over the loudspeakers:

    British Airways announce the departure of Flight BE570 for Istanbul. Will passengers please proceed to Gate 16 for boarding.

    Hearing that announcement, I picked up my suitcase and walked toward Gate16.
    Twenty minutes later, the plane was preparing to leave. It moved slowly across the airport to runway number two. I was sitting looking out of the window.
    The plane suddenly moved forward, raced down the runway and raised into the air. I looked own at the house and roads far below.

    I was smiling. London was behind me. I was on my way to Istanbul.

    Contoh Recount Text Pendek – Perjalanan ke Istanbul

    Saat itu pagi hari, di hari musim semi yang cerah di bulan April, Bandara Heathrow London sangat sibuk. Saya sedang duduk sambil membaca koran di Departure Lounge Terminal One.
    Aku gugup saat aku akan terbang. Aku melihat arlojiku dengan tidak sabar. Lalu aku mendengar pengumuman lewat pengeras suara:

    British Airways mengumumkan kepergian Flight BE570 untuk Istanbul. Akankah penumpang silahkan melanjutkan ke Gate 16 untuk boarding.

    Mendengar pengumuman itu, saya mengambil koper saya dan berjalan menuju Gerbang16.
    Dua puluh menit kemudian, pesawat sedang bersiap untuk pergi. Pesawat itu bergerak perlahan melintasi bandara ke landasan pacu nomor dua. Aku sedang duduk melihat ke luar jendela.
    Pesawat tiba-tiba bergerak maju, berlari ke landasan pacu dan mengangkat ke udara. Aku melihat sendiri di rumah dan jalan jauh di bawah.

    Saya tersenyum. London ada di belakangku. Aku sedang dalam perjalanan ke Istanbul.

  156. 1195 Travel on the Plane for the First Time

    When I was young, I did not really like traveling. I preferred playing games on the computer. I never traveled abroad on the plane until 1998. At that time, I was 21 years old.
    My first trip was a 4-day trip to Taipei. Before I came to the airport, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. I remembered I was so excited when the plane took off. I really enjoyed my trip at the time.
    After that trip, I like traveling. I also traveled to Korea, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, an Austria.

    Perjalanan di Pesawat untuk Pertama Kalinya

    Ketika saya masih muda, saya tidak suka bepergian. Saya lebih memilih bermain game di komputer. Saya tidak pernah bepergian ke luar negeri ke pesawat sampai tahun 1998. Saat itu saya berusia 21 tahun.
    Perjalanan pertamaku adalah 4 hari perjalanan ke Taipei. Sebelum saya datang ke bandara, saya tidak tahu bagaimana cara check-in. Semua prosedur begitu baru bagiku. Aku ingat aku sangat senang saat pesawat lepas landas. Saya sangat menikmati perjalanan saya saat itu.
    Setelah perjalanan itu, saya suka bepergian. Saya juga melakukan perjalanan ke Korea, Prancis, Jerman, Swiss, Italia, Austria.

  157. 1225 Travel on the Plane for the First Time

    When I was young, I did not really like traveling. I preferred playing games on the computer. I never traveled abroad on the plane until 1998. At that time, I was 21 years old.
    My first trip was a 4-day trip to Taipei. Before I came to the airport, I did not know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. I remembered I was so excited when the plane took off. I really enjoyed my trip at the time.
    After that trip, I like traveling. I also traveled to Korea, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, an Austria.

    Perjalanan di Pesawat untuk Pertama Kalinya

    Ketika saya masih muda, saya tidak suka bepergian. Saya lebih memilih bermain game di komputer. Saya tidak pernah bepergian ke luar negeri ke pesawat sampai tahun 1998. Saat itu saya berusia 21 tahun.
    Perjalanan pertamaku adalah 4 hari perjalanan ke Taipei. Sebelum saya datang ke bandara, saya tidak tahu bagaimana cara check-in. Semua prosedur begitu baru bagiku. Aku ingat aku sangat senang saat pesawat lepas landas. Saya sangat menikmati perjalanan saya saat itu.
    Setelah perjalanan itu, saya suka bepergian. Saya juga melakukan perjalanan ke Korea, Prancis, Jerman, Swiss, Italia, Austria.

  158. 1250 My Holiday Was Fantastic

    Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places.
    I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.
    Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.
    After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing.
    The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

    Liburan saya fantastis

    Musim panas yang lalu saya mendapat liburan yang fantastis. Saya mengunjungi beberapa tempat yang bagus.
    Saya pergi ke bandara dan akan terbang ke Cleveland. Saya menghabiskan waktu di sana dua hari. Saya suka melihat beberapa pertandingan basket Cleveland Cavaliers.
    Lalu aku pergi ke Hollywood. Hollywood adalah sebuah distrik terkenal di Los Angeles, California, Amerika Serikat. Ini telah menjadi terkenal di dunia sebagai pusat industri perfilman. Empat perusahaan film besar – Paramount, Warner Bros, RKO dan Columbia – memiliki studio di Hollywood. Aku tidak ingin pergi tapi aku harus pergi.
    Setelah itu, saya pergi ke kota New York. Saya mengunjungi Patung Liberty. Aku pergi dari dasar Manhattan ke puncak mahkota. Itu sangat menakjubkan.
    Tempat-tempat itu membuatku betah tapi aku harus pulang. Lain kali aku akan kembali kepada mereka.

  159. 1285 My Holiday in Bali

    ditulis oleh Annisa Aulia Saharani

    When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

    First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

    Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave.

    The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkies. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.

    In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

    Liburan Saya di Bali

    ditulis oleh Annisa Aulia Saharani

    Saat saya kelas 2 SMA, teman-teman dan saya pergi ke Bali. Kami berada di sana selama tiga hari. Saya memiliki banyak pengalaman mengesankan selama liburan.

    Hari pertama, kami mengunjungi Pantai Sanur di pagi hari. Kami melihat matahari terbit yang indah bersama. Itu adalah pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Kemudian, kami check in ke hotel. Setelah mempersiapkan diri, kami pergi ke Tanah Lot. Kami bertemu begitu banyak turis lain disana. Mereka bukan hanya domestik tapi juga turis mancanegara.

    Hari kedua, kami menikmati hari di pantai Tanjung Benoa. Kami bermain begitu banyak olahraga air seperti banana boat, jetsky, speedboat dll. Kami juga pergi ke pulau Penyu untuk melihat banyak hewan unik. Mereka adalah kura-kura, ular, dan burung laut. Kami dulu sangat bahagia. Sore hari, kami pergi ke Pantai Kuta untuk melihat sunset yang menakjubkan dan menikmati ombak yang indah.

    Hari terakhir, kami menghabiskan waktu di Sangeh. Kita bisa menikmati hutan hijau dan teduh. Ada begitu banyak monkies. Mereka sangat jinak tapi terkadang mereka bisa nakal. Kita bisa membuat interaksi yang dekat dengan mereka. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke pasar Sukowati untuk belanja. Itulah saat indahku. Saya membeli beberapa kaos dan cendera mata Bali.

    Di malam hari, kami harus check out dari hotel. Kami pulang membawa kenangan menakjubkan Bali.

  160. 1315 Visiting Bali
    There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud. On the day of the tour, he was ready.
    My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
    The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a cente for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.

    Mengunjungi Bali
    Ada begitu banyak tempat untuk melihat di Bali bahwa teman saya memutuskan untuk mengikuti tur untuk melihat sebanyak mungkin. Teman saya tinggal di Kuta pada saat kedatangan. Ia menghabiskan tiga hari pertama berenang dan berselancar di pantai Kuta. Ia mengunjungi beberapa agen tur dan memilih dua tur. Yang pertama ke Singaraja, yang kedua adalah ke Ubud. Pada hari tur, dia sudah siap.
    Temanku dan kelompoknya melaju melewati pegunungan. Singaraja adalah kota berpenduduk sekitar 90 ribu orang. Kota ini sibuk tapi sepi. Jalan-jalan dilapisi pohon dan ada banyak rumah tua Belanda. Kemudian mereka kembali larut malam ke Kuta.
    Tur kedua ke Ubud adalah tur yang sangat berbeda. Bukan untuk melihat pemandangan tapi melihat seni dan kerajinan pulau. Perhentian pertama ada di Batubulan, sebuah pusat patung batu. Di sana teman saya melihat anak laki-laki muda diukir di blok batu yang besar. Perhentian berikutnya adalah Celuk, satu cente untuk perajin perak dan goldensmiths. Setelah itu dia berhenti sebentar untuk makan siang di Sukawati dan terus ke misa. Misa adalah pusat wisata Teman saya sepuluh hari-tinggal berakhir sangat cepat di samping dua turnya, sepanjang harinya dihabiskan di pantai. Dia pergi berlayar atau surfing setiap hari. Dia merasa puas.

  161. 1355 A Study Tour To Bali

    I was in senior high school when at the first time I went to Bali Island. I went there with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. My teacher, me class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 8 a.m.

    The journey from Pati to Bali took a day. I was so exhausted because I had to sit along the journey. Actually, it was a funny journey because I spent all of my time with my friends, like playing games, laughing, and kidding. But I felt that all of my tiredness gone all of sudden when we arrived at the Sanur Beach. It was still morning, I saw a sun rise which was so beautiful. Then we were drove to the hotel to take a rest and had meals. After that, we went to the Nusa Dua Beach. There were so many activities to do there. We could play parasailing, banana boat, and so on. But I chose to go to a little island which had a lot of reptile there. There were snake, turtles, etc. The scenery was so beautiful because I was in the middle of the sea! Next, we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). There were two statues which were so big. They were Wisnu and his bird, called Garuda. I was interested in its relief on the rock but, actually, I did not know the story on it. At last, we went to the Sosro Company. We learned a lot of things there from the first step till the end of making a tea. After that, we went back to Pati.

    After a very long journey, through the land and the sea, I learned something about nature and human products. Although it took a lot of my energy, I felt so happy because I spent all of my time with my friends.

    Tur Studi Ke Bali

    Saya di SMA saat pertama kali pergi ke Pulau Bali. Saya pergi ke sana bersama guru dan teman saya. Itu adalah tur studi sebenarnya. Guru saya, teman kelas saya, dan saya berada di bus yang sama. Kami meninggalkan sekolah kami jam 8 pagi.

    Perjalanan dari Pati ke Bali memakan waktu sehari. Saya sangat lelah karena harus duduk di sepanjang perjalanan. Sebenarnya, ini adalah perjalanan yang lucu karena saya menghabiskan seluruh waktuku dengan teman-temanku, seperti bermain game, tertawa, dan bercanda. Tapi saya merasa semua kepayahan saya hilang tiba-tiba saat kami tiba di Pantai Sanur. Masih pagi, saya melihat matahari terbit yang begitu indah. Kemudian kami pergi ke hotel untuk beristirahat dan makan. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke Pantai Nusa Dua. Ada begitu banyak aktivitas yang harus dilakukan di sana. Kita bisa bermain parasailing, banana boat, dan sebagainya. Tapi saya memilih pergi ke sebuah pulau kecil yang memiliki banyak reptil di sana. Ada ular, kura-kura, dll. Pemandangannya begitu indah karena saya berada di tengah laut! Selanjutnya, kami menuju Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). Ada dua patung yang begitu besar. Mereka adalah Wisnu dan burungnya, yang disebut Garuda. Saya tertarik dengan kelegaannya pada batu itu tapi, sebenarnya, saya tidak tahu ceritanya. Akhirnya, kami pergi ke Perusahaan Sosro. Kami belajar banyak hal di sana dari langkah pertama sampai akhir pembuatan teh. Setelah itu, kami kembali ke Pati.

    Setelah menempuh perjalanan yang sangat panjang, melalui darat dan laut, saya belajar sesuatu tentang alam dan produk manusia. Meski butuh banyak energi, saya merasa sangat bahagia karena menghabiskan seluruh waktuku bersama teman-teman.

  162. 1390 My Unfortunates

    Last weekend was my luckiest day ever. Many good things were coming toward me.

    When the morning broke in Sunday morning, I woke up and planned to jog around the neighborhood. So I changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my sleepy face. As I stepped in the bathroom, I landed my foot on a soap in the floor and feel down. A perfect morning hi for me. Next, I began my jogging and saw my gorgeous neighbor, jogging to. I though it was a good fortune to omit the gap between us. So I jogged to him and say hello. But, how poor of me, it was not him. It just someone I never met before who looked like to him. I was going home with people laugh at me along side of the street.

    When I got home, the breakfast already settled and I immediately spooned a big portion of rice and ate. After I have done my breakfast my mother came up and said that the meal have not ready yet and she said that I may have a stomachache if I ate it. It was proven, I had a stomachache for the next three days.

    I past my weekend lie down on me bed and be served as a queen. That was not really bad, wasn’t it.

    Nasib Sial Saya

    Akhir pekan lalu adalah hari paling beruntung yang pernah ada. Banyak hal baik yang datang ke arahku.

    Ketika pagi hari pecah pada hari Minggu pagi, saya bangun dan berencana untuk berlari-lari kecil mengelilingi lingkungan sekitar. Jadi saya mengganti pakaian saya dan pergi ke kamar mandi untuk mencuci muka saya yang mengantuk. Saat melangkah ke kamar mandi, saya menaiki kaki saya dengan sabun di lantai dan merasa terjatuh. Pagi yang sempurna hi untuk saya. Selanjutnya, saya memulai joging saya dan melihat tetangga saya yang cantik, joging. Meskipun saya beruntung bisa menghilangkan kesenjangan di antara kita. Jadi saya berlari ke dia dan menyapa. Tapi, betapa malangnya aku, itu bukan dia. Itu hanya seseorang yang belum pernah saya temui sebelumnya yang terlihat seperti dia. Saya akan pulang dengan orang-orang menertawakan saya di sepanjang jalan.

    Ketika sampai di rumah, sarapan sudah beres dan saya langsung menyendok sebagian besar nasi dan makan. Setelah saya sarapan saya, ibu saya datang dan mengatakan bahwa makanannya belum siap dan dia mengatakan bahwa saya mungkin sakit perut jika memakannya. Terbukti, saya sakit perut selama tiga hari ke depan.

    Saya melewati akhir pekan saya berbaring di tempat tidur saya dan dilayani sebagai ratu. Itu tidak terlalu buruk, bukan begitu.

  163. 1410 My Bad Day on Sunday

    I had a terrible day yesterday.
    First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
    Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
    Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday!
    I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

    Hari Burukku pada hari Minggu

    Saya mengalami hari yang mengerikan kemarin.
    Pertama, saya terbangun satu jam terlambat karena jam alarm saya tidak padam. Lalu, saya sangat tergesa-gesa sehingga saya membakar tangan saya saat sarapan. Setelah sarapan pagi, saya berpakaian begitu cepat sehingga lupa memakai kaus kaki.
    Selanjutnya, saya lari keluar rumah sambil mencoba naik bus 9:30, tapi tentu saja saya merindukannya. Saya ingin naik taksi, tapi saya tidak punya cukup uang.
    Akhirnya, saya berjalan sejauh tiga mil ke sekolah saya hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa hari itu hari Minggu!
    Saya harap saya tidak pernah memiliki hari seperti hari kemarin.

  164. 1435 Contoh Recount Text – My Horrible Experience

    Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.

    Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.

    Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.

    When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town.
    Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.Analyzing the Text.

    Pengalaman Mengerikan saya

    Biarkan saya mengingatkan pengalaman saya saat terjadi gempa bumi minggu lalu. Saat gempa terjadi, saya berada di mobil saya. Saya pulang dari panggilan saya ke Bali.

    Tiba-tiba mobil saya lunched ke satu sisi, ke kiri. Kupikir aku punya ban kempes. Saya tidak tahu bahwa itu adalah gempa. Saya tahu ini adalah gempa bumi saat saya melihat beberapa tiang telepon dan listrik jatuh ke tanah, seperti korek api.

    Lalu aku melihat banyak batu jatuh di seberang jalan. Aku terjebak oleh batu karang. Bahkan saya sama sekali tidak bisa menggerakkan mobil saya. Ada bebatuan di mana-mana. Tidak ada yang bisa kulakukan selain meninggalkan mobil dan berjalan menuju rumahku, di kota.

    Ketika sampai di kota saya, saya sangat terkejut karena hampir tidak ada yang tersisa. Gempa tersebut membuat banyak kerusakan pada kota saya. Meski tidak ada yang tersisa, saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan bahwa tidak ada yang terluka parah. Mengenal Teks

  165. 1460 Came Late to school

    Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00 am in the night. Because that I woke up late.
    I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day I did not do that.
    I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late.
    It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

    Came Late to school

    Rabu yang lalu, saya datang terlambat ke sekolah saya karena saya bermain playstation sampai jam 2 pagi di malam hari. Karena saya terbangun telat.
    Saya bangun sekitar jam 6.30 pagi dan kelas akan dimulai pukul 07.00. Aku berlari ke kamar mandi untuk mandi. Biasanya saya sarapan setelah mandi, tapi pada hari itu saya tidak melakukan itu.
    Saya selalu pergi ke sekolah dengan moyorcycle saya. Tapi pada hari itu, saya lupa dimana saya meletakkan kuncinya. Jadi, saya pergi ke sekolah dengan kendaraan umum. Itu membuat saya butuh waktu lebih lama. Saya tiba di sekolah jam 7.15 pagi, saya berlari ke kelas saya tapi saya melihat guru saya berdiri di depan kelas untuk mengajar. Saya masuk ke kelas saya dan tentu saja guru saya marah kepada saya karena saya terlambat datang.
    Itu adalah pengalaman buruk saya dan saya berharap saya tidak akan melakukannya lagi.

  166. 1495 Monolog Recount Text – Biography Jenny

    Hello, I’m Jenny. I am Tim’s wife. We have been married for almost eleven years. I met Tim when we were both at university. I studied physics while Tim studied business management. We graduated from Cardiff University in 1989, and went to live in Birmingham. We got married in 1993 at Lincoln cathedral. i took a one year post-graduate teaching course, then got a job teaching science at Lincoln high school.

    We moved to Nottingham in 1996 where Lisa was born. I remember that she was a very fat baby, but a happy one! My mum helped us with looking after the baby in the first year, before she had to go into the nursing home in Manchester. She wanted to move to a home in Manchester because that is where my two older sisters and their families live. We go to visit often – when I can get Tim to drive us up there! i don’t drive. i took some lessons when I was a student in Cardiff but i found driving on the roads quite frightening and gave up! Perhaps one day I will try again.

    About two years after we had Lisa, James was born. He was born at St.patrick’s hospital in Nottingham. It seems like it was only last week. I can’t believe he’s already at school.

    Monolog Recount Text – Biography Jenny

    Halo, saya Jenny. Saya adalah istri Tim. Kami telah menikah selama hampir sebelas tahun. Saya bertemu Tim saat kami berdua di universitas. Saya belajar fisika sementara Tim mempelajari manajemen bisnis. Kami lulus dari Cardiff University pada tahun 1989, dan pergi untuk tinggal di Birmingham. Kami menikah pada tahun 1993 di katedral Lincoln. Saya mengikuti kursus pascasarjana pascasarjana satu tahun, lalu mendapat ilmu pengajar pekerjaan di Lincoln SMA.

    Kami pindah ke Nottingham pada tahun 1996 di mana Lisa lahir. Saya ingat bahwa dia adalah bayi yang sangat gemuk, tapi bahagia! Ibuku membantu kami merawat bayi di tahun pertama, sebelum dia pergi ke panti jompo di Manchester. Dia ingin pindah ke rumah di Manchester karena di situlah dua kakak perempuan dan keluarga saya tinggal. Kami sering mengunjungi – ketika saya bisa mengajak Tim untuk mengantarkan kami ke sana! saya tidak menyetir Aku mengambil beberapa pelajaran ketika saya masih mahasiswa di Cardiff tapi saya menemukan mengemudi di jalan cukup menakutkan dan menyerah! Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya akan coba lagi.

    Kira-kira dua tahun setelah kami memiliki Lisa, James lahir. Ia lahir di rumah sakit St.patrick di Nottingham. Sepertinya baru minggu lalu. Aku tidak percaya dia sudah di sekolah.

  167. 1510 Short Biography of Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen years later he won the Nobel Prize for Physics.
    For the next ten years he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in the early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved to the United States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 74.

    Biografi singkat Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein lahir di akhir tahun 1800-an di Ulf, Jerman. Ia lulus dari Universitas Zurich di Swiss pada usia 26. Itu juga saat dia melakukan karya terkenal di bidang fisika. Empat belas tahun kemudian ia memenangkan Hadiah Nobel Fisika.
    Selama sepuluh tahun berikutnya ia tinggal di Jerman dan sering bepergian untuk berbicara dengan ilmuwan lain. Kemudian pada awal 1930an ia harus meninggalkan Jerman karena Hitler dan partai Nazi. Dia pindah ke Amerika Serikat. Sejak saat itu sampai kematiannya ia tinggal di Princeton, New Jersey. Dia meninggal pada usia 74 tahun.

  168. 1535 Short Biography of Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen years later he won the Nobel Prize for Physics.
    For the next ten years he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in the early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved to the United States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 74.

    Biografi singkat Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein lahir di akhir tahun 1800-an di Ulf, Jerman. Ia lulus dari Universitas Zurich di Swiss pada usia 26. Itu juga saat dia melakukan karya terkenal di bidang fisika. Empat belas tahun kemudian ia memenangkan Hadiah Nobel Fisika.
    Selama sepuluh tahun berikutnya ia tinggal di Jerman dan sering bepergian untuk berbicara dengan ilmuwan lain. Kemudian pada awal 1930an ia harus meninggalkan Jerman karena Hitler dan partai Nazi. Dia pindah ke Amerika Serikat. Sejak saat itu sampai kematiannya ia tinggal di Princeton, New Jersey. Dia meninggal pada usia 74 tahun.

  169. 1570 Meeting a Star

    On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store.
    A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn’t sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar.
    Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said ‘no’ at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.
    I found the record store and listened to a few records. D’ Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked
    in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo.
    I was so surprised! He was a singer in D’ Masive!

    Bertemu Bintang

    Pada hari Sabtu pagi pukul 9.30, saya berjalan menyusuri Jalan Sunda, mencari toko kaset.
    Seorang pria menghentikan saya dan menanyakan jalan ke Hotel Hyatt. Aku tidak tahu persis di mana itu, tapi aku berjalan bersamanya sampai ke ujung Jalan Sunda. Dia sangat ramah, dan wajahnya tampak begitu akrab.
    Lalu aku ingat di mana Hyatt berada dan memberitahunya bagaimana menuju ke sana. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih dan mencoba memberi saya sesuatu. Saya pikir itu uang. Saya bilang ‘tidak’ pada awalnya, tapi dia sangat menginginkan saya memilikinya, jadi saya mengambilnya.
    Saya menemukan toko kaset dan mendengarkan beberapa catatan. D ‘Masive memiliki rekor baru yang merupakan nomor dua di dua puluh teratas. Saya memutuskan untuk membelinya. Aku melihat
    di tas saya untuk dompet saya dan menemukan secarik kertas yang diberikan pria itu kepada saya. Itu adalah foto.
    Saya sangat terkejut! Dia adalah seorang penyanyi di D ‘Masive!

  170. 1600 Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me

    I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani.

    I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road.
    The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the Bhotekoshi.

    I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass and plunged into the Bhotekoshi.

    The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness.

    I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.

    Bus sedang melayang di belakangku

    Saya menginap semalam di Sakhuwa Gati VDC karena tanah longsor di dekat Baseri telah memblokir jalan, Keesokan paginya, saya naik ke bus dengan nomor pendaftaran Ba ​​2 Kha 4013 yang menuju Barhabise dari Tatopani.

    Saya duduk di pinggir jalan dan ingat ada sekitar 35 penumpang, termasuk saya. Sopir mengemudikan bus. Satu kilometer ke dalam perjalanan, saya melihat selokan di jalan.
    Sopir mencoba untuk mencegah parit. Sebelum aku tahu apa yang sedang terjadi, bus mulai meluncur menuju Bhotekoshi.

    Aku sudah putus asa untuk bertahan hidup, tapi menemukan gelas ventilator pecah. Aku keluar dari gelas yang hancur dan jatuh ke dalam Bhotekoshi.

    Sungai itu membawa saya sekitar 35 kilometer dan meninggalkan saya di permukaan yang dangkal. Aku pingsan setelah itu. Tim penyelamat membawa saya ke rumah sakit ketika saya sadar kembali.
    Saya kemudian mendengar bahwa semua kecuali empat penumpang selamat. Saya menderita luka di wajah, tangan dan bagian tubuh lainnya. Meskipun demikian, saya merasa bahwa yang masih hidup adalah takdir saya.

  171. 1640 My First Experience To Be An Alone Backpacker

    I like to go out to find a new place.
    When I was in second semester, I went to Bekasi alone to visit my friend. I built my strenght to go there without knowing anything.
    Firstly, I went to Terboyo to find Sinar Jaya bus to Bekasi. Unfortunately, there was no Sinar Jaya bus. A man in a locket told me to go to someone who could bring me to Bekasi. I felt so happy bacause my planning would be happen. I just payed money and got the bus. Everything was gonna be alright until the bus came to Tegal.
    In Tegal bus station, a man in the bus asked me go out from the bus because that bus would bus come to Bandung.,not Jakarta ones. I felt so confused because there were so many strange men around me. After they talked for several hours, i was brought to a new one. I tried to adapt in that bus. People around me said that was true bus to Bekasi. I could not guess what I felt. The bus walked so fast until in Cikampek. When the bus was in Cikampek subway, someone told me that the bus did not pass Cikarang, so when I wanted to go tehre, I had to take off in Lippo.
    Fortunately, a man told me that he had the same destination with me. I felt so happy. I could not imagine if there was not that man.

    Pengalaman Pertama Saya Menjadi Bermodalkan Sendiri

    Saya suka pergi mencari tempat baru.
    Saat saya di semester II, saya langsung ke Bekasi untuk mengunjungi teman saya. Saya membangun kekuatan saya untuk pergi ke sana tanpa mengetahui apapun.
    Pertama, saya pergi ke Terboyo untuk mencari bus Sinar Jaya ke Bekasi. Sayangnya, tidak ada bus Sinar Jaya. Seorang pria dengan liontin menyuruh saya pergi menemui seseorang yang bisa membawa saya ke Bekasi. Saya merasa sangat senang karena perencanaan saya akan terjadi. Saya hanya membayar uang dan naik bus. Semuanya akan baik-baik saja sampai bus sampai ke Tegal.
    Di terminal bis Tegal, seorang pria di dalam bus meminta saya keluar dari bus karena bis tersebut akan menuju Bandung, bukan di Jakarta. Aku merasa sangat bingung karena ada begitu banyak pria aneh di sekitarku. Setelah mereka berbicara selama beberapa jam, saya dibawa ke yang baru. Saya mencoba beradaptasi di bus itu. Orang-orang di sekitar saya bilang itu bus yang benar ke Bekasi. Saya tidak bisa menebak apa yang saya rasakan. Bus berjalan begitu cepat sampai di Cikampek. Ketika bus itu berada di kereta bawah tanah Cikampek, seseorang mengatakan kepada saya bahwa bus tersebut tidak lewat di Cikarang, jadi ketika saya ingin pergi, saya harus tinggal landas di Lippo.
    Untungnya, seorang pria mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan saya. Aku merasa sangat bahagia. Aku tidak bisa membayangkan kalau tidak ada pria itu

  172. 1675 My Experience Met with Taufik Hidayat


    Last sunday, there was Thomas cup badminton championship between Indonesa and China. It was held on Istora Gelora Bung Karno. I went to Istora Gelora Bung Karno with my Brother, Andi.


    Before entering Istora Gelora Bung Karno, we looked the bus that took Indonesian badminton team players. I saw taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka, Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro and the other Indonesian badminton players in that bus. They were very handsome. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Taufik Hidayat left from the bus. When we wanted to get close to Taufik Hidayat, a security guard held me back. But, I thought that security guard was familiar because He was my old friend when I was senior high school, he was Andre. After that, he let me in, finally i could meet Taufik Hidayat and got his signature.


    Then, I went back to my seat at the Istora stadium to support Indonesian team. The supporter was very crowded. They shouted “IN-DO-NE-SI-A” during the match.

    My Experience Met with Taufik Hidayat

    Minggu lalu, ada kejuaraan bulutangkis Thomas antara Indonesa dan China. Acara digelar di Istora Gelora Bung Karno. Saya pergi ke Istora Gelora Bung Karno bersama kakak saya, Andi.

    Sebelum memasuki Istora Gelora Bung Karno, kami melihat bus yang membawa pemain tim bulutangkis Indonesia. Saya melihat taufik Hidayat, Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Hayom Rumbaka, Angga Pratama, Rian Agung, Simon Santoso, Sony Dwi Kuncoro dan pemain bulutangkis Indonesia lainnya di bus itu. Mereka sangat tampan. Kemudian, kami mengikuti bus itu menuju pintu masuk utama. Saya menemukan bahwa Taufik Hidayat berangkat dari bus. Ketika kami ingin mendekati Taufik Hidayat, seorang satpam menahanku. Tapi, saya pikir satpam itu akrab karena dia adalah teman lama saya saat saya SMA, dia adalah Andre. Setelah itu, dia membiarkan saya masuk, akhirnya saya bisa bertemu Taufik Hidayat dan mendapat tanda tangannya.

    Kemudian, saya kembali ke tempat duduk saya di stadion Istora untuk mendukung tim Indonesia. Pendukungnya sangat ramai. Mereka berteriak “IN-DO-NE-SI-A” selama pertandingan berlangsung.

  173. 1720 True Friends

    Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

    Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

    The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend”.

    Moral of the Story – A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Teman Sejati

    Pada suatu hari di masa lau, ada dua orang berteman dekat yang berjalan melewati hutan bersama-sama. Mereka tahu bahwa di hutan bisa saja terjadi sesuatu yang berbahaya setiap saat. Oleh karena itu, dari awal mereka saling berjanji bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama-sama meski dalam keadaan bahaya sekalipun.

    Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat ada beruang besar yang semakin mendekat ke arah mereka. Kemudian seketika salah satu dari mereka memanjat pohon terdekat. Tetapi sayangnya teman yang satu lagi tidak tahu bagaimana caranya memanjat pohon. Jadi dia hanya terdorong oleh akal sehatnya, kemudian ia berbaring di tanah, menahan napasnya, dan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang sudah mati.

    Kemudian beruang itu datang dan mendekati orang yang sedang berbaring di tanah tersebut. Beruang itu pun mencium-cium telinganya, dan perlahan-lahan meninggalkan tempat tersebut karena beruang tidak mau menyentuh makhluk yang sudah mati. Setelah itu, temannya yang di pohon turun ke bawah dan bertanya kepada temannya yang berbaring di tanah itu, “Teman, apa yang beruang bisikkan ke telingamu?”, si temannya itu menjawab, “Tadi beruang itu mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak percaya terhadap teman palsu”.

    Pesan Moral dari cerita: Seorang teman sejati yang kita butuhkan adalah teman yang sebenarnya.

  174. 1765 Fox and A Cat

    One day, a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.

    “I know only one trick to get away from dogs,” said the cat. “You should teach me some of yours!”.

    “Well, maybe someday, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones”, replied the fox airily.

    Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder – the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. “This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know”, said the cat. “Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?”.

    The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

    Moral: A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans.

    Rubah dan Seekor Kucing

    Suatu hari, kucing dan rubah sedang mengobrol dengan asiknya. Rubah adalah makhluk yang sombong, membual tentang betapa pintarnya dia. “Kenapa, setidaknya aku tahu seratus trik untuk menjauhi musuh kita bersama, anjing”, katanya.

    “Saya hanya tahu satu trik untuk menjauh dari anjing”, kata si kucing. “Kamu harus mengajariku beberapa trik mu!”.

    “Baiklah, mungkin suatu hari nanti, ketika aku punya waktu, aku bisa mengajarimu beberapa trik yang sederhana”, jawab si rubah dengan santai.

    Sesaat kemudian, mereka mendengar gonggongan sekawanan anjing dari kejauhan, gonggongan tersebut semakin keras, anjing pun datang menuju ke arah mereka! Seketika si kucing berlari ke pohon yang paling dekat dan kemudian naik ke cabang-cabangnya, dan di luar jangkauan anjing. “Ini adalah trik yang aku katakan tadi, satu-satunya yang aku tahu”, kata si kucing. “Mana salah satu dari seratus trikmu yang akan kamu gunakan?”.

    Rubah pun duduk diam di bawah pohon, membayangkan trik apa yang harus dia lakukan. Sebelum dia bisa mengambil keputusan, kemudian anjing tiba dan menyergap rubah serta mencabik-cabiknya.

  175. 1790 The Fox and The Grapes

    One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

    Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

    Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.

    Rubah dan Anggur

    Suatu sore hari, ada seekor rubah yang sedang berjalan melewati hutan dan melihat sekelompok anggur tergantung di cabang yang tinggi. “Hanya ini yang bisa memuaskan dahaga saya”, kata si rubah. Kemudian mundur beberapa langkah, rubah tersebut melompat tapi sayangnya dia gagal mendapatkan buah anggur yang menggantung tersebut. Sekali lagi rubah mundur beberapa langkah, berlari, dan mencoba untuk menjangkaunya tapi dia masih gagal.

    Akhirnya, menyerah, rubah menunjuk hidungnya dan berkata, “Mereka mungkin asam”, dan kemudian pergi.

    Nilai Moral: Mudahnya membenci apa yang tidak bisa kamu miliki.

  176. 1830 The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.

    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

    Semut dan Merpati

    Suatu hari yang panas, seekor semut sedang mencari air. Setelah beberapa saat berkeliling, dia sampai ke sebuah mata air. Untuk mencapai mata air itu, dia harus memanjat rumput terlebih dahulu. Saat dia memanjat ke atas, dia terpeleset dan secara tidak sengaja jatuh ke dalam air.

    Dia mungkin bisa saja tenggelam jika burung merpati yang sedang di atas pohon di dekatnya itu tidak melihatnya. Karena melihat si semut sedang dalam kesulitan, burung merpati pun cepat memetik daun dari pohon dan langsung menjatuhkannya ke dalam air dekat si semut yang mencoba menyelamatkan diri itu. Kemudian si semut pun bergerak menuju daun dan kemudian naik ke atasnya. Daun itu membawanya ke darat dengan selamat.

    Tidak lama kemudian, ada seorang pemburu yang membuang jaring ke arah burung merpati, berharap dengan cara ini bisa menjebak si burung merpati.

    Berpikir sejenak tentang apa yang harus dia lakukan, kemudian semut cepat menggigit tumit orang tersebut. Karena merasa sakit, si pemburu akhirnya menjatuhkan jaringnya dan kemudian burung merpati terbang keluar dari jaring tersebut dengan cepat.

  177. 1855 The Legend of Surabaya

    A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.

    Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired.

    Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.

    One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. They fought again.

    They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and went back to the sea. Baya was happy.

  178. 1880 The Story of Toba Lake

    Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

    One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; “Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”. The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

    Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

    Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

  179. 1925 Malin Kundang

    A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.

    Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.

    One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.

    Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.

    An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well-dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again, but in that time, she was full of both sadness and angriness.

    Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.

    In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

  180. 1975Snow White

    One day, there was a queen sitting near a very beautiful window while tailoring and seeing the snow. Accidentally, her finger was pierced by a sewing needle so that three drops of blood dripped out. The drops of blood fell down on the snow. The red color of the blood which was stuck in the white of the snow looked very pretty. Suddenly the queen thought “If only i had a child whose skin were as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood”.

    As the time went by, finally a queen gave birth of a very pretty princess whose skin was as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood. The queen grew up as a very pretty and kind-hearted girl. She was called Snow White. However, when Snow White was about teenager, the queen died because of an illness. After the queen’s death, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

    Everyday the queen stood in front of her magic mirror while asking “Who is the most beautiful woman in the land?” and the mirror always answered, “You are the most beautiful one of all.” The new queen asked the same question everyday and the mirror always answered the same thing. But one day the mirror answered that the queen was so beautiful but Snow White was much more beautiful than the queen. It made the queen so angry that she gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.

    The Huntsman had such a kind heart that he couldn’t do the deed. He told her to run away. In her fleeing into the woods, she found a place in which seven dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange. Snow White entered the little house and found it very untidy. Then, she started to clean up the entire house. In the upstairs she found seven little beds. She was so exhausted that she stretched out on one of the beds. Not long after that, she was asleep on the bed.

    When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them. She lived there together happily.

    Unfortunately, The Queen discovered the place where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She then took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.

    Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy at that time. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

  181. 2040 Putri Salju

    Pada suatu hari, ada seorang Ratu yang sedang duduk di balik jendela yang sangat indah sambil menjahit dan melihat salju yang turun. Secara tidak sengaja, jarinya tertusuk oleh jarum jahit hingga mengeluarkan tiga tetes darah dari jarinya. Darah tersebut jatuh di atas salju, dan warna merah pun menempel di atas salju yang putih, sehingga terlihat sangat cantik. Ratu pun berpikir “’Andai saja aku punya anak dengan kulit seputih salju dan bibir semerah darah”.

    Beberapa waktu kemudian, akhirnya Ratu pun melahirkan seorang Putri yang sangat cantik jelita yang memiliki kulit seputih salju dan bibir merah semerah darah. Sang putri pun tumbuh menjadi gadis yang sangat cantik dan juga baik hati. Ia kemudian dipanggil dengan nama Putri Salju. Namun, ketika Putri Salju tumbuh menjadi gadis remaja, Sang Ratu meninggal karena mempunyai penyakit. Setelah Sang Ratu meninggal, Sang Raja pun menikah lagi. Ratu baru yang ini sangat jahat dan sangat benci kepada Putri Salju. Sang Ratu memberi perintah agar Putri Salju diperlakukan sebagai seorang pembantu.

    Setiap hari Sang Ratu berdiri di depan cermin ajaib sambil bertanya “Siapa wanita paling cantik di negeri ini?” dan cermin ajaib itupun selalu menjawab “Anda adalah yang paling cantik di antara semuanya”. Sang Ratu yang baru itu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama setiap hari dan si cermin pun selalu menjawab dengan jawaban yang sama. Tapi suatu hari cermin menjawab bahwa Ratu itu sangat cantik tetapi Putri Salju jauh lebih cantik dari Sang Ratu. Hal itu membuat Sang Ratu begitu marah sehingga ia memerintahkan salah satu pemburu untuk membawa Putri Salju ke hutan dan langsung membunuhnya.

    Ternyata sang pemburu adalah seseorang yang baik hati sehingga ia tidak bisa melakukan perbuatan tersebut. Ia menyarankan kepada Sang Putri Salju untuk kabur. Dalam pelariannya ke hutan, ia menemukan tempat di mana terdapat tujuh kurcaci tinggal. Tempat tinggal mereka sangat kecil dan aneh. Sang Putri Salju memasuki rumah kecil tersebut dan tempat itu begitu berantakan. Kemudian, ia mulai membersihkan seluruh rumah itu. Di lantai atas ia menemukan tujuh tempat tidur kecil-kecil. Ia begitu letih sehingga ia pun berbaring di salah satu tempat tidur tersebut. Tidak lama setelah itu, ia pun tertidur di tempat tidur itu.

    Ketika Kurcaci pulang, mereka terkejut menemukan Putri Salju, dan setelah berdialog, mereka memutuskan untuk membiarkan ia tinggal di sana. Dia berjanji untuk memasak dan merawat mereka. Ia tinggal bersama di sana dengan bahagia.

    Sayangnya, Sang Ratu menemukan tempat di mana Putri Salju tinggal dan kemudian dirinya menyamar menjadi seorang penyihir. Kemudian ia mengambil apel beracun dan pergi ke rumah Sang Kurcaci. Dia memberikan apel beracun tersebut kepada Putri Salju untuk dimakannya. Seketika setelah Putri Salju menggigit apel beracun tersebut, ia kemudian jatuh pingsan.

    Kurcaci berpikir bahwa Putri Salju sudah mati, kurcaci pun membuat peti mati kaca dan menempatkan dia di dalamnya. Selama berhari-hari ia terbaring di dalam peti kaca di hutan. Suatu hari, seorang pangeran berkelana ke hutan mencari Putri Salju dan menemukannya. Dia membungkuk dan menciumnya. Dia membuka matanya dan duduk dengan tersenyum. Semua orang bahagia pada waktu itu. Pangeran membawa Putri Salju ke istananya di mana mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

    Pesan moral: Iri dengki hanya akan membawa malapetaka di masa yang akan datang. Sedangkan orang yang baik akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan rasa hormat dari orang-orang disekelilingnya.

  182. 2085 Timun Emas

    Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.

    She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

    When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.

    ‘Timun, take these things’

    ‘What are these things?’

    ‘These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’

    Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

    Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

    But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

    Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

    Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

  183. 2125 Romeo and Juliet

    In the town of Verona there lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. They engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded young man with an eye for the ladies. One day, Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets’, a costume party where he expected to meet his love, Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Once there, however, Romeo’s eyes felt upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

    The vision of Juliet had been invading his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returned late that night to the Juliet’s bedroom window. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a “Montague”, a name behind his own. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo was ready to deny his name and professed his love. The two agreed to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

    Early the next morning, Romeo came to Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. The Friar performed the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two families. He advised Romeo kept the marriage a secret for a time.

    On the way home, Romeo chanced upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. That quarreling last caused Merquito died. Romeo was reluctant no longer. He drew his sword and slew Tybalt died. Romeo realized he had made a terrible mistake. Then Friar Lawrence advised Romeo to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promised to inform Juliet.

    In the other hand, Juliet’s father had decided the time for her to marry with Paris. Juliet consulted Friar Lawrence and made a plot to take a sleeping potion for Juliet which would simulate death for three days. The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death.

    Unfortunately, The Friar’s letter failed to reach Romeo. Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb. Romeo kissed the lips of his Juliet one last time and drank the poison. Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off. Juliet woke up calling for Romeo. She found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a cup of poison in his hand. She tried to kiss the poison from his lips, but failed. Then Juliet put out his dagger and plunged it into her breast. She died

  184. 2195Pinocchio

    In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream.

    In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer and longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.

    The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale’s stomach when he awoke. He couldn’t find the way to go out.

    In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale’s stomach. Both of them got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.

    Contoh Teks Narrative bahasa Inggris – Pinokio

    Dahulu kala, ada seorang pembuat boneka kayu yang bernama Geppetto. Dia ingin sekali mempunyai anak laki-laki, tetapi istrinya sudah meninggal dunia beberapa tahun lalu. Suatu hari, ia mendapat ide untuk membuat boneka agar tidak merasa kesepian lagi. Dia kemudian membuat boneka kayu itu sepanjang hari. Akhirnya, di pagi hari ia selesai membuatnya dan boneka itu dia beri nama Pinocchio. Setelah itu, ia merasa kesepian lagi karena Pinocchio tidak bisa berbicara bahkan berjalan sekali pun. Suatu malam, Geppetto berdoa kepada Tuhan agar Pinnochio menjadi seorang anak yang nyata. Dia selalu memikirkan hal itu dalam pikirannya.

    Keesokan harinya, ia terkejut karena Pinocchio ternyata hidup. Dia kemudian mengajari Pinocchio bagaimana cara berjalan, cara berbicara, cara membaca, dan cara melakukan hal-hal lain seperti apa yang manusia biasa lakukan. Dia kemudian belajar di sebuah sekolah dasar. Suatu hari, Pinocchio merasa bosan dan itu membuatnya pulang terlambat. Ketika Pinocchio akhirnya pulang, Geppetto bertanya. Dia bertanya bahwa ia berada di sekolah tapi sebenarnya dia tidak di sekolah. Seketika, hidung Pinokio tumbuh lebih panjang lagi dan lagi dan itu berarti bahwa Pinocchio sedang berbohong.

    Esok pagi, Pinocchio diculik oleh seorang pemain sirkus. Pinocchio kemudian dijadikan budak untuk bermain sirkus. Dia begitu terkenal karena ia adalah boneka yang bisa bicara. Geppetto pun khawatir terhadap Pinnochio karena Pinocchio belum pulang selama hampir dua hari lebih. Dia mencoba mencari Pinocchio kemana-mana tapi ia tidak menemukannya. Ketika ia mencari Pinnochio di laut, gelombang besar menghempaskan dirinya. Dia kemudian berada di perut ikan paus, dan ketika ia terbangun, dia tidak bisa menemukan cara untuk keluar dari perut ikan paus tersebut.

    Di sisi lain, akhirnya Pinocchio bisa kabur dan keluar dari sirkus itu. Dia pulang ke rumah tapi ternyata di sana tidak ada siapa-siapa. Akhirnya, ia mencari Geppetto ke laut. Dia mengalami kecelakaan yang sama seperti apa yang dialami oleh Geppetto dan ia akhirnya bertemu dengan Geppetto di dalam perut ikan paus. Keduanya keluar dari perut tersebut dengan menyalakan api. Di akhir cerita, mereka pulang bersama-sama dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

  185. 2235 The Lion and The Mouse

    When he was awakened by a tiny Mouse running across his body, a mighty Lion was sleeping in his lair. The lion then grabbed the frightened mouse with his huge paws and opened his mouth to swallow him directly. “Please, King,” begged the Mouse, “Spare me this time and of course I will never forget your kindness. Someday I may be able to repay you. “The Lion thought that it was such an amusing idea that he let the poor creature go.

    Sometimes later the Lion was caught in a net laid by some hunters. Despite his great strength, the Lion could not break free. Soon the forest echoed with angry load roars.

    The Little Mouse heard the Lion and ran to see what was wrong. As soon as he succeeded to make the Lion free “There!” said the Mouse proudly, ” You laughed at me when I promised to repay your kindness, but now you know that even a tiny Mouse can help a mighty Lion.”

    Moral Value:

    Little friends may prove to be great friends.
    Friend in need is friend indeed.

    Singa dan Tikus

    Pada saat ia terbangun oleh tikus kecil yang berjalan di tubuhnya, singa perkasa itu sedang tertidur di sarangnya. Kemudian Singa itu menangkap tikus yang sedang ketakutan dengan cakar besar dan sekaligus membuka mulutnya untuk menelannya langsung. “Tolong, Raja”, kata tikus, “Bebaskan saya kali ini dan tentu saja saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan mu, suatu hari nanti aku mungkin bisa membayar kebaikanmu ini”. Singa pun berpikir bahwa itu adalah hal yang baik sehingga ia membiarkan makhluk lemah itu pergi dari cengkeramannya.

    Beberapa waktu kemudian singa itu terperangkap dalam jaring yang diletakkan oleh beberapa pemburu. Meskipun memiliki kekuatan yang besar, singa tersebut tetap tidak bisa membebaskan dirinya. Kemudian hutan pun bergema dengan auman singa yang sedang marah tersebut.

    Tikus kecil mendengar auman singa tersebut dan kemudian berlari untuk melihat apa yang sedang terjadi. Begitu si tikus kecil berhasil membuat singa bebas, “Itulah!” kata tikus dengan perasaan bangganya, “Engkau tertawa padaku saat aku berjanji untuk membalas kebaikanmu, tetapi sekarang engkau tahu bahwa meski hanya tikus kecil tapi bisa membantu singa yang perkasa untuk bebas dari perangkap”.

    Nilai moral:

    Teman yang kecil atau lemah sekalipun bisa menjadi teman yang sangat luar biasa.
    Teman yang membutuhkan adalah arti dari teman yang sebenarnya.

  186. 2280 Report Text about Panda ( 1 )

    Panda bear is a standout amongst the most jeopardized creatures and on the edge of eradication. Anyway, a group of researchers has been framed around the backwoods in China to help spare the panda bear populace. This report will let you know about the panda bear and why they are imperiled.

    Pandas live in territories with a ton of different creatures yet have couple of foes. They lived in Southeast China. They live in the cool backwoods on the inclines of the dim mountains. There are a considerable measure of bamboo trees to eat.

    Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12 hours a day, around 40-80 kg. Panda nourishment comprises of 99% bamboo yet infrequently they eat different plants or meat furthermore nectar. Honey bee stings would not hurt Panda on the grounds that they have a tough skin. Pandas eat in a sitting position. Panda does not rest like other bear sorts.

    Pandas just have one foe. Their foes are wild puppies. At the point when the wild canines assaulted them. Panda will climb trees to evade battles.

    Panda generation rate is truly low. Female pandas don’t breed until 5 to 7 years. Female pandas can just have up to 3 children at one time. The infant panda are as little as child cat. Children normally leave their mom following 18 months.

    Panda is imperiled in view of a few issues. First and foremost, the reproducing season just happens in the middle of March and May. Second, the panda living space is not sufficiently enormous. The latter is poaching. Some of the time the pandas stuck in the trap which is made for different creatures

    Presently you know the data about panda and why it is imperiled. The pandas ought to be helped and spared or these excellent creature will be terminated.
    contoh report text tentang binatang terbaru
    Contoh report text about lion ( 2)

    Lion lives in prairie, bushes, and open forests of Saharan, Africa. Lion is the second biggest feline on the planet. Its size is marginally littler than tiger. Be that as it may, they are nearly related and have fundamentally the same body. Lion is unique in relation to other enormous felines. They are extremely amiable creatures. They live in gatherings. There are around 30 lions in a gathering comprising of three guys, twelve females, and whatever remains of their kids. The quantity of gathering individuals is dictated by the accessibility of nourishment and water.

    They thunder one another to track their spot. Male and female lions have a capable thunder that can be heard up to 8 km. Male and female lion have an altogether different part in the gathering. Male lions invest their energy to keep their domain and their youngsters. They keep up their limits. While female lions or lioness is the primary seeker bunch. They are littler and more spry than male lions. Anyway, they cooperate in getting their prey.

    They generally chase around evening time. Their prey are gazelle, bison, zebra, rhinos, hippos, wild pig, crocodile, youthful elephants, and giraffe. At the same time, in some cases they likewise eat the littler prey, for example, rodents, flying creatures, rabbits, reptiles, and turtles.

    In the wake of getting their prey, all the lions in the gathering impart their prey. However, there is a pecking request. The male lions take the first claim, trailed by lionesses, and the latter is their kids.

  187. 2330Report Text about Dolphin ( 3 )

    Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing.

    There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species

    Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.

    Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.
    Report Text about Cat (4)

    Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.

    Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species.

    Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.
    Kucing dalam anatomi mirip dengan felids lainnya, dengan kuat, fleksibel body, reflek yang cepat, tajam ditarik kuku, dan gigi diadaptasi untuk membunuh mangsanya kecil. Kucing Indra cocok krepuskular dan pemangsa ekologis ceruk. Kucing dapat mendengar suara terlalu samar atau terlalu tinggi di frekuensi untuk telinga manusia, seperti yang dibuat oleh tikus dan binatang kecil lainnya. Mereka dapat melihat secara dekat kegelapan. Seperti kebanyakan Mamalia, kucing memiliki miskin visi warna dan rasa bau yang lebih baik daripada manusia. Kucing, meskipun soliter pemburu, adalah spesies sosial dan komunikasi kucing mencakup penggunaan berbagai macam vokalisasi (mengeong, mendengkur, trilling, mendesis, menggeram dan dengusan), serta feromon kucing dan jenis bahasa tubuh kucing-spesifik.
    Kucing memiliki tingkat tinggi pemuliaan. Di bawah dikontrol peternakan, mereka dapat dibesarkan dan ditampilkan sebagai terdaftar silsilah hewan peliharaan, hobi dikenal sebagai kucing mewah. Kegagalan untuk mengontrol peternakan hewan peliharaan kucing dengan neutering dan ditinggalkannya mantan hewan peliharaan rumah tangga telah menghasilkan sejumlah besar di seluruh dunia, membutuhkan pengendalian populasi kucing liar.

  188. 2370 Report Text about Snake (5)

    Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

    Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families are currently recognized, comprising about 500 genera and about 3,400 species. They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to 6.95 meters (22.8 ft) in length. The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft) long. Snakes are thought to have evolved from either burrowing or aquatic lizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with the earliest known fossils dating to between 143 and 167 Ma ago.The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). The oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus.

    Ular merupakan reptil yang memanjang, legless, karnivora dari subordo Serpentes yang dapat dibedakan dari kadal legless oleh kurangnya kelopak mata dan telinga luar. Seperti semua squamates, ular ectothermic, amniote vertebrata tercakup dalam skala yang tumpang tindih. Banyak spesies ular memiliki tengkorak dengan beberapa sendi lain dari leluhurnya kadal, memungkinkan mereka untuk menelan mangsa yang jauh lebih besar daripada kepala mereka dengan jaws sangat mobile mereka. Untuk mengakomodasi tubuh mereka sempit, ular organ-organ berpasangan (seperti ginjal) muncul satu di depan yang lain bukan berdampingan, dan sebagian besar memiliki hanya satu fungsional paru. Beberapa spesies mempertahankan panggul ikat pinggang dengan sepasang vestigial cakar di kedua sisi kloaka.
    Hidup ular yang ditemukan di setiap benua kecuali Antartika, dan pada sebagian kecil massa tanah; pengecualian ini mencakup beberapa pulau besar, seperti Irlandia dan Selandia Baru, dan pulau-pulau kecil banyak Atlantic dan tengah Pasifik. Selain itu, ular laut tersebar di seluruh Samudra Hindia dan Pasifik. Lebih dari 20 keluarga saat ini diakui, terdiri dari sekitar 500 genera dan spesies sekitar 3.400. Berbagai ukuran dari kecil, 10 cm panjang benang ular desis ular piton hingga 6.95 meter (22.8 kaki) panjangnya. Spesies fosil Titanoboa cerrejonensis adalah 13 meter (43 ft). Ular dianggap telah berevolusi dari kadal baik menggali atau air, mungkin selama masa Jurassic, dengan fosil yang diketahui awal dating ke antara 143 dan 167 Ma yang lalu. Keragaman modern ular muncul selama periode Paleosen (c 66–56 Ma yang lalu). Deskripsi tertua diawetkan ular dapat ditemukan dalam Brooklyn Papyrus.

  189. 2405 Report Text About Donkey (6)

    The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. Working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries.

    A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules — the biological “reciprocal” of a mule, from a stallion and jenny as its parents instead, is called a hinny.

    Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia, and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass and another relative, the onager, are endangered. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.
    Naik keledai atau pantat (Equus africanus asinus), adalah peliharaan anggota keluarga kuda, Equidae. Leluhur liar keledai adalah keledai liar Afrika, E. africanus. Keledai telah digunakan sebagai hewan bekerja untuk setidaknya 5000 tahun. Ada lebih dari 40 juta keledai di dunia, terutama di negara-negara terbelakang, di mana mereka digunakan terutama sebagai Dam atau paket hewan. Bekerja keledai sering dikaitkan dengan orang-orang yang hidup pada atau di bawah tingkat subsistensi. Sejumlah kecil keledai disimpan untuk berkembang biak atau sebagai hewan peliharaan di negara maju.
    Laki-laki keledai atau pantat disebut jack, perempuan jenny atau jennet; seekor keledai muda adalah foal. Jack keledai sering digunakan untuk kawin dengan perempuan kuda untuk menghasilkan bagal — biologis “timbal balik” dari seekor keledai, dari kuda dan jenny sebagai orang tua, yang disebut hinny.
    Keledai pertama telah dijinakkan sekitar 3000 SM, mungkin di Mesir atau Mesopotamia, dan telah menyebar di seluruh dunia. Mereka terus mengisi peran yang penting di banyak tempat hari ini. Sementara spesies peliharaan meningkat dalam jumlah, keledai liar Afrika dan yang lain relatif, onager, yang terancam punah. Sebagai binatang-binatang beban dan sahabat, keledai dan keledai telah bekerja bersama dengan manusia selama ribuan tahun.

  190. 2435 Report Text About Tiger (7)

    The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.

    Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.

    Tiger (Panthera tigris) adalah spesies kucing terbesar, mencapai panjang tubuh total hingga 3.38 m (11.1 ft) atas kurva dan sangat berat sampai 388.7 kg (857 lb) di alam liar. Fitur yang paling dikenal adalah pola garis-garis vertikal yang gelap pada bulu jingga kemerahan dengan bawah lebih ringan. Spesies diklasifikasikan dalam genus Panthera dengan singa, macan tutul, jaguar, dan macan tutul salju. Harimau adalah puncak predator, terutama preying pada ungulates seperti rusa dan bovids. Mereka adalah hewan teritorial dan umumnya soliter tapi sosial, sering membutuhkan daerah berdekatan besar habitat yang mendukung kebutuhan mangsa mereka. Ini, ditambah dengan fakta bahwa mereka adat untuk beberapa tempat lebih padat penduduk di bumi, telah menyebabkan signifikan konflik dengan manusia.
    Harimau sekali berkisar secara luas di seluruh Asia, dari Turki di Barat ke Pantai Timur Rusia. Selama 100 tahun, mereka telah kehilangan 93% dari mereka kisaran bersejarah, dan memiliki akibat dari barat daya dan Asia Tengah, dari pulau Jawa dan Bali, dan dari daerah besar Asia Timur dan Tenggara.

  191. 2475 Report Text About Elephant (8)

    Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Two species are traditionally recognised, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species (L. africana and L. cyclotis respectively). Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; other, now extinct, members of the order include deinotheres, gomphotheres, mammoths, and mastodons. Male African elephants are the largest extant terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb). All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants’ large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller ears and convex or level backs

    Gajah adalah mamalia besar dari keluarga Elephantidae dan Ordo Proboscidea. Dua spesies secara tradisional diakui, gajah Afrika (Loxodonta africana) dan Gajah Asia (Elephas maximus), meskipun beberapa bukti menunjukkan bahwa gajah Afrika bush dan hutan Afrika gajah spesies terpisah (L. cyclotis dan L. africana masing-masing). Gajah yang tersebar di seluruh sub-Sahara Afrika, Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Elephantidae adalah satu–satunya keluarga yang bertahan dari Ordo Proboscidea; anggota yang lain, kini pupus urutan meliputi deinotheres, gomphotheres, Mammoth dan Mastodon. Laki-laki gajah Afrika hewan darat terbesar wujud dan dapat mencapai ketinggian 4 meter (13 kaki) dan berat badan 7.000 kg (15.000 lb). Gajah semua memiliki beberapa ciri yang paling terkenal adalah batang panjang atau belalai, digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, terutama pernapasan, mengangkat air dan memegang benda. Gigi seri mereka tumbuh menjadi Gading, yang dapat berfungsi sebagai senjata dan sebagai alat untuk memindahkan barang-barang dan menggali. Telinga besar Gajah mengepakkan membantu untuk mengendalikan suhu tubuh mereka. Kaki tiang-seperti mereka bisa membawa mereka berat badan yang besar. Gajah Afrika memiliki telinga yang lebih besar dan cekung punggung sementara Gajah Asia memiliki telinga yang lebih kecil dan cembung atau tingkat punggung

  192. 2505 Report Text About Eagle (9)

    Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the booted eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a common buzzard (Buteo buteo) or red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g (0.99 lb) and 40 cm (16 in). The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles’ eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male

    Elang besar, kuat dibangun burung pemangsa, dengan kepala berat dan paruh. Bahkan eagles terkecil, seperti elang booted (Aquila pennata) (yang sebanding dalam ukuran umum buzzard (Buteo buteo) atau merah – berekor hawk (B. jamaicensis)), punya sayap relatif lebih lama dan lebih merata luas dan lebih langsung, cepat penerbangan–meskipun ukuran mengurangi aerodinamis bulu. Kebanyakan elang berukuran lebih dari raptors apapun selain beberapa vultures. Spesies terkecil eagle adalah Selatan Nikobar elang ular (Spilornis klossi), 450 g (0.99 lb) dan 40 cm (16 in). Spesies terbesar yang dibahas di bawah ini. Seperti semua burung pemangsa, elang memiliki paruh ketagihan yang sangat besar untuk merobek daging dari mereka mangsa, kuat otot kaki dan cakar yang kuat. Paruh biasanya lebih berat daripada kebanyakan lainnya burung pemangsa. Mata elang sangat kuat, harus 3,6 kali manusia ketajaman untuk eagle bela diri, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk tempat calon mangsa dari jarak yang sangat panjang. [2] ini tajam penglihatan terutama dikaitkan dengan murid-murid sangat besar mereka yang menjamin minimal Difraksi (penyebaran) cahaya masuk. Laki-laki dari semua spesies elang lebih besar daripada laki-laki

  193. 2540Report Text About Giraffe (10)

    The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its leopard-like colouring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The nine subspecies are distinguished by their coat patterns.

    The giraffe’s scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish social hierarchies through “necking”, which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.

    Jerapah (jerapah camelopardalis) adalah Afrika bahkan-berujung mamalia berkuku, hewan darat hidup tertinggi, dan ternak ruminansia yang terbesar. Nama spesies mengacu pada nya leopard-seperti warna serta bentuknya seperti unta. Karakteristiknya membedakan kepala yang sangat panjang leher dan kaki, dengan tanduk seperti ossicones, dan pola khas mantel yang. Itu diklasifikasikan di bawah keluarga Giraffidae, bersama dengan relatif wujud terdekat, okapi. Subspesies sembilan dibedakan oleh pola mantel mereka.
    Jerapah tersebar kisaran meluas dari Chad di Utara ke Afrika Selatan di Selatan, dan dari Niger di sebelah Barat ke Somalia di Timur. Jerapah biasanya menghuni Savana, padang rumput, dan membuka hutan. Sumber makanan utama mereka adalah daun pohon akasia, yang mereka browsing di kebanyakan herbivor lainnya tidak dapat mencapai ketinggian. Jerapah berburu terhadap oleh singa; mereka juga ditargetkan oleh macan tutul, spotted Hyena, dan anjing liar Afrika. Jerapah dewasa tidak memiliki ikatan sosial yang kuat, meskipun mereka berkumpul di agregasi longgar jika mereka kebetulan bergerak ke arah umum yang sama. Laki-laki membentuk hirarki sosial melalui “necking”, yang memerangi serangan mana leher digunakan sebagai senjata. Laki-laki yang dominan mendapatkan kawin akses ke betina, yang menanggung tanggung jawab untuk membesarkan anak.

  194. 2570
    Reading Text

    Two new species of dinosaurs, one a quick-moving meat-eater and the other a giant-plant-eater, have been discovered in Antarctica. The 70 million-year-old fossil of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums at the bottom of the Antistatic Sea, while the remains of the 30-meter-long plant-eater were found on the top of a mountain. The little carnivore-about 1.8 meters tall – was found on James Ross Island, off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.

    Not yet named, the animal probably floated out the sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the Weddell Sea. Its bones and teeth suggest it may represent a population of two-legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctic long after other predators took over elsewhere on the globe. “For whatever reason, they were still hanging out on the Antarctic continent,” Case said in a statement.

    A second team led by William Hammer of Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater’s fossils on a mountaintop 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) high near the Beardmore Glacier. Now known as Mt. Kirk Patrick, the area was once a soft riverbed.

    contoh report text two new sepcies Dinosaur

    Artinya :

    Terdapat dua spesies baru dinosaurus, satu pemakan daging yang bisa cepat bergerak dan lainnya raksasa-pemakan tumbuhan, telah ditemukan di Antartika. Fosil 70 juta tahun dari karnivora akan beristirahat selama ribuan tahun di dasar Laut Antistatic, sedangkan sisa-sisa pemakan tanaman 30 meter panjang yang ditemukan di puncak gunung. Karnivora kecil berukuran sekitar 1,8 meter – ditemukan di James Ross Island, di lepas pantai Semenanjung Antartika.

    Belum mempunyai nama, binatang ini mungkin melayang keluar laut setelah mati dan menetap ke bawah apa yang kemudian daerah dangkal Laut Weddell. Tulang dan gigi yang menunujukkan itu mungkin merupakan populasi karnivora berkaki dua yang selamat di Antartika lama setelah predator lain mengambil alih di tempat lain di dunia. “Untuk alasan apapun, mereka masih berada di di benua Antartika,” kata Kasus dalam sebuah pernyataan.

  195. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  196. 2600 Story of Messi

    Lionel Messi is one of great football player in this world. He was born on24 June 1987, in Rosario Argentina from ordinary family. His father is just a factory steel worker, and his mother is a cleaner.

    He began playing from an early age, and his talent was soon apparent. However, at the age of 11, Messi was diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). This was a condition that stunted growth, and required expensive medical treatment, including the use of the drug Human growth hormone.

    Local club, River Plate were interested in signing Messi, but didn’t want to pay for his medical treatment. However, Messi was given a trial with Barcelona, and coach Carles Rexach was impressed – offering Messi a contract (written on paper napkin!) which included paying for Messi’s treatment in Spain. Messi moved to Barcelona with his father and became part of the prestigious FC Barcelona youth academy.

    Lionel Messi adalah salah satu pemain sepak bola terbaik di dunia ini. Ia lahir pada 24 Juni 1987, di Rosario Argentina dari keluarga biasa . Ayahnya hanya seorang pekerja baja pabrik , dan ibunya adalah ibu rumah tangga biasa.

    contoh descriptive text about lionel messi

    Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia :

    Lionel Messi adalah salah satu pemain sepak bola terbaik di dunia ini. Ia lahir pada 24 Juni 1987, di Rosario Argentina dari keluarga biasa . Ayahnya hanya seorang pekerja baja pabrik , dan ibunya adalah ibu rumah tangga biasa.

    Dia mulai bermain sejak usia dini, dan bakatnya sudah terlihat. Namun, pada usia 11 , Messi didiagnosis kekurangan hormon pertumbuhan ( GHD ). Ini adalah suatu kondisi yang menghambat pertumbuhan tulang, dan diperlukan perawatan medis yang mahal, termasuk penggunaan obat hormon pertumbuhan manusia .

    Klub lokal , River Plate tertarik untuk merekrut Messi, tetapi tidak ingin membayar untuk perawatan medis. Namun, Messi diberi kesempatan dengan Barcelona, Carles Rexach dan pelatih terkesan – menawarkan Messi kontrak ( ditulis di atas kertas serbet ! ) Yang termasuk membayar untuk pengobatan Messi di Spanyol. Messi pindah ke Barcelona dengan ayahnya dan menjadi bagian dari akademi FC Barcelona bergengsi .

  197. 1.Cat

    Cats or also known as the house cats have become one of the most popular humans companion since their domestication 9.500 years ago by the ancient Egypt. Most of them are furry. The common size of a cat is 25 cm in length and about 5 kg in weight. They are carnivorous mammal who love to hunt mouse, birds or lizard. Read more..


    Rabbits are furry herbivorous mammals who have four legs, long ears, short tail and a divided upper lip. They can only be found in several parts of the world and most of them live in underground burrows. The common size of a rabbit is 20 to 50 cm with the average body weight of 2 kg. They spend most of their time sleeping in their dens for about 8 hours a day. Most of them can live up to 3 years in the wild. Read more..


    Chicken is omnivorous animal and also the most popular domesticated fowl in the world. The female chicken is called “hen” and the male chicken is called “roosters”. Their meat and eggs are both a good source of food for humans. They can be found in any region in the world. Some people keep it as a pet, but most of them are kept as a livestock. Read more..


    Dogs are omnivorous mammal. They are the descendant of wolves and also the first mammal ever to be domesticated. There are hundreds species of dogs in the world and each of them have their own unique characteristic starting from the size and weight when they are adult, color of the fur, shape of the head and also shape of the ear. Nowadays they are the most popular pet in the world. Read more..


    Bears are wild animals. Some of them are carnivore, but there are some species that also consume plants and fruits. There are only eight species of bears remaining in the world and each of them can reach a different maximum body size when they are adult. They can swim, climb a tree and run well. Most of them can live up to 20 years. Read more..

    6.Common House Gecko

    Common House Gecko is a reptile originated from Southeast Asia. The name “House Gecko” is given to them because they mostly be seen sticking on the wall or on the ceiling of a house or another buildings. They have four legs and one long tail that they can lose when they are in danger. They can live up to five years and reach the size of 75 to 150 mm when they are adult. Read more..

  198. 7.Camel

    Camels are desert animal that can only be found in certain places such as The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. There are only three species of camels left in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Their legs are very long that they can reach the average height of 1,85 m when they are standing. Read more..


    Dinosaur is ancient animals that consist of avian dinosaurs (birds form) and non-avian dinosaurs (all other dinosaurs). It is believed that they were first appeared 230 million years ago. They are already extinct, but we can still learn about them through their fossils. Some of them are herbivore and the rest are carnivore. Read more..


    Elephants are four-legged herbivorous mammals with a very huge body. A full grown elephant can reach 3.3 meters in height and 6.4 meters in length, with the total body weight of 12.000 kilograms. They have a very long nose called “the trunk”. It can be used to breathe, to grasp object (food, flowers, etc), to suck and pour water, and also to do hand shake with humans. They can live up to 60 to 70 years. Read more..


    Tiger is carnivorous mammal and they are considered to be the largest cat in the world. They are one of endangered animals in the world with the global population of 3,062 to 3,948 individuals only. They have a very unique dark vertical stripes pattern on their skin. Most tigers can live up to 20 years or more. Read more..


    Hamsters are omnivorous mammals who eat seeds, fruits, root, vegetables and also some small animals such as insect and grasshopper. They are from the family of Cricetidae and their subfamily is Cricetinae. They are colorblind and they can only see something in a close distance. They have an elongated cheek pouches which allow them to carry some foods in their cheek. Read more..


    Giraffe is one of endemic animal of Africa and also the tallest animal in the world. They can reach the height of 5 to 6 m (male) and 4,6 m (female). Their skin pattern is almost similar to leopard’s skin. The difference is that it has wider spot and the color is brown instead of black as on leopard’s skin. The shape of its head is similar to camel with two nostril in front of it and located right above its mouth. Read more..


    Mouse-deer is a herbivorous mammals. They consume leaves, fruits, grass, and plants. They are from the family Tragulidae. They slightly look like a deer but the shape of the head resemble a rat’s head. In english they also known as Chevrotains, and in Indonesia some people call it Pelanduk. A full grown mouse-deer is as big as a rabbit. Read more..


    Cockroaches are omnivorous insects of the order Blattodea who have six legs. They have been considered to be a pests by humans for a long time. They have more than 4.000 species in the world. They can survive in a various type of extreme environment. They can also survive for weeks by only consuming water. They can fly in a short range by using their foldable wings. Read more..


  199. 15.Spider

    Spiders are eight-legged arthropods. They are carnivorous animal and they can also be a cannibal. There are more than 45.000 species of spiders in the world and they inhabited every continent except Antarctica. Some species of spiders have venomous bite which make them dangerous. Spiders can produce sticky web by using a gland called “the spinneret” in their body. They use the web as a nest and also as a trap for the prey. Read more..


    Lion is the second-largest cat after the tiger. They are from the Felidae family and they are one of endangered carnivorous mammal. They live in a group and this group usually consists of 15 members. They have a muscular body with the maximum weight of 250 kg (male) and 185 kg (female). They have round ears, broad head, short neck, and a long tail. Read more..


    The term “Monkey” refers to any kind of primate that is not prosimia or ape. There are 260 species of monkeys in the world. They have two ears on each side of the head, forward-facing eyes, two hands, two legs and a prehensile tail. Their body is fully covered by hair. Some color of the hair are: brown, white, yellow, gray and black. They are omnivorous, so they eat almost anything. Read more..


    Orangutan is a species of great apes who have 96.4 % DNA similarities to human. They are native animal of Indonesia and Malaysia. They have two legs and two hands with four long fingers and a thumb on it. It gives them the ability to perform some activities like humans. They can reach the maximum body height of 1,5 m with the body weight around 50 to 100 kg when they are adult. Read more..


    Penguin is a bird that cannot fly. They can swim well. They spend half of their time in the oceans and the other half on the land. There are 16 species of Penguin in the world and each species have different body size. The largest Penguin can reach the size of 1,1 m with the weight of 35 kg or more. Their head is similar to the head of a bird with a beak in front of it and eyes on each side of the head. Read more..


    Rhinoceros or Rhino is an endangered herbivorous mammals with one or two horns located right above its nose. They have a large and muscular body with four short legs. Their head is big and their neck is short. An adult Rhino can reach the height of 1,8 m with approximate weight of 2.300 kg. Read more..


    Snake is a legless carnivorous reptile with a very flexible body. There are 3.600 species of snakes in the world and all of them have different size and color. Some of them are venomous. The smallest snake can grow to the size of 10,4 cm and the largest snakes can reach the size of 12 m long. Their tongue is called the forked tongue and it is split into two. Read more..


    Caterpillar is the larval stage of butterflies and moths. They belong to the order Lepidoptera. Their boneless body is very soft and they can fold it into any shape. They have a cylindrical body with the size ranged from 1 mm to 14 cm. There are five pairs of legs on it. Some of them can use camouflage to hide themselves from the eye of the predator. Read more..


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